1 research outputs found

    Prosthodontics - historical

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    Kotowicz, William, "Functionally Generated Path for Removable Partial Denture": Illustrates the technique of recording the functionally generated path as achairside procedure. Orig. air date: JUL 19 76Lang, Brien; Kelsey, Charles, "Setting Maxillary Anterior Teeth": Demonstrates the fundamentals of maxillary tooth arrangement in complete dentures. Orig. air date: FEB 15 73Knapp, John, "Edentulous Maxillary Alginate Impression Technique": Securing an edentulous maxillary alginate impression showing maxillary residual ridge, buccal and labial vestibules to their full extent. Orig. air date: DEC 8 76Kelsey, Charles, "Maxillary Sectional Tray Construction (Clinic)": Film to video transfer.Shows custom tray construction for maxillary denture and alginate impression technique using this tray. Orig. air date: AUG 1 74Smith, Franklin, "Preliminary Exam and Procedures for Diagnosis": Film to tape transfer. Shows clinical and laboratory procedures for delivering clasp type Removable Partial Dentures. Also shows preliminary examination and diagnosis. Orig. air date: FEB 18 76Lorey, Robert E., "Cementation": Procedure for cementing a three unit bridge on model. Then actual clinical procedure shown denoting the differences in cementing in patient and on model. Orig. air date: NOV 17 75Lorey, Robert E., "Unilateral Pin Ledge Preparation": Demonstration of preparation of unilateral pin ledge on a maxillary central incisor. Orig. air date: DEC 15 71Lorey, Robert E., "Mucostatic Impression": Fabrication of a tray for the taking of a Mucostatic impression and the mixing of the impression cement. Orig. air date: JAN 28 72Lorey, Robert E., "Polishing of a Pin Facing": Shows the grinding and polishing of a long pin facing. Orig. air date: JAN 21 72Lang, Brien; Bloomer, H. Harlan, "Treating Palatopharyngeal Inadequacy-A Cooperative Approach": This videotape presents the combined efforts of the Speech Pathologist and the Prosthodontist in treating the patient with palatal incompetency using a Palatal Left Prosthesis. Orig. air date: FEB 10 72Myers, [], "Pontics for Fixed Prosthesis - Tapes A and B": An introduction to bridge pontics, covers principles of design for posteriorand anterior pontics . Illustrated with models and diagrams. Orig. air date: JAN 14 72Kelsey, Charles, "Boxing Maxillary Final Impression": Shows how to make a master cast by the boxing method as opposed to the double pour method. Orig. air date: JAN 26 72Muenchinger, Frederick S., "Sectional Tray Construction for Maxillary Immediate Denture": This tape shows each completed step in constructing a sectional impression tray for the maxillary immediate denture. Orig. air date: JUL 17 74Kelsey, Charles, "Face-Bow Transfer": Shows how to facilitate a face-bow transfer with actual transfer and underlying theory of transfer. Orig. air date: FEB 9 72Lorey, Robert E., "Cementing of an Anterior Pin Ledge Bridge": Demonstration on a patient of the cementation procedure of an anterior pin ledge bridge. Orig. air date: FEB 17 72Muenchinger, Frederick S., "Waxing the Complete Denture": The objectives in waxing the art and flange portions of complete dentures are discussed. The two methods, wax added and applying wax strips are demonstrated. Orig. air date: MAR 15 72Kelsey, Charles, "Custom Acrylic Resin Impression Tray Fabrication": Shows the construction of a custom acrylic impression tray for immeditate maxillary denture. Orig. air date: MAR 15 72Kelsey, Charles, "Maxillary Immediate Complete Denture": Laboratory exercise showing facebow transfer,index for relating master casts, and mounting master casts on the articulator. Orig. air date: MAR 29 72Kelsey, Charles, "Remounting the Processed Complete Denture": Remounting the processed complete denture on the articulator. Shows method of registering both upper and lower dentures without original casts. Orig. air date: APR 12 72Kotowicz, William, "Customized Incisal Guide": Using auto-polymerizing acrylic to customize the incisal guide on a Removable Partial Denture. Orig. air date: OCT 14 71Lorey, Robert E., "Porcelain Fused-to-Gold Veneer": Preparation of a maxillary bicuspid for a procelain fused to gold veneer. Orig. air date: JUN 28 72Myers, [], "Steele's Trupontic": A step by step demonstration of adapting a trupontic to replace a maxillary first bicuspid. Orig. air date: MAR 8 72Myers, [], "Steele's