5 research outputs found

    Why some Firms Innovate and Why others Do not

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    What are the factors that make some firms innovate while others do not? Does location matter? Or firm size? How about the presence of more female workers in a firm? This Policy Note cites the factors.innovation, Philippines, process innovation, product innovation, organizational innovation

    Rerouting of busses along EDSA using genetic algorithm

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    This paper introduce Genetic Algorithms (GA) as an optimization tools of finding the best alternate route of busses along EDSA. The study aims to reduce the number of busses travelling across the main road of EDSA, find the best station nodes to optimize the number of passenger in every travel and when the optimum number of passenger is achieved the higher profit of the bus company will follows. The strategy of travel approach is not just to find the alternate route but also use another strategy like transferring of passenger in other bus to optimize the continues travel system and availability of buses in the area with respect to the number of passenger in a given time. © 2014 IEEE

    Adaptive driving route of busses along EDSA using artificial neural network (ANN)

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    Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) is one of the busiest national road in the Philippines millions vehicle are passing thru it every day especially in rush hour. Implementing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) along this high way will provide a big help to every Filipino. This paper applied Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to find the corresponding bus schedule depend on the parameters input value. The input parameters are Passenger volume embed (PVe), Passenger volume dispatch (PVd), Traffic congestion (Tc), Distance and Time. ANN will train with the different combination of these parameters value each combination has its corresponding schedule output. Simulation output are 00 means the station is not possible, 01 means the station is passable, 10 means that station needs an express schedule and 11 means the bus is need to reroute because of a high traffic congestion. This research will be very useful in providing ITS along EDSA using artificial intelligence and neural networks. © 2015 IEEE

    Results of the 2009 Survey of Innovation Activities (SIA)

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    In this paper, results of the 2009 Survey of Innovation Activities are described and discussed. The term innovation, traditionally associated with research and development, has evolved to mean the implementation of new or significantly improved goods and services, production process, marketing, or organizational methods in a firm. Innovation data gathered in the survey help better understand innovation and its relation to economic growth, and provide indicators for benchmarking national performance. Results of the survey suggest that more than half of sampled firms are innovators, with larger firms innovating more than smaller ones. Firms vary in innovation activity by study areas. Effects of innovation are largely customer-driven. Firms suggest cost factors to be the most important barrier to innovation. Government support is found to be limited, particularly for product innovations, to medium-sized firms. Knowledge and cooperation networks for innovation are rather weak. Firms do not access technical assistance from the government and research institutions. Cooperation is also low between the establishments and academe. Firms tend to cooperate more with establishments within their enterprise, their customers and suppliers. The results point to the need to articulate the innovation strategy to firms, and to improve information dissemination on programs available to assist firms. Networking, linkages, and collaboration among the government, industry associations, and universities and research institutions must be also be further enhanced.innovation, Philippines, process innovation, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), documentary stamp tax, stock market transactions, tax elasticity, product innovation, organizational innovation, marketing innovation