204 research outputs found

    Feasibility of state of the art PET/CT systems performance harmonisation

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    Purpose The objective of this study was to explore the feasibility of harmonising performance for PET/CT systems equipped with time-of-flight (ToF) and resolution modelling/point spread function (PSF) technologies. A second aim was producing a working prototype of new harmonising criteria with higher contrast recoveries than current EARL standards using various SUV metrics. Methods Four PET/CT systems with both ToF and PSF capabilities from three major vendors were used to acquire and reconstruct images of the NEMA NU2-2007 body phantom filled conforming EANM EARL guidelines. A total of 15 reconstruction parameter sets of varying pixel size, post filtering and reconstruction type, with three different acquisition durations were used to compare the quantitative performance of the systems. A target range for recovery curves was established such that it would accommodate the highest matching recoveries from all investigated systems. These updated criteria were validated on 18 additional scanners from 16 sites in order to demonstrate the scanners' ability to meet the new target range. Results Each of the four systems was found to be capable of producing harmonising reconstructions with similar recovery curves. The five reconstruction parameter sets producing harmonising results significantly increased SUVmean (25%) and SUVmax (26%) contrast recoveries compared with current EARL specifications. Additional prospective validation performed on 18 scanners from 16 EARL accredited sites demonstrated the feasibility of updated harmonising specifications. SUVpeak was found to significantly reduce the variability in quantitative results while producing lower recoveries in smaller ( Conclusions Harmonising PET/CT systems with ToF and PSF technologies from different vendors was found to be feasible. The harmonisation of such systems would require an update to the current multicentre accreditation program EARL in order to accommodate higher recoveries. SUVpeak should be further investigated as a noise resistant alternative quantitative metric to SUVmax

    Feasibility of state of the art PET/CT systems performance harmonisation

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    Purpose The objective of this study was to explore the feasibility of harmonising performance for PET/CT systems equipped with time-of-flight (ToF) and resolution modelling/point spread function (PSF) technologies. A second aim was producing a working prototype of new harmonising criteria with higher contrast recoveries than current EARL standards using various SUV metrics. Methods Four PET/CT systems with both ToF and PSF capabilities from three major vendors were used to acquire and reconstruct images of the NEMA NU2-2007 body phantom filled conforming EANM EARL guidelines. A total of 15 reconstruction parameter sets of varying pixel size, post filtering and reconstruction type, with three different acquisition durations were used to compare the quantitative performance of the systems. A target range for recovery curves was established such that it would accommodate the highest matching recoveries from all investigated systems. These updated criteria were validated on 18 additional scanners from 16 sites in order to demonstrate the scanners' ability to meet the new target range. Results Each of the four systems was found to be capable of producing harmonising reconstructions with similar recovery curves. The five reconstruction parameter sets producing harmonising results significantly increased SUVmean (25%) and SUVmax (26%) contrast recoveries compared with current EARL specifications. Additional prospective validation performed on 18 scanners from 16 EARL accredited sites demonstrated the feasibility of updated harmonising specifications. SUVpeak was found to significantly reduce the variability in quantitative results while producing lower recoveries in smaller (<= 17 mm diameter) sphere sizes. Conclusions Harmonising PET/CT systems with ToF and PSF technologies from different vendors was found to be feasible. The harmonisation of such systems would require an update to the current multicentre accreditation program EARL in order to accommodate higher recoveries. SUVpeak should be further investigated as a noise resistant alternative quantitative metric to SUVmax

    Repeatability of arterial input functions and kinetic parameters in muscle obtained by dynamic contrast enhanced MR imaging of the head and neck

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    BACKGROUND: Quantification of pharmacokinetic parameters in dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI is heavily dependent on the arterial input function (AIF). In the present patient study on advanced stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) we have acquired DCE-MR images before and during chemo radiotherapy. We determined the repeatability of image-derived AIFs and of the obtained kinetic parameters in muscle and compared the repeatability of muscle kinetic parameters obtained with image-derived AIF's versus a population-based AIF. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We compared image-derived AIFs obtained from the internal carotid, external carotid and vertebral arteries. Pharmacokinetic parameters (ve, Ktrans, kep) in muscle-located outside the radiation area-were obtained using the Tofts model with the image-derived AIFs and a population averaged AIF. Parameter values and repeatability were compared. Repeatability was calculated with the pre- and post-treatment data with the assumption of no DCE-MRI measurable biological changes between the scans. RESULTS: Several parameters describing magnitude and shape of the image-derived AIFs from the different arteries in the head and neck were significantly different. Use of image-derived AIFs led to higher pharmacokinetic parameters compared to use of a population averaged AIF. Median muscle pharmacokinetic parameters values obtained with AIFs in external carotids, internal carotids, vertebral arteries and with a population averaged AIF were respectively: ve (0.65, 0.74, 0.58, 0.32), Ktrans (0.30, 0.21, 0.13, 0.06), kep (0.41, 0.32, 0.24, 0.18). Repeatability of pharmacokinetic parameters was highest when a population averaged AIF was used; however, this repeatability was not significantly different from image-derived AIFs. CONCLUSION: Image-derived AIFs in the neck region showed significant variations in the AIFs obtained from different arteries, and did not improve repeatability of the resulting pharmacokinetic parameters compared with the use of a population averaged AIF. Therefore, use of a population averaged AIF seems to be preferable for pharmacokinetic analysis using DCE-MRI in the head and neck area

