127 research outputs found

    Disposition of Mixed Waste Organics at the Los Alamos Plutonium Facility

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    Twenty-six organic solution items totaling 37 L had been stored in the Plutonium Facility vault at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, some for up to 18 years. They were residues from analytical analyses of radioactive solutions. All items had a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) defined hazardous waste combined with special nuclear materials (SNM) and were stored as a mixed waste in a vault room pending disposition. Seventeen items had plutonium concentrations above established discard limits for organics. Due to their age, the containers were not suitable for long-term storage because a container failure would contaminate the vault area and personnel. Therefore, an aqueous-based flowsheet was developed to remove the plutonium so that the items could be discarded. The procedure was a wash with either sodium fluoride and/or potassium hydroxide solution followed by absorbing the discardable organic residues on vermiculite. When this approach did not work permission was obtained to discard the items as a transuranic (TRU) mixed waste without further treatment. The remaining nine solution items were consolidated into two items, repackaged, and stored for future disposition. The overall effort required approximately four months to disposition all the items. This report details the administrative and regulatory requirements that had to be addressed, the results of processing, and the current status of the items

    Impact of non-axillary sentinel node biopsy on staging and treatment of breast cancer patients

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of lymphatic drainage to non-axillary sentinel nodes and to determine the implications of this phenomenon. A total of 549 breast cancer patients underwent lymphoscintigraphy after intratumoural injection of 99mTc-nanocolloid. The sentinel node was intraoperatively identified with the aid of intratumoural administered patent blue dye and a gamma-ray detection probe. Histopathological examination of sentinel nodes included step-sectioning at six levels and immunohistochemical staining. A sentinel node outside level I or II of the axilla was found in 149 patients (27%): internal mammary sentinel nodes in 86 patients, other non-axillary sentinel nodes in 44 and both internal mammary and other non-axillary sentinel nodes in nineteen patients. The intra-operative identification rate was 80%. Internal mammary metastases were found in seventeen patients and metastases in other non-axillary sentinel nodes in ten patients. Staging improved in 13% of patients with non-axillary sentinel lymph nodes and their treatment strategy was changed in 17%. A small proportion of clinically node negative breast cancer patients can be staged more precisely by biopsy of sentinel nodes outside level I and II of the axilla, resulting in additional decision criteria for postoperative regional or systemic therapy

    Immune checkpoint blockade reprograms systemic immune landscape and tumor microenvironment in obesity-associated breast cancer

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    Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has improved outcomes in some cancers. A major limitation of ICB is that most patients fail to respond, which is partly attributable to immunosuppression. Obesity appears to improve immune checkpoint therapies in some cancers, but impacts on breast cancer (BC) remain unknown. In lean and obese mice, tumor progression and immune reprogramming were quantified in BC tumors treated with anti-programmed death-1 (PD-1) or control. Obesity augments tumor incidence and progression. Anti-PD-1 induces regression in lean mice and potently abrogates progression in obese mice. BC primes systemic immunity to be highly responsive to obesity, leading to greater immunosuppression, which may explain greater anti-PD-1 efficacy. Anti-PD-1 significantly reinvigorates antitumor immunity despite persistent obesity. Laminin subunit beta-2 (Lamb2), downregulated by anti-PD-1, significantly predicts patient survival. Lastly, a microbial signature associated with anti-PD-1 efficacy is identified. Thus, anti-PD-1 is highly efficacious in obese mice by reinvigorating durable antitumor immunity

    Identification of G1-Regulated Genes in Normally Cycling Human Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Obtaining synchronous cell populations is essential for cell-cycle studies. Methods such as serum withdrawal or use of drugs which block cells at specific points in the cell cycle alter cellular events upon re-entry into the cell cycle. Regulatory events occurring in early G1 phase of a new cell cycle could have been overlooked. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: We used a robotic mitotic shake-off apparatus to select cells in late mitosis for genome-wide gene expression studies. Two separate microarray experiments were conducted, one which involved isolation of RNA hourly for several hours from synchronous cell populations, and one experiment which examined gene activity every 15 minutes from late telophase of mitosis into G1 phase. To verify synchrony of the cell populations under study, we utilized methods including BrdU uptake, FACS, and microarray analyses of histone gene activity. We also examined stress response gene activity. Our analysis enabled identification of 200 early G1-regulated genes, many of which currently have unknown functions. We also confirmed the expression of a set of genes candidates (fos, atf3 and tceb) by qPCR to further validate the newly identified genes. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: Genome-scale expression analyses of the first two hours of G1 in naturally cycling cells enabled the discovery of a unique set of G1-regulated genes, many of which currently have unknown functions, in cells progressing normally through the cell division cycle. This group of genes may contain future targets for drug development and treatment of human disease

