13 research outputs found

    Dynamic reorganization of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical network during task learning

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    Adaptive behavior is coordinated by neuronal networks that are distributed across multiple brain regions such as in the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical (CBGTC) network. Here, we ask how cross-regional interactions within such mesoscale circuits reorganize when an animal learns a new task. We apply multi-fiber photometry to chronically record simultaneous activity in 12 or 48 brain regions of mice trained in a tactile discrimination task. With improving task performance, most regions shift their peak activity from the time of reward-related action to the reward-predicting stimulus. By estimating cross-regional interactions using transfer entropy, we reveal that functional networks encompassing basal ganglia, thalamus, neocortex, and hippocampus grow and stabilize upon learning, especially at stimulus presentation time. The internal globus pallidus, ventromedial thalamus, and several regions in the frontal cortex emerge as salient hub regions. Our results highlight the learning-related dynamic reorganization that brain networks undergo when task-appropriate mesoscale network dynamics are established for goal-oriented behavior

    Distinct hypothalamus-habenula circuits govern risk preference

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    Appropriate evaluation of risk is essential for survival in complex, uncertain environments. Confronted with choosing between a certain (safe) and an uncertain (risky) option, animals of various species show strong preferential traits which are stable across extended periods of time1−8^{1-8}. How such risk preference is encoded in the neural circuitry of the brain remains poorly understood. A candidate brain region is the lateral habenula (LHb), which has been shown to be prominently involved in various value-guided behaviors9−12^{9-12}. Here, using a balanced two-alternative choice task involving risk of loss, we find that neuronal activity in the LHb prior to action selection reflects risk preference and is governed by distinct inputs from hypothalamic subregions. Specifically, by employing multi-fiber photometry and targeted optogenetic perturbations, we identified glutamatergic LHb projections from both lateral and medial hypothalamus (LH/MH) that provide functionally distinct synaptic inputs to the LHb before action selection. Microendoscopic two-photon calcium imaging revealed risk-preference-selective LHb neurons that decreased their selectivity upon chemogenetic silencing of MH but not LH inputs. Finally, optogenetic stimulation of MH→LHb axons evoked both excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic responses in LHb neurons (indicative of glutamate/GABA co-release for fine-tuned gain control13^{13}), whereas LH→LHb projections were purely excitatory. Our results thus reveal functionally distinct hypothalamus-habenula circuits that govern risk preference in situations of economic decision-making

    Striatum-projecting prefrontal cortex neurons support working memory maintenance

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    Neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are functionally linked to working memory (WM) but how distinct projection pathways contribute to WM remains unclear. Based on optical recordings, optogenetic perturbations, and pharmacological interventions in male mice, we report here that dorsomedial striatum (dmStr)-projecting mPFC neurons are essential for WM maintenance, but not encoding or retrieval, in a T-maze spatial memory task. Fiber photometry of GCaMP6m-labeled mPFC→dmStr neurons revealed strongest activity during the maintenance period, and optogenetic inhibition of these neurons impaired performance only when applied during this period. Conversely, enhancing mPFC→dmStr pathway activity—via pharmacological suppression of HCN1 or by optogenetic activation during the maintenance period—alleviated WM impairment induced by NMDA receptor blockade. Moreover, cellular-resolution miniscope imaging revealed that >50% of mPFC→dmStr neurons are active during WM maintenance and that this subpopulation is distinct from neurons active during encoding and retrieval. In all task periods, neuronal sequences were evident. Striatum-projecting mPFC neurons thus critically contribute to spatial WM maintenance

    Stress deficits in reward behaviour are associated with and replicated by dysregulated amygdala-nucleus accumbens pathway function in mice

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    Reduced reward interest/learning and reward-to-effort valuation are distinct, common symptoms in neuropsychiatric disorders for which chronic stress is a major aetiological factor. Glutamate neurons in basal amygdala (BA) project to various regions including nucleus accumbens (NAc). The BA-NAc neural pathway is activated by reward and aversion, with many neurons being monovalent. In adult male mice, chronic social stress (CSS) leads to reduced discriminative reward learning (DRL) associated with decreased BA-NAc activity, and to reduced reward-to-effort valuation (REV) associated, in contrast, with increased BA-NAc activity. Chronic tetanus toxin BA-NAc inhibition replicates the CSS-DRL effect and causes a mild REV reduction, whilst chronic DREADDs BA-NAc activation replicates the CSS effect on REV without affecting DRL. This study provides evidence that stress disruption of reward processing involves the BA-NAc neural pathway; the bi-directional effects implicate opposite activity changes in reward (learning) neurons and aversion (effort) neurons in the BA-NAc pathway following chronic stress

    High-density multi-fiber photometry for studying large-scale brain circuit dynamics

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    Animal behavior originates from neuronal activity distributed across brain-wide networks. However, techniques available to assess large-scale neural dynamics in behaving animals remain limited. Here we present compact, chronically implantable, high-density arrays of optical fibers that enable multi-fiber photometry and optogenetic perturbations across many regions in the mammalian brain. In mice engaged in a texture discrimination task, we achieved simultaneous photometric calcium recordings from networks of 12-48 brain regions, including striatal, thalamic, hippocampal and cortical areas. Furthermore, we optically perturbed subsets of regions in VGAT-ChR2 mice by targeting specific fiber channels with a spatial light modulator. Perturbation of ventral thalamic nuclei caused distributed network modulation and behavioral deficits. Finally, we demonstrate multi-fiber photometry in freely moving animals, including simultaneous recordings from two mice during social interaction. High-density multi-fiber arrays are versatile tools for the investigation of large-scale brain dynamics during behavior