    Use of population input functions for reduced scan duration whole-body Patlak F-18-FDG PET imaging

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    Abstract: Whole-body Patlak images can be obtained from an acquisition of first 6 min of dynamic imaging over the heart to obtain the arterial input function (IF), followed by multiple whole-body sweeps up to 60 min pi. The use of a population-averaged IF (PIF) could exclude the first dynamic scan and minimize whole-body sweeps to 30–60 min pi. Here, the effects of (incorrect) PIFs on the accuracy of the proposed Patlak method were assessed. In addition, the extent of mitigating these biases through rescaling of the PIF to image-derived IF values at 30–60 min pi was evaluated. Methods: Using a representative IF and rate constants from the literature, various tumour time-activity curves (TACs) were simulated. Variations included multiplication of the IF with a positive and negative gradual linear bias over 60 min of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% (generating TACs using an IF different from the PIF); use of rate constants (K 1, k 3, and both K 1 and k 2) multiplied by 2, 1.5, and 0.75; and addition of noise (μ = 0 and σ = 5, 10 and 15%). Subsequent Patlak analysis using the original IF (representing the PIF) was used to obtain the influx constant (K i) for the differently simulated TACs. Next, the PIF was scaled towards the (simulated) IF value using the 30–60-min pi time interval, simulating scaling of the PIF to image-derived values. Influence of variabilities in IF and rate constants, and rescaling the PIF on bias in K i was evaluated. Results: Percentage bias in K i observed using simulated modified IFs varied from − 16 to 16% depending on the simulated amplitude and direction of the IF modifications. Subsequent scaling of the PIF reduced these K i biases in most cases (287 out of 290) to < 5%. Conclusions: Simulations suggest that scaling of a (possibly incorrect) PIF to IF values seen in whole-body dynamic imaging from 30 to 60 min pi can provide accurate Ki estimates. Consequently, dynamic Patlak imaging protocols may be performed for 30–60 min pi making whole-body Patlak imaging clinically feasible

    Quantification of Dynamic 11C-Phenytoin PET Studies

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    The overexpression of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is thought to be an important mechanism of pharmacoresistance in epilepsy. Recently, 11C-phenytoin has been evaluated preclinically as a tracer for Pgp. The aim of the present study was to assess the optimal plasma kinetic model for quantification of 11C-phenytoin studies in humans. Methods: Dynamic 11C-phenytoin PET scans of 6 healthy volunteers with arterial sampling were acquired twice on the same day and analyzed using single- and 2-tissue-compartment models with and without a blood volume parameter. Global and regional test– retest (TRT) variability was determined for both plasma to tissue rate constant (K1) and volume of distribution (VT). Results: According to the Akaike information criterion, the reversible single-tissue-compartment model with blood volume parameter was the preferred plasma input model. Mean TRT variability ranged from 1.5% to 16.9% for K1 and from 0.5% to 5.8% for VT. Larger volumes of interest showed better repeatabilities than smaller regions. A 45-min scan provided essentially the same K1 and VT values as a 60-min scan. Conclusion: A reversible single-tissue-compartment model with blood volume seems to be a good candidate model for quantification of dynamic 11C-phenytoin studies. Scan duration may be reduced to 45 min without notable loss of accuracy and precision of both K1 and VT, although this still needs to be confirmed under pathologic conditions

