114 research outputs found

    CXCR-4 expression by circulating endothelial progenitor cells and SDF-1 serum levels are elevated in septic patients

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    Background: Endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) numbers are increased in septic patients and correlate with survival. In this study, we investigated, whether surface expression of chemokine receptors and other receptors important for EPC homing is upregulated by EPC from septic patients and if this is associated with clinical outcome. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from septic patients (n = 30), ICU control patients (n = 11) and healthy volunteers (n = 15) were isolated by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. FACS-analysis was used to measure the expression of the CXC motif chemokine receptors (CXCR)-2 and − 4, the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) and the stem cell factor receptor c-Kit. Disease severity was assessed via the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II. The serum concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1α and angiopoietin (Ang)-2 were determined with Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assays. Results: EPC from septic patients expressed significantly more CXCR-4, c-Kit and RAGE compared to controls and were associated with survival-probability. Significantly higher serum concentrations of VEGF, SDF-1α and Ang-2 were found in septic patients. SDF-1α showed a significant association with survival. Conclusions: Our data suggest that SDF-1α and CXCR-4 signaling could play a crucial role in EPC homing in the course of sepsis

    CXCR-4 expression by circulating endothelial progenitor cells and SDF-1 serum levels are elevated in septic patients

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    Background: Endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) numbers are increased in septic patients and correlate with survival. In this study, we investigated, whether surface expression of chemokine receptors and other receptors important for EPC homing is upregulated by EPC from septic patients and if this is associated with clinical outcome. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from septic patients (n = 30), ICU control patients (n = 11) and healthy volunteers (n = 15) were isolated by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. FACS-analysis was used to measure the expression of the CXC motif chemokine receptors (CXCR)-2 and − 4, the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) and the stem cell factor receptor c-Kit. Disease severity was assessed via the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II. The serum concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1α and angiopoietin (Ang)-2 were determined with Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assays. Results: EPC from septic patients expressed significantly more CXCR-4, c-Kit and RAGE compared to controls and were associated with survival-probability. Significantly higher serum concentrations of VEGF, SDF-1α and Ang-2 were found in septic patients. SDF-1α showed a significant association with survival. Conclusions: Our data suggest that SDF-1α and CXCR-4 signaling could play a crucial role in EPC homing in the course of sepsis

    Association Between Serum Carnosinase Concentration and Activity and Renal Function Impairment in a Type-2 Diabetes Cohort

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    Introduction: Genetic studies have identified associations of carnosinase 1 (CN1) polymorphisms with diabetic kidney disease (DKD). However, CN1 levels and activities have not been assessed as diagnostic or prognostic markers of DKD in cohorts of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D).Methods: We established high-throughput, automated CN1 activity and concentration assays using robotic systems. Using these methods, we determined baseline serum CN1 levels and activity in a T2D cohort with 970 patients with no or only mild renal impairment. The patients were followed for a mean of 1.2 years. Baseline serum CN1 concentration and activity were assessed as predictors of renal function impairment and incident albuminuria during follow up.Results: CN1 concentration was significantly associated with age, gender and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at baseline. CN1 activity was significantly associated with glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and eGFR. Serum CN1 at baseline was associated with eGFR decline and predicted renal function impairment and incident albuminuria during the follow-up.Discussion: Baseline serum CN1 levels were associated with presence and progression of renal function decline in a cohort of T2D patients. Confirmation in larger cohorts with longer follow-up observation periods will be required to fully establish CN1 as a biomarker of DKD

    CsA, FK506, corticosteroids and rapamycin inhibit TNFα production by cultured PTEC

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    CsA, FK506, corticosteroids and rapamycin inhibit TNFα production by PTEC. In this study we investigated the effect of immunosuppressive drugs on the interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α) enhanced tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) production by proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTEC). Under basal conditions cultured PTEC produce between 0 to 390 pg/ml/105 cells of TNFα. Upon stimulation with IL-1α an enhancement of TNFα production was seen in each cell line tested, ranging from 230 to 2424 pg/ml/105 cells. The presence of cyclosporin A (CsA) during stimulation with IL-1α inhibited the enhanced TNFα production in a dose dependent fashion, with a maximal inhibition of 90% at a concentration of 250 ng/ml. Inhibition was at the level of mRNA as could be demonstrated by Northern blot analysis. FK506, corticosteroids and rapamycin also inhibited TNFa production in a dose dependent fashion, although not as effectively as CsA. Two corticosteroids were tested for their inhibitory effect on TNFa production. It was found that dexamethasone at a concentration of 10 ng/ml inhibited TNFα production for almost 40%. A 100-fold higher concentration of hydrocortisone was necessary to yield similar inhibition. The effect of rapamycin on the IL-1α enhanced TNFα production differed from the effect of CsA. While CsA induced a maximal inhibition of 90%, rapamycin only induced a maximal inhibition of 37%, and even less inhibition at higher concentrations of the drug. The presence of the various drugs was essential for their inhibitory effect, because removal of the drug from the PTEC by washing immediately resulted in loss of inhibition. Combinations of CsA and FK506 or rapamycin were not additive. However, combinations of rapamycin and FK506 were antagonistic when low concentrations of rapamycin and FK506 were used. Low concentrations of rapamycin with high concentrations of FK506 were synergistic. Since TNFα is likely to be an important mediator in renal allograft rejection, these data suggest that the beneficial effect of immunosuppressive drugs after renal transplantation may partly be due to the effect on TNFα production by renal parenchymal cells

