7 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Asymptomatic Bacteriurea and Importance of Antibiotic with Its Resistant Pattern in Pregnant Females Attending OPD in Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Background: An observational study was done on asymptomatic bacteriurea (ASB) in pregnant females attending OPD’S in Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow (ELMC&H) from December 2013 to November 2014.Objective: This study was to investigate the prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriurea (ASB) in pregnant females, to determine the uropathogens responsible for ASB and to know the importance of antibiotic and its resistant pattern for safe motherhood and newborn health.Materials and Methods: Urine samples were collected from pregnant women at 16th week of gestation (Group A, n=150) and between 32 and 34 week (Group B, n=150). Cultures were performed using standard microbiological technique. ASB was determined as presence of >105 cfu/mL in culture of urine sample.Results: The prevalence of ASB among pregnant females was 15.33% at 16th week of gestation and 8% in women between 32 to 34th week of gestation, thus the occurrence of ASB was 7.2%. The most common bacterial isolate was Escherichia coli (42.85%).Conclusion: The study shows necessity of regular urine culture to detect asymptomatic bacteriurea in all the three trimesters to avoid the complications and treated, if positive

    Inhibitory effects of copper on bacterial and fungal growth

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    Introduction: Researchers conducted a literature, technology and patent search that traced the history of understanding the “bacteriostatic and sanitizing properties of copper and copper alloy surfaces” which demonstrated that copper, in very small quantities, has the Copper alloy surfaces have intrinsic properties to destroy a wide range of microorganisms. Today copper, in the form of plumbing tube, copper or copper-alloy surfaces proved to be a significant step in decreasing the fungal and bacterial infections in hospitals. Aims and objective: To know the bactericidal and fungicidal properties of copper for its implication in various areas in preventing nosocomial infection. Material and Methods: Eight sterile petri dishes (four for Blood agar media and four for MacConkey agar media) and two sterile 30 ml screw capped bottles (for Sabouraud’s Dextrose agar media) were taken. Sterile copper discs were placed in four plates of Blood agar and MacConkey agar media and other four plates were without copper discs. In the same way copper piece was placed in one of the bottle with Sabourauds Dextrose agar media. Pure growths of E. coli, Klebsiella and candida were inoculated and incubated. Results: The plates with bacterial and fungal growth were reported accordingly. The growth was significantly reduced in Plates and bottles with copper discs. Conclusion: Copper alloy surfaces have intrinsic properties to destroy a wide range of microorganisms so copper’s use in water supplies and surfaces are recommended

    Scrub Typhus: A Neglected Tropical Disease and A Potential Threat in North India

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    Scrub typhus is a rickettsial disease. It presents clinically with non-specific febrile signs and symptoms and is often under diagnosed. It is a major public health threat. Due to non- specificity of presentation and lack of awareness, there is delay in treatment. The changing epidemiology of scrub typhus should be kept in mind while attending patients with acute febrile illness. This study was undertaken to find the prevalence rate of scrub typhus at our centre and presenting features among cases. This study was done prospectively for a period of six month (July 2017- December 2017). All the patients presenting with fever, chills,headache, myalgia , breathlessness, encephalitis of more than 5 days duration were included in the study. Detection was done using rapid immune-chromatography (Scrub Typhus Rapid Kit, SD). All positive samples were reconfirmed by the Scrub Typhus Detect ELISA system for IgG/ Ig Mantibodies (In Bios International Inc., Seattle, WA, USA). As per inclusion criteria a total of 134 samples were received in laboratory. Of 134 samples 38 (28%) were positive for Scrub Typhus. Most of the cases were male and belonged to age group 31-60yrs age. Co infection was also seen in 18% of cases. A high index of suspicion should be made, and an early diagnosis and treatment is warranted to prevent disease complications. If left untreated, it can prove fatal. Multi-organ dysfunction especially respiratory impediment and shock are the important dangerous complications that lead to higher case fatality rates

    Evaluation of enzyme immunoassay based on detection of pLDH antigen for the diagnosis of malaria

