49 research outputs found

    Comparativo nacional del campo laboral musical: Caso de estudio egresados del Centro de Estudios de Jazz Xalapa

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    The culture and the arts is a way to spread a message, this occasion is the turn of the musicians, with the purpose of assessing the professionalization of this sector, an educational proposal is made from the internal perspective of a collaborator of the Universidad Veracruzana.La cultura y las artes es un medio para difundir un mensaje, esta ocasión es el turno de los músicos, con la finalidad de valorar  la profesionalización de este sector, se hace una propuesta educativa desde un análisis interno de una colaboradora de la Universidad Veracruzana

    Brigadas Ambientales para el cuidado de paisajes culturales: Caso de estudio, Los Lagos, La Lagunilla y El Castillo, Xalapa, Ver.

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    The communication and environmental education are a means to spread a message with the purpose of propitiating criteria to assume a responsibility and play a role of contribution to the environment; This is achieved by implementing strategies that allow the linking of artistic and cultural events.La comunicación y educación ambiental son un medio para difundir un mensaje con la finalidad de propiciar criterios para asumir una responsabilidad y desempeñar un papel de contribución al medio ambiente; esto se logra al implementar estrategias, que permita vincular eventos artísticos y culturales

    Performance of a photothermal detector with turbid liquids

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    A closed-cell photothermal detector for aqueous analytes has been evaluated at 254nm and 678nm. The detector used a water meniscus as a pressure sensor, whose periodic deflection was measured using a low finesse optical fibre Fabry-Perot interferometer. Performance was compared with a commercial diode-array spectrometer and found to be similar for absorption measurements in non-turbid samples, but the results were affected up to 60 times less by scattered light. Finally the photothermal cell was converted into an integrating cavity using ceramic inserts, showing freedom from scattering related errors at 678nm but a degradation in performance at 254nm

    Tem heat dissipation system: Increasing performance of a thermoelectrical integrated facade through the heat dissipation system

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    Recent studies show an increase in energy use on buildings due to higher cooling demands, constituting an increase of 17% of the global energy consumption by 2050. Tendencies also show that cooling degree days around the globe will also increase and this will display a greater impact on developing countries with warm climates. Subsequently, this gives interest in reducing energy demands on buildings through both innovative passive and active design strategies that can convert these buildings into energy efficient buildings whilst reaching their desired comfort values. The potential to integrate these strategies for cooling system into a building façade has been looked into by recent research. As is the case of the thermoelectric technology, which is a promising cooling technology that has gained interest from architects in the past few years, and it has a great potential for integration. This device has the advantage of generating a temperature difference between the device’s two sides when direct current is applied it and so it has been widely studied and used as coolers at small scale. There are not enough studies and experimentation of integration at façade level has been conducted with this technology, and those that exists show that the system’s performance is still much lower than traditional air-conditioning systems. Thus, this graduation project focuses on a performance-based design, where the heat dissipation system’s design and its integration with the TE is explored and investigated, what parameters affects its performance, and, subsequently, their effect on the façade and the architecture of the building within a hot-arid climate in Mexico. For this, a combination of experiments and simulations were used to determine the effect certain design parameters have on the thermal performance of the heat dissipation system. Parallel to this, an office case study was selected, and simulations performed to determine the ideal passive strategies for reduction cooling load in a hot-arid climate. A stepped methodology was used for the experiments and simulations for the heat dissipation system and a comparative evaluation on different passive design strategies for the office design was applied. A simplified heat transfer model for the heat dissipation of the thermoelectrical technology was developed, where a series of design strategies were possible to be tested. Analysing the results determined which parameters had a greater impact on the design, for the heat dissipation system its performance was evaluated through its COP, and for the office design lower cooling loads were the defining parameter. General trends were identified on both evaluated levels and each show their potential. These were then translated into design guidelines for the heat dissipation system and office building design and then visualized as a final thermoelectrical facade design. The final COP of the cooling system based on the heat dissipation designed was 1.40. An evaluation on the designed TE façade was done, its limitations and potentials stated, as well as future possibilities that be further developed with this technology.Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences | Building Technology | Sustainable Desig

    Optical fiber sensor for humidity monitoring based on thermal lens detection technique

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    High-fidelity tomographic imaging reconstruction for photopyroelectric thermal wave detection equipment

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    This paper describes a high-fidelity tomographic imaging reconstruction method for photopyroelectric thermal wave detection equipment. The high-fidelity is achieved through a high signal-to-noise ratio detection technique and through a new calculation algorithm. A very-smalldiameter detection metal probe tip can be used due to the high signal-to-noise ratio detection technique, increasing the spatial resolution. The calculation algorithm which considers thermal wave transmission paths along with defects achieves the high-fidelity tomographic imaging reconstruction

    A new beam deflection angle amplification technique for mirage detection

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    A new technique has been developed for amplification of the photothermal beam deflection angle for mirage detection. This technique, based on a very simple operating principle, uses a cylindrical reflection mirror. The use of a new amplifier provided a signal-to-noise ratio approximately 10 times that obtained without the amplifier for equipment of the same size. By using the new amplifier, a mirage signal was obtained when a transistor array processed on a silicon wafer was measured