    Model selection criteria for dynamic brain PET studies

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    BACKGROUND: Several criteria exist to identify the optimal model for quantification of tracer kinetics. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correspondence in kinetic model preference identification for brain PET studies among five model selection criteria: Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), AIC unbiased (AICC), model selection criterion (MSC), Schwartz Criterion (SC), and F-test. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six tracers were evaluated: [11C]FMZ, [11C]GMOM, [11C]PK11195, [11C]Raclopride, [18F]FDG, and [11C]PHT, including data from five subjects per tracer. Time activity curves (TACs) were analysed using six plasma input models: reversible single-tissue model (1T2k), irreversible two-tissue model (2T3k), and reversible two-tissue model (2T4k), all with and without blood volume fraction parameter (V B). For each tracer and criterion, the percentage of TACs preferring a certain model was calculated. RESULTS: For all radiotracers, strong agreement was seen across the model selection criteria. The F-test was considered as the reference, as it is a frequently used hypothesis test. The F-test confirmed the AIC preferred model in 87% of all cases. The strongest (but minimal) disagreement across regional TACs was found when comparing AIC with AICC. Despite these regional discrepancies, same preferred kinetic model was obtained using all criteria, with an exception of one FMZ subject. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, all five model selection criteria resulted in similar conclusions with only minor differences that did not affect overall model selection

    Advanced quantitative evaluation of PET systems using the ACR phantom and NiftyPET software

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    Purpose: A novel phantom-imaging platform, a set of software tools, for automated and high-precision imaging of the American College of Radiology (ACR) positron emission tomography (PET) phantom for PET/magnetic resonance (PET/MR) and PET/computed tomography (PET/CT) systems is proposed. Methods: The key feature of this platform is the vector graphics design that facilitates the automated measurement of the knife-edge response function and hence image resolution, using composite volume of interest templates in a 0.5 mm resolution grid applied to all inserts of the phantom. Furthermore, the proposed platform enables the generation of an accurate μ -map for PET/MR systems with a robust alignment based on two-stage image registration using specifically designed PET templates. The proposed platform is based on the open-source NiftyPET software package used to generate multiple list-mode data bootstrap realizations and image reconstructions to determine the precision of the two-stage registration and any image-derived statistics. For all the analyses, iterative image reconstruction was employed with and without modeled shift-invariant point spread function and with varying iterations of the ordered subsets expectation maximization (OSEM) algorithm. The impact of the activity outside the field of view (FOV) was assessed using two acquisitions of 30 min each, with and without the activity outside the FOV. Results: The utility of the platform has been demonstrated by providing a standard and an advanced phantom analysis including the estimation of spatial resolution using all cylindrical inserts. In the imaging planes close to the edge of the axial FOV, we observed deterioration in the quantitative accuracy, reduced resolution (FWHM increased by 1–2 mm), reduced contrast, and background uniformity due to the activity outside the FOV. Although it slows convergence, the PSF reconstruction had a positive impact on resolution and contrast recovery, but the degree of improvement depended on the regions. The uncertainty analysis based on bootstrap resampling of raw PET data indicated high precision of the two-stage registration. Conclusions: We demonstrated that phantom imaging using the proposed methodology with the metric of spatial resolution and multiple bootstrap realizations may be helpful in more accurate evaluation of PET systems as well as in facilitating fine tuning for optimal imaging parameters in PET/MR and PET/CT clinical research studies

    Impact of cerebral blood flow and amyloid load on SUVR bias

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    BACKGROUND: Despite its widespread use, the semi-quantitative standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) may be biased compared with the distribution volume ratio (DVR). This bias may be partially explained by changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and is likely to be also dependent on the extent of the underlying amyloid-β (Aβ) burden. This study aimed to compare SUVR with DVR and to evaluate the effects of underlying Aβ burden and CBF on bias in SUVR in mainly cognitively unimpaired participants. Participants were scanned according to a dual-time window protocol, with either [18F]flutemetamol (N = 90) or [18F]florbetaben (N = 31). The validated basisfunction-based implementation of the two-step simplified reference tissue model was used to derive DVR and R1 parametric images, and SUVR was calculated from 90 to 110 min post-injection, all with the cerebellar grey matter as reference tissue. First, linear regression and Bland-Altman analyses were used to compare (regional) SUVR with DVR. Then, generalized linear models were applied to evaluate whether (bias in) SUVR relative to DVR could be explained by R1 for the global cortical average (GCA), precuneus, posterior cingulate, and orbitofrontal region. RESULTS: Despite high correlations (GCA: R2 ≥ 0.85), large overestimation and proportional bias of SUVR relative to DVR was observed. Negative associations were observed between both SUVR or SUVRbias and R1, albeit non-significant. CONCLUSION: The present findings demonstrate that bias in SUVR relative to DVR is strongly related to underlying Aβ burden. Furthermore, in a cohort consisting mainly of cognitively unimpaired individuals, the effect of relative CBF on bias in SUVR appears limited. EudraCT Number: 2018-002277-22, registered on: 25-06-2018