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    Introduction: Timely diagnosis of malaria is a challenge in most endemic areas due to lack of resources. The methods most commonly used are microscopy, regarded as the gold standard, and rapid dipstick tests (RDT) which detect antigens in blood. Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) based tests are fast and easy to perform especially when large number of samples have to be tested. p-LDH is a highly sensitive marker of malaria in blood The present study was done to assess the diagnostic performance of a p-LDH based ELISA on samples from clinically suspected malaria patients. Methods: We tested the sensitivity and specificity of a pLDH based, commercially available ELISA kit on both microscopy positive and negative samples. Microscopy was done for all suspected malaria patients and of these 146 samples (73 positive and 73 negative) were tested by the ErbaLisa PAN (LDH) malaria ELISA kit as well SD Bioline malaria antigen test (RDT) based on detection of both HRP-2 and p-LDH common to all four species. Results: The sensitivity of Elisa was 95.9% while specificity was 93.2 % compared to gold standard microscopy while RDTs had 91.8 % sensitivity and 86.3 % specificity. All 67 samples positive by both microscopy and RDT were also positive by ELISA. Conclusion: p-LDH based ELISA promises to be a cost effective and reliable option for diagnosis of malaria in endemic areas like India

    Incidence and risk factors associated with Acinetobacter species infection in hospitalised patients in a tertiary care hospital in North- India

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    Purpose: Acinetobacter species has become a worldwide concern as a cause of serious nosocomial infections. This study is done to determine the incidence, resistance pattern and risk factors associated with Acinetobacter species infection in hospitalized patients of Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital (ELMCH), Lucknow. Methods: Total 1850 samples were taken from patients admitted in wards of different departments of ELMCH from Sep 2012 to Sep 2013. Identification of isolates was done by colony characteristics and biochemical reactions. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Acinetobacter isolates was done using Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method according to Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines. Risk factors associated with Acinetobacter infection were found out. Results and Discussion: 46 isolates were identified as Acinetobacter species. High level of resistance was observed for most of the antibiotics tested. More than 80% of isolates were resistant to amikacin, gentamycin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin and tetracycline. 30.43% of isolates were resistant to cefoperazone/ sulbactum and resistance to imipenem and colistin was 23.91% and 19.56% respectively. There was no independent risk factor for Acinetobacter infection identified but its infection was significantly associated with longer hospital stay (>48 hours), antibiotic intake in last 72 hours and use of invasive devices specially peripheral venous catheter

    Personal Protective Equipments Preventing transmission of COVID-19, Crisis Capacity Strategies and Continued Preparedness: A Systematic Review

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    Coronavirus infectious disease, Covid-19, is spread by contact predominantly followed by droplet nuclei. Certain procedures are associated with generation of aerosol where these viruses remain suspended for hours. These virus particles if inhaled can lead to infection. Healthcare workers taking care of Covid-19 patients are at risk. Risk can be reduced by creating awareness and emphasizing the role of standard precaution. Personal protective equipment constitutes one of the major components and plays a very pivotal role in prevention of infections. It becomes important to identify the various protective gears, to rationalize their use and avoid misuse. This article will help the readers with an overview of rational use of PPE in conventional period and will span around reuse and extended use of PPEs in crisis capacities. Besides, it will also help in surge capacity planning and evaluation. Keywords: Coronavirus, Covid-19, Contingency Capacity, Gloves, Goggles, Gown, Masks, Personal Protective Equipment, Pneumonia, Respirators, SARS-CoV-2

    An Overview of Novel Coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 Spanning around the Past, Present and Future Perspectives

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new enveloped RNA virus known as Coronavirus (COVID-19) are most prevalent in humans and wild animals. All four species that is alpha, beta, delta and theta have been identified till date and are responsible for human disease; causing influenza like illness (ILI). This virus has similar lineage of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and related Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). This outbreak initially presented as pneumonia-like illness in a group of people in Wuhan, China. The infection was said to be caused by seafood and unusual animals in the wholesale markets of this city. SARS-CoV-2 is highly infectious and has resulted in a rapid pandemic. As of now it has spread to 197 countries with total no of cases in the world being 3.76 million as of early march. The mortality till now is 7.11% . The cases have been increasing since its first discovery in China. In India also the number has been increased. Till now India has total of 39,980 cases and mortality is attributed to be 3.26%. As per data from Ministry of health and family welfare (MoHFW) death is more commonly seen in males with age >60years. Among these most of the deaths were related to other co-morbid conditions. This article will help the readers with an overview of novel Coronavirus spanning around the clinical features, diagnostic modalities, treatment strategies and infection control measures. It will also help in raising awareness among healthcare workers regarding COVID-19 and aid in early recognition of these patients. Moreover, this review will also focus on the most recent information for the effective management, prevention, and treatment of patients worldwide