Flatback Pontic": A step by step demonstration of the adaptation of a Steele's flatback facing and backing for an anterior bridge replacing a maxillary lateral incisor. Orig. air date: JAN 29 73Lorey, Robert E., "Anterior Bridge Preparation and Cementation": Clinical procedure using patient with congenitally missing lateral incisors. Abutment teeth positioned using Orthodontics. Shows preparation of abutment and cementing. Orig. air date: AUG 16 72Clayton, Joseph A., "Sequencing Laboratory Procedures for Class IV Cases": The sequencing of laboratory procedures including the full wax-up, adjusting anterior and posterior crowns and esthetics. Orig. air date: SEP 4 74Clayton, Joseph A., "Anterior Multiple Preps": This presentation goes through the preparation series for anterior teeth. Orig. air date: AUG 19 74Smith, Franklin, "Pre-Delivery Adjustment of Casting": This tape shows theprocedure to record edentulous ridge contours. Orig. air date: NOV 11 74Smith, Franklin, "Correctable Wax Impression": This tape shows how to make a correctable wax impression. Orig. air date: NOV 11 74Lorey, Robert E., "Soldering, Finishing, and Polishing an Anterior Bridge": Shows how to postition pontics with Duralay, soldering, finishing, and polishing the anterior bridge. Goes with 219-2 and 197-1. Orig. air date: NOV 23 76Lorey, Robert E., "Functional Waxing Procedure for Mandibular Technique Bridge": One of eight steps in preparing and cementing a preclinical three unit mandibular posterior bridge. 223-2 and 223-3 are included in this procedure. Orig. air date: AUG 28 75Lorey, Robert E., "Presolder Pontic, Finishing, Soldering, and Polishing": Getting the pontic ready for soldering, finishing, and polishing. Also tapes 223-1 and 223-2. Orig. air date: SEP 16 75Anderson, Jr., J. Russell, "Formatray Construction - Posterior Bridge": Uses asbestos to line study model before Formatray compound is adapted to model. Orig. air date: SEP 16 75Lorey, Robert E., "Clinical Procedures in Bridge Construction": A general overview of course projects by demonstrating the cutting, impression technic, temporization and final seating of bridge on clinical patient. Orig. air date: OCT 3 72Clayton, Joseph A., "Laboratory Procedures for Master Models and Dies": Depicts the impression, model, and laboratory work sequence for a full mouth restoration case starting after the teeth have been prepared for restorations. Orig. air date: JAN 15 73Clayton, Joseph A., "Temporaries and Temporization": States the objectives for multiple preparation temporaries, demonstrates their fabrication and cementation, and discusses tissue response. Orig. air date: OCT 11 73Jaslow, Charles, "The surveyor and its uses": The Nev surveyor is described. Some of the uses of the dental surveyor in removable denture Prosthodontics are described and demonstrated. Orig. air date: APR 5 76Kotowicz, William, "Mounting Partially Edentulous Casts": Shows the three steps of mounting the partially edentulous cast. Emphasis is on making the edentulous cast stable for good articulator mounting. Orig. air date: JUN 23 75Lorey, Robert E., "Preparation of an Anterior Pinledge Bridge": Shows the actual clinical procedure for preparing the maxillary central and lateral incisor for anterior pinledge bridge. Orig. air date: DEC 17 74Koran, Andrew, "Complete Denture Processing - Flasking": Flasks a maxillary-mandibular denture for complete denture processing. Shows the different steps in pouring the plaster and setting the master cast. Part 1 of 4. Orig. air date: OCT 10 73Koran, Andrew, "Complete Denture Processing - Boil Out": Demonstrates the boil out of a complete denture prior to processing. Shows the apparatus for boil out and detergent use in removing all the wax from master cast. Part 2 of 4. Orig. air date: OCT 15 73Koran, Andrew, "Complete Denture Processing - Packing and Curing the Flask": Depicts the mixing of acrylic, placing separating media over stone surfaces, and then packing the flask with the acrylic. Part 3 of 4. Orig. air date: OCT 15 73Koran, Andrew, "Complete Denture Processing - Deflasking": Shows the use of the Hanau ejector to eject the stone from the flasks, then careful removal of model plaster and stone from the denture and master cast. Part 4 of 4. Orig. air date: OCT 17 73Jaslow, Charles, "What Is Surveying?": Theory behind the use and the use of a dental surveyor in removable partial denture prosthodontics is demonstrated . Orig. air date: MAR 18 76Lang, Brien, "Setting