    Discrepancies between transcutaneous and estimated glomerular filtration rates in rats with chronic kidney disease

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    Accurate assessment of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is crucial for researching kidney disease in rats. Although validation of methods that assess GFR is crucial, large-scale comparisons between different methods are lacking. Both transcutaneous GFR (tGFR) and a newly developed estimated GFR (eGFR) equation by our group provide a low-invasive approach enabling repeated measurements. The tGFR is a single bolus method using FITC-labeled sinistrin to measure GFR based on half-life of the transcutaneous signal, whilst the eGFR is based on urinary sinistrin clearance. Here, we retrospectively compared tGFR, using both 1- and 3- compartment models (tGFR_1c and tGFR_3c, respectively) to the eGFR in a historic cohort of 43 healthy male rats and 84 male rats with various models of chronic kidney disease. The eGFR was on average considerably lower than tGFR-1c and tGFR-3c (mean differences 855 and 216 μL/min, respectively) and only 20 and 47% of measurements were within 30% of each other, respectively. The relative difference between eGFR and tGFR was highest in rats with the lowest GFR. Possible explanations for the divergence are problems inherent to tGFR, such as technical issues with signal measurement, description of the signal kinetics, and translation of half-life to tGFR, which depends on distribution volume. The unknown impact of isoflurane anesthesia used in determining mGFR remains a limiting factor. Thus, our study shows that there is a severe disagreement between GFR measured by tGFR and eGFR, stressing the need for more rigorous validation of the tGFR and possible adjustments to the underlying technique.</p

    Discrepancies between transcutaneous and estimated glomerular filtration rates in rats with chronic kidney disease

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    Accurate assessment of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is crucial for researching kidney disease in rats. Although validation of methods that assess GFR is crucial, large-scale comparisons between different methods are lacking. Both transcutaneous GFR (tGFR) and a newly developed estimated GFR (eGFR) equation by our group provide a low-invasive approach enabling repeated measurements. The tGFR is a single bolus method using FITC-labeled sinistrin to measure GFR based on half-life of the transcutaneous signal, whilst the eGFR is based on urinary sinistrin clearance. Here, we retrospectively compared tGFR, using both 1- and 3- compartment models (tGFR_1c and tGFR_3c, respectively) to the eGFR in a historic cohort of 43 healthy male rats and 84 male rats with various models of chronic kidney disease. The eGFR was on average considerably lower than tGFR-1c and tGFR-3c (mean differences 855 and 216 μL/min, respectively) and only 20 and 47% of measurements were within 30% of each other, respectively. The relative difference between eGFR and tGFR was highest in rats with the lowest GFR. Possible explanations for the divergence are problems inherent to tGFR, such as technical issues with signal measurement, description of the signal kinetics, and translation of half-life to tGFR, which depends on distribution volume. The unknown impact of isoflurane anesthesia used in determining mGFR remains a limiting factor. Thus, our study shows that there is a severe disagreement between GFR measured by tGFR and eGFR, stressing the need for more rigorous validation of the tGFR and possible adjustments to the underlying technique.</p

    Empagliflozin reduces kidney fibrosis and improves kidney function by alternative macrophage activation in rats with 5/6-nephrectomy

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    Background Sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors originally developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are clinically very effective drugs halting chronic kidney disease progression. The underlying mechanisms are, however, not fully understood. Methods We generated single-cell transcriptomes of kidneys from rats with 5/6 nephrectomy before and after SGLT2 inhibitors treatment by single-cell RNA sequencing. Findings Empagliflozin treatment decreased BUN, creatinine and urinary albumin excretion compared to placebo by 39.8%, 34.1%, and 55%, respectively (p < 0.01 in all cases). Renal interstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis was likewise decreased by 51% and 66.8%; respectively (p < 0.05 in all cases). 14 distinct kidney cell clusters could be identified by scRNA-seq. The polarization of M2 macrophages from state 1 (CD206-CD68- M2 macrophages) to state 5 (CD206+CD68+ M2 macrophages) was the main pro-fibrotic process, as CD206+CD68+ M2 macrophages highly expressed fibrosis-promoting genes and can convert into fibrocytes. Empagliflozin remarkably inhibited the expression of fibrosis-promoting (IFG1 and TREM2) and polarization-associated genes (GPNMB, LGALS3, PRDX5, and CTSB) in CD206+CD68+ M2 macrophages and attenuated inflammatory signals from CD8+ effector T cells. The inhibitory effect of empagliflozin on CD206+CD68+ M2 macrophages polarization was mainly achieved by affecting mitophagy and mTOR pathways. Interpretation We propose that the beneficial effects of empagliflozin on kidney function and morphology in 5/6 nephrectomyiced rats with established CKD are at least partially due to an inhibition of CD206+CD68+ M2 macrophage polarization by targeting mTOR and mitophagy pathways and attenuating inflammatory signals from CD8+ effector T cells. Fundings A full list of funding bodies that contributed to this study can be found in the Acknowledgements section
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