    Sensory and Behavioral Components of Neocortical Signal Flow in Discrimination Tasks with Short-Term Memory

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    In the neocortex, each sensory modality engages distinct sensory areas that route information to association areas. Where signal flow converges for maintaining information in short-term memory and how behavior may influence signal routing remain open questions. Using wide-field calcium imaging, we compared cortex-wide neuronal activity in layer 2/3 for mice trained in auditory and tactile tasks with delayed response. In both tasks, mice were either active or passive during stimulus presentation, moving their body or sitting quietly. Irrespective of behavioral strategy, auditory and tactile stimulation activated distinct subdivisions of the posterior parietal cortex, anterior area A and rostrolateral area RL, which held stimulus-related information necessary for the respective tasks. In the delay period, in contrast, behavioral strategy rather than sensory modality determined short-term memory location, with activity converging frontomedially in active trials and posterolaterally in passive trials. Our results suggest behavior-dependent routing of sensory-driven cortical signals flow from modality-specific posterior parietal cortex (PPC) subdivisions to higher association areas

    Basomedial amygdala activity in mice reflects specific and general aversion uncontrollability

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    Learning adaptive behaviour to control aversion is a major brain function. Detecting the absence of control is also important, although chronic uncontrollable aversion can impact maladaptively on stimulus processing in general. The mouse basomedial amygdala (BMA) contributes to aversion processing with high BMA activity associated with active behavioural responding. The overall aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between aversion (un)controllability, BMA activity and behaviour. Fibre photometry of GCaMP6-expressing BMA neuron populations was applied in freely behaving adult male mice during exposure to mild electrical shocks, and effects of specific or general (un)controllability were investigated. In a discrete learned helplessness (LH) effect paradigm, mice underwent discrete sessions of pre-exposure to either escapable shock (ES) or inescapable shock (IES) followed by an escape test. IES mice acquired fewer escape attempts than ES mice, and this co-occurred with higher aversion-related BMA activity in the IES group. After 30 days, ES and IES mice were allocated equally to either chronic social stress (CSS) - exposure to continuous uncontrollable social aversion - or control handling (CON), and on days 5 and 15 underwent an IES session. CSS mice made fewer escape attempts than CON mice, and this was now associated with lower aversion-related BMA activity in the CSS group. These findings suggest that mouse BMA activity is higher when discrete aversion is uncontrollable but becomes lower following chronic uncontrollable aversion exposure. Therefore, BMA activity could be a neural marker of adaptive and maladaptive states consequent to specific and general uncontrollability, respectively

    Fiber-optic implant for simultaneous fluorescence-based calcium recordings and BOLD fMRI in mice.

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    Despite the growing popularity of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI), understanding of its underlying principles is still limited. This protocol describes a technique for simultaneous measurement of neural activity using fluorescent calcium indicators together with the corresponding hemodynamic BOLD fMRI response in the mouse brain. Our early work using small-molecule fluorophores in rats gave encouraging results but was limited to acute measurements using synthetic dyes. Our latest procedure combines fMRI with optical detection of cell-type-specific virally delivered GCaMP6, a genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI). GCaMP6 fluorescence, which increases upon calcium binding, is collected by a chronically implanted optical fiber, allowing longitudinal studies in mice. The chronic implant, placed horizontally on the skull, has an angulated tip that reflects light into the brain and is connected via fiber optics to a remote optical setup. The technique allows access to the neocortex and does not require adaptations of commercial MRI hardware. The hybrid approach permits fiber-optic calcium recordings with simultaneous artifact-free BOLD fMRI with full brain coverage and 1-s temporal resolution using standard gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (GE-EPI) sequences. The method provides robust, cell-type-specific readouts to link neural activity to BOLD signals, as emonstrated for task-free ('resting-state') conditions and in response to hind-paw stimulation. These results highlight the power of fiber photometry combined with fMRI, which we aim to further advance in this protocol. The approach can be easily adapted to study other molecular processes using suitable fluorescent indicators

    Striatum-projecting prefrontal cortex neurons support working memory maintenance

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    Abstract Neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are functionally linked to working memory (WM) but how distinct projection pathways contribute to WM remains unclear. Based on optical recordings, optogenetic perturbations, and pharmacological interventions in male mice, we report here that dorsomedial striatum (dmStr)-projecting mPFC neurons are essential for WM maintenance, but not encoding or retrieval, in a T-maze spatial memory task. Fiber photometry of GCaMP6m-labeled mPFC→dmStr neurons revealed strongest activity during the maintenance period, and optogenetic inhibition of these neurons impaired performance only when applied during this period. Conversely, enhancing mPFC→dmStr pathway activity—via pharmacological suppression of HCN1 or by optogenetic activation during the maintenance period—alleviated WM impairment induced by NMDA receptor blockade. Moreover, cellular-resolution miniscope imaging revealed that >50% of mPFC→dmStr neurons are active during WM maintenance and that this subpopulation is distinct from neurons active during encoding and retrieval. In all task periods, neuronal sequences were evident. Striatum-projecting mPFC neurons thus critically contribute to spatial WM maintenance