Posterior 0 Versus 0 Degree Artificial Teeth": Explains the rationale and shows the procedure for setting posterior opposing mandibular and maxillary teeth into occlusion on master cast mounted in articulator. Orig. air date: JUL 16 74Meldrum, Richard J., "Oral Shield As a Habit-Control Orthodontic Appliance": The technique for making an oral shield is demonstrated and the criteria is discussed. Orig. air date: JAN 17 74Meldrum, Richard J., "Basic Wire Bending Techniques": An overview of the types of pliers and variety of wires used in making Orthodontic appliances by the basic methods for bending curves, loops, and right angles. Orig. air date: FEB 28 74Myers, [], "Semi-Rigid Connector": Design, use and fabrication of the semi-rigidconnector in fixed prosthodontics. Familiarity with the abutment, prep- waxing, casting, soldering and finishing bridges assumed. Orig. air date: SEP 25 74Lorey, Robert E., "Maxillary Cuspid Preparation for a Porcelain Fused to Gold Crown": Shows the preparation, on a visidont, of a maxillary cuspid for a procelain fused to gold crown. Orig. air date: MAR 21 79Beard, Charles; McPhee, Richard, "Post Ceramic Soldering Technique": Ceramo-metal restorations need additional procedures to solder pontic to other units in bridge so that porcelain will not be damaged during soldering. Orig. air date: FEB 3 81Muenchinger, Frederick S., "Taking and Pouring Preliminary Impressions (Alginate)": Technique for taking and pouring preliminary impressions The materials needed, the instrumentation and method for making maxillary and mandibular impressions in alginate. Orig. air date: DEC 6 73Lang, Brien, "Face Bow Transfer of Maxillary Cast": The clinical and laboratory steps in making a face bow maxillary transfer are demonstrated. Orig. air date: DEC 11 73Brustad, [], "Fabrication of Shellac Base Plates": Making a shellac base plate for a complete denture. Flaming of the base plate, trimming, and molding to the cast are demonstrated. Orig. air date: MAR 18 74Clayton, Joseph A., "Anterior Guidance and Esthetics": The anterior teeth have been cast and Dr. Clayton checks the esthetics of the porcelain, then tries the restorations in the patients mouth. Checking for proper occlusion. Orig. air date: SEP 20 74Clayton, Joseph A., "Adjusting Posterior Restorations": When the posterior restorations come back from the dental lab, Dr. Clayton shows the procedure for try-in and occlusal adjustments. Orig. air date: SEP 20 74Jaslow, Charles, "Forming The Occlusion Template": Depicts a procedure whereby a functional template is generated from the patients actual teeth, this template is then poured in stone, and the prosthesis is made from this. Orig. air date: SEP 30 76Jaslow, Charles, "Temporary Bases": Shows how to adapt an auto-polymerizing resin base to the framework on the master cast so that a secondary ridge impression can be made. Orig. air date: JAN 13 76Clayton, Joseph A., "Clutch Construction": This presentation depictsthe procedure for the construction of a clutch on a dentulous patient. Orig. air date: SEP 17 71Yankelson, Mervyn, "Die Fabrication": A tape describing how removable dies are constructed from a silver-plated impression. Orig. air date: DEC 12 78Anderson, Jr., J. Russell, "Mandibular Bicuspid 3/4 Crown Prep & Temporization": Depicts the preparation of a bicuspid to be used as an abutment tooth for a three unit bridge. Shows the adapta- tion and cementation of a temporary crown. Part 2 of 2. Orig. air date: JUL 18 75Lorey, Robert E., "Rubber Base Impression, Duralay Coping, Removable Dies": Tape shows the procedure for taking a rubber base impres- sion of a mandible that has been prepared for a three unit bridge. Duralay copings are made, and a stone cast is made. Orig. air date: JUL 31 75Lorey, Robert E., "Fabrication of a Direct Duralay Post": Dr. Lorey prepares a devital maxillary central for a duralay post, fabricates the post, and temporizes the tooth. Also shows the finished bridge in patients mouth. Orig. air date: FEB 14 77Muenchinger, Frederick S., "Delivery of Complete Denture: Part 1": This tape demonstrates the manipulative skills in delivery of the dentures and also the Dentist's chairside manner"""" in fitting and delivering the dentures. Orig. air date: JUN 7 74Muenchinger, Frederick S., "Delivery of Complete Denture; Part 2": This tape demonstrates the stripping method of occlusal equilibration in the lab prior to final delivery of the new denture to the