3 research outputs found

    Proposals as to Legislative Support on the Directions of Spatial Development of the Territorial Communities of Various Types in Ukraine

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    The reform of local self-government in Ukraine has created conditions for the effective operation of all territorial entities related to local development. Its practical implementation is aimed at the use by territorial communities of: various types of their own potential for development, search for opportunities for cooperation, development of local economy and infrastructure, creation of incentives for socioeconomic growth; instruments for long-term and short-term planning, when the general goals defined in the strategy are specified in programs and implemented through projects; conditions for obtaining high-quality services of European level; providing opportunities for the full-fledged life of citizens in their territories. At the present stage of implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, the request for the formation, in accordance with European principles and values of conceptual provisions for determining the directions of spatial development, of territorial communities of various types is more relevant than ever, which, in turn, actualizes and makes promising the need to update the legislative framework regulating these issues. A wide range of developments and the urgent expediency of forming and improving the legislative framework for use in public administration of territorial development (in particular, in the context of overcoming the consequences of military aggression against Ukraine) determines the relevance of further development and implementation in Ukraine of an effective system of regulatory and legal support for the formation of directions of spatial development, its stimulation, development of strategies, solving existing socioeconomic problems, using certain management and development tools, including through the introduction of an expanded and multi-level classification of regions, territorial communities, etc

    The Factors of Spatial Development of Territorial Communities in the System of Public Management of Territories

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    The processes of globalization of the economy and internationalization of mutual relations inherent in the modern world have changed the importance and role of participants within the society of each country, led to the redistribution of obligations and responsibility between them in the process of managing spatial socioeconomic development at the sites. Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the role of the State in the processes of organizing the management of territorial development, while the subjects of external and internal socioeconomic relations are more often represented by regions and territorial communities. Organizing effective public administration at the sites in order to improve the well-being of the own communities and ensure sustainable development requires more considered, strategic, planned, ambitious, innovative, etc. solutions. An analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the factors of the development of regions, territories, hromadas for use in practical activities directly affects the efficiency of the functioning of the system of territorial local self-government, the ability to perform the assigned powers, ensure a high level of quality of life of citizens along with a sustainable development of the territory. The authors of theories and models of spatial development considered the development of territories from the point of view of a wide range of factors of influence: geographical, administrative, economic, social, political, innovative, etc. Effective management of territorial development in modern conditions becomes relevant not only from the point of view of the need to solve existing problems, but also to expand opportunities for self-development of territories. However, the issues of finding modern and effective theoretical and methodological approaches to determine the factors of spatial development of regions (territories, hromadas) and their use in the system of public administration at different levels, particularly at the local, remain relevant for Ukraine

    A Classification of Territorial Communities in Ukraine as an Instrumentarium for Effective Public Management of Spatial Development

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    The article substantiates the expediency of introducing an extended and multilevel classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of the use of various classification signs and features, as well as the development of appropriate instruments (methodical approach) to the formation of a generalized classification. Based on the generalization of the current approaches to existing varieties of territories by analyzing individual directions of their functioning and life support, instruments have been developed for the formation of a generalized classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of a combination of a wide range of features, which will further form universal recommendations for defining models and directions of spatial development of communities and develop targeted instruments for their development and support, depending on the specifics and features. The peculiarity of the developed classification of territorial communities of Ukraine is the allocation of three main blocks of classification features: block of resource conditions of spatial development, the purpose of which is to identify those resources of various types that the community has to ensure for its development; a block of achieving the development capacity, which is designed to assess the efficiency of resource use and substantiate the feasibility of special government support for community development; a block of the problem-oriented development, which identifies the main problems of the community that exist or may become relevant during the period of implementation of the community development strategy. The result of the practical application of the proposed instruments for the classification of territorial communities should be the creation of conditions for each of them ion order to determine the level of capacity for self-development, formation of development priorities, use of directions and opportunities of government support in the process of developing a model, strategy and plans for its implementation, application of the program-project approach to the spatial development of territorial communities in Ukraine, depending on the extant, relevant needs and future prospects for the development of the country and its territories, including in the period of post-war recovery and restoration