5 research outputs found

    The Use of Cambridge Scriptural Reasoning (CSR) Texts for Inter-Faith Dialogue in Classroom: Some Pedagogical Proposals

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    Recent developments in Indonesian society show an alarming growth of religious intolerance. The paper proposes that one of ways that can contribute to remedy the situation is an Inter-faith dialogue in classroom using Cambridge Scriptural Reasoning (CSR) texts. The texts provide a primary source for understanding fundamental beliefs and focus on less controversial issues. Acknowledging the sensitivity of handling religious texts, the paper reports an exploration of the possibility and challenges of doing interfaith dialogues in a classroom using CSR texts. Based on several class experiments and qualitative interviews of the participants, the approach results in positive experience of the participants. The paper, thus, recommends three pedagogical principles. The use of the texts must have the consent of all students; the conclusion of textual meaning gives a prominent authority to the insights of its adherent; and at the end of each session, students from other religions provide testimonial on changed perception through the dialogue. As such, the paper recommends the use of CSR texts in a course on religion, particularly in Christian universities in Indonesia, as a contribution to mutual understanding and religious harmony

    The Use of Cambridge Scriptural Reasoning (CSR) Texts for Inter-Faith Dialogue in Classroom: Some Pedagogical Proposals

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    Recent developments in Indonesian society show an alarming growth of religious intolerance. The paper proposes that one of ways that can contribute to remedy the situation is an Inter-faith dialogue in classroom using Cambridge Scriptural Reasoning (CSR) texts. The texts provide a primary source for understanding fundamental beliefs and focus on less controversial issues. Acknowledging the sensitivity of handling religious texts, the paper reports an exploration of the possibility and challenges of doing interfaith dialogues in a classroom using CSR texts. Based on several class experiments and qualitative interviews of the participants, the approach results in positive experience of the participants. The paper, thus, recommends three pedagogical principles. The use of the texts must have the consent of all students; the conclusion of textual meaning gives a prominent authority to the insights of its adherent; and at the end of each session, students from other religions provide testimonial on changed perception through the dialogue. As such, the paper recommends the use of CSR texts in a course on religion, particularly in Christian universities in Indonesia, as a contribution to mutual understanding and religious harmony

    The Existential Experiences of Double-Minority Talents in Post 2017’s Governor Election: A Phenomenological Study

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    The political career of Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (BTP) affects various groups of people in different ways. One of the groups that were deeply affected by the series of events before and after 2017’s Jakarta Governor election are double minorities talents who aspire to contribute to Indonesia inspired by BTP’s leadership. This paper explores the experience of specific group of double minority talents in the aftermath of political turbulence in Jakarta. The qualitative findings show that many talents were affected by the situation in relation to their aspiration to contribute, their decision to stay in Indonesia and their thinking about the future of Chinese-Christian talents in Indonesia. In the long run the situation and similar incidents may result in the loss of talents leaving Indonesia for other countries

    Disruption of Identity: A Qualitative Exploration of the Existential Experience among Minorities in Post 2017’s Jakarta Election

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    Several distinguished philosophers provide insightful reflections on the meaning of alienation, anxiety, and apathy. This paper elaborates on these notions based on Kierkegaard’s idea of anxiety and Marx’s idea of alienation in the experience of the supporters of Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (BTP) after his loss in the Jakarta governor election of 2017. The qualitative findings show the result has left a deep impact among his supporters, especially those who share the same background as BTP, namely the Chinese-Christian minority. In their view, the main reason for BTP’s loss was the racial and religious smear campaign played out during the election. This led them to a deep disappointment in response to the unexpected turn of events. The findings show that the feelings of the Chinese as second-class citizens in Indonesia have resurfaced. At an existential level, it raises anxiety and alienation that has led to social and political apathy among those who identify themselves as the ChineseChristian minority. The existential impact of the disappointment has led to a feeling of indifference and resignation toward political involvement in future democratic affairs

    Artificial Intelligence in a Christian Perspective of Humanity and Personhood

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    This article examines the notion of humanity and personhood in Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the Christian perspective. In general view, humanity is the human race collectively, while personhood is the state or fact of being a person, while for the Christian, personhood is an exhibition of the unity of the spiritual and corporeal in human existence that represents an essential characteristic of a human being. The concept is rooted in the Book of Genesis chapters one and two where God created man in His Image (Imago Dei) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. AI on the other hand is a machine, but not a mere machine, since it has a purpose like a human being and also can evolve autonomously and unimaginably when it plugs into a network. Realizing this fact leaves a question of whether AI could hypothetically have personhood in the future, or if it already has since the beginning of its creation, even if it is only a minimal version of personhood. This exploration shows criteria of minimal personhood qualities equal to humanity according to the Christian perspective, through the literature study of the church fathers' writings about the body, soul, free-will, and the possibility of the personhood of AI. From the Christian perspective, the current available AIs do not meet the minimal criteria of personhood. If hypothetically there will be an AI that can meet a few of the criteria, the Christian perspective sees that AI cannot supersede the image of God in which human beings are created