9 research outputs found

    Территориальная организация и проблемы рекреационного лесопользования в Крыму

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    В статье рассмотрены ресурсный потенциал, пространственная организация, экологические проблемы рекреационного лесопользования в Крыму, предложены принципы устойчивого развития лесных рекреационных территорий.У статті розглянуто ресурсний потенціал, просторова організація, екологічні проблеми рекреаційного лісокористування в Криму, запропоновано принципи стійкого розвитку лісових рекреаційних територій.The recreational potential, the space organization, ecologic problems of the recreational forest management in Crimea are considered in this article. Principles of the sustainable development of forest recreational territories are proposed

    Association between relative burden of diabetes in countries and the total number of essential diabetes medicines selected on their NEML by each country in the study.

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    <p>Association between relative burden of diabetes in countries and the total number of essential diabetes medicines selected on their NEML by each country in the study.</p

    Number of selected essential medicines for diabetes on NEMLs in different geographical regions and across different income levels.

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    <p>*: p values were 0.386, 0.663, 0.865 across different WHO regions and 0.008, 0.008, 0.018 across different income levels for the number of essential medicines for diabetes, number of “Insulin and analogues” and number of “Oral blood glucose lowering” medicines, respectively.</p><p>Number of selected essential medicines for diabetes on NEMLs in different geographical regions and across different income levels.</p

    Association between gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and the total number of essential diabetes medicines selected on their NEML by each country in the study.

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    <p>Association between gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and the total number of essential diabetes medicines selected on their NEML by each country in the study.</p

    Median availability of any product type (originator brand/generic) of essential and non-essential medicines by ATC categories.

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    <p>*Ectoparasiticides, including scabicides, insecticides and repellents, **Anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic products, ***Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system.</p

    Countries and surveys included in the study.

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    <p>*As at the time of the survey. LIC: low income country, LMIC: lower middle income country, UMIC: upper middle income country.</p><p>**Data is closest to the year of the survey.</p>†<p>2003–2005.</p