    Systematic quantification of gene interactions by phenotypic array analysis

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    A phenotypic array method, developed for quantifying cell growth, was applied to the haploid and homozygous diploid yeast deletion strain sets. A growth index was developed to screen for non-additive interacting effects between gene deletion and induced perturbations. From a genome screen for hydroxyurea (HU) chemical-genetic interactions, 298 haploid deletion strains were selected for further analysis. The strength of interactions was quantified using a wide range of HU concentrations affecting reference strain growth. The selectivity of interaction was determined by comparison with drugs targeting other cellular processes. Bio-modules were defined as gene clusters with shared strength and selectivity of interaction profiles. The functions and connectivity of modules involved in processes such as DNA repair, protein secretion and metabolic control were inferred from their respective gene composition. The work provides an example of, and a general experimental framework for, quantitative analysis of gene interaction networks that buffer cell growth

    Antineoplastic Drugs as a Potential Risk Factor in Occupational Settings: Mechanisms of Action at the Cell Level, Genotoxic Effects, and Their Detection Using Different Biomarkers

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    U članku je prikazana osnovna podjela antineoplastičnih lijekova prema mehanizmima djelovanja na razini stanice. Objašnjeni su mehanizmi genotoksičnosti najvažnijih vrsta lijekova koji se primjenjuju u okviru uobičajenih protokola za liječenje zloćudnih novotvorina. Navedena je važeća klasifi kacija antineoplastika prema kancerogenom potencijalu, podaci o mutagenom potencijalu te je prikazana njihova podjela u skladu s anatomsko-terapijsko-kemijskim sustavom klasifi kacije. Sustavno su prikazani najvažniji rezultati svjetskih i hrvatskih istraživanja na populacijama radnika izloženih antineoplasticima, provedenih u razdoblju 1980.-2009. s pomoću četiri najčešće primjenjivane metode: analize izmjena sestrinskih kromatida, analize kromosomskih aberacija, mikronukleus-testa i komet-testa. Objašnjena su osnovna načela navedenih metoda te raspravljene njihove prednosti i nedostaci. Biološki pokazatelji daju važne podatke o individualnoj osjetljivosti profesionalno izloženih ispitanika koji mogu poslužiti unaprjeđenju postojećih uvjeta rada i upravljanju rizicima pri izloženosti genotoksičnim agensima. Na osnovi prednosti i nedostataka citogenetičkih metoda zaključeno je da je mikronukleus-test, koji podjednako uspješno dokazuje klastogene i aneugene učinke, jedna od najboljih metoda dostupnih za otkrivanje štetnih djelovanja antineoplastičnih lijekova koji su u aktivnoj primjeni.This article brings an overview of the mechanisms of action of antineoplastic drugs used in the clinical setting. It also describes the genotoxic potentials of the most important classes of antineoplastic drugs involved in standard chemotherapy protocols. Classifi cation of antineoplastic drugs according to the IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans is accompanied by data on their mutagenicity and the most recent updates in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classifi cation System. We report the main fi ndings of biomonitoring studies that were conducted in exposed healthcare workers all over the world between 1980 and 2009 using four biomarkers: sister chromatid exchanges, chromosome aberrations, micronuclei. and the comet assay. The methods are briefl y explained and their advantages and disadvantages discussed. Biomarkers provide important information on individual genome sensitivity, which eventually might help to improve current working practices and to manage the risks related with exposure to genotoxic agents. Taking into consideration all known advantages and drawbacks of the existing cytogenetic methods, the micronucleus assay, which is able to detect both clastogenic and aneugenic action, is the most suitable biomarker for assessing harmful effects of antineoplastic drugs currently used in health care