patient. Orig. air date: JUN 7 74Lorey, Robert E., "Cross-Pinning": Dr. Lorey adds a crosspin to a bridge that had inadequate support on one of the abutment teeth. Orig. air date: NOV 21 74Asgar, Kamal, "Dental Casting Procedures": Demonstrates the techniques of spruing,investing, and casting gold via the water immersion technique. Orig. air date: AUG 15 78Lorey, Robert E., "Fabrication of Removable Silver Dies": Starting with a plated rubber base impression, removable silver dies are constructed with duralay.The casts are then mounted in the articulator. Orig. air date: NOV 2 76Lorey, Robert E., "Cementation Of An Anterior Pinledge Bridge": Dr. Lorey shows the procedure used to cement an anterior three unit bridge on the visidont. Then the procedure is performed on a patient. Orig. air date: NOV 2 76Lorey, Robert E., "Anterior Pinledge Bridge Construction Techniques": Temporizing anterior bridge abutment teeth, construction of custom acrylic tray, rubber base impressions with bridge pins installed, and silver plating the dies. Orig. air date: NOV 9 76Lorey, Robert E., "Waxing the Retainers": Dr. Lorey describes in detail how to cut and mount the pins in silver plated dies. He then shows the final waxed and sprued crowns ready for investment. Orig. air date: DEC 1 76Lorey, Robert E., "Presolder Finishing of the Retainers": After the castings are made for the abutment teeth of an anterior pinledge bridge, they are tried on the dies and the margins are carefully finished. Orig. air date: DEC 1 76Kotowicz, William, "Mouth Preparation of Non-Restored Teeth": Shows the preparation of the occlusal rests, axial sur- faces, and centric stops on the non-restored teeth, prior to Partial Denture delivery. Orig. air date: FEB 14 78Kotowicz, William, "Analysis Of Partially Edentulous Diagnostic Casts": Dr. Kotowicz demonstrates occlusal analysis using artic- ulator mounted casts prior to Partial Denture delivery. Orig. air date: FEB 14 78Kotowicz, William, "Analysis of The Diagnostic Wax-Up": Demonstrates the use of the diagnostic wax-up of the pro- posed restorations to adjust occlusion prior to fabrication of the Partial Denture. Orig. air date: FEB 14 78Kelsey, Charles, "Arrangement of Anterior Denture Teeth": The setting of artificial teeth in a preclinical exercise is presented in a series of three videotapes. This videotape is Part I and demonstrates the setting of anterior teeth. Orig. air date: FEB 16 72Kelsey, Charles, "Denture Fabrication: Arrangement of the Anterior Teeth": Shows the theory and procedure for setting the maxillary anterior teeth in an Immediate Complete Denture. This procedure minimizes adjustments to mouth and denture. Orig. air date: MAR 29 72Cartwright, [], "Articulator Demonstration": Relates the movement of the mandible to various articulators Orig. air date: OCT 15 71Razzoog, Michael E., "Copings": This tape presents the rationale and procedure for adding copings to overdenture abutment teeth. Orig. air date: APR 16 82Koran, Andrew, "Boxing Complete Dentures - Pumice and Plaster Impression": Boxing complete dentures with pumice and impression plaster. Orig. air date: JAN 25 73Jaslow, Charles; Robinson, Craig, "Selecting and Preserving the Path of Insertion and Removal": Demonstrates a method of determining the path of insertion and removal of a removable partial denture. Orig. air date: MAR 4 80Smith, Franklin, "Partial Denture Treatment Planning": Armentarium and procedure involved in making a diagnosis. Then from the diagnosis, a treatment plan is formulated. VA film. Orig. air date: NOV 7 74Lorey, Robert E., "Multiple Techniques For A Posterior Three Unit Bridge": Preparing the abutment teeth for a three unit posterior bridge. Shows the tooth reduction, preparation of mesial and distal boxes, occlusal isthmus, and retention grooves. Orig. air date: OCT 23 78Lang, Brien, "Setting Posterior 20 Versus 0 Degree Artificial Teeth": Explains the rationale and shows the procedure for setting posterior opposing mandibular and maxillary teeth into occlusion on master cast mounted in articulator. Orig. air date: JUL 16 74Shotwell, Jeffrey, "Fabrication of Remount Casts": This tape demonstrates the process of remounting the den- tures on an articulator so that final occlusal adjustments can be done. Orig. air date: JUN 26 79Myers, [], "Retainers for Fixed Bridges": This presentation covers the principles of retention in bridge retainers and gives a brief survey of the common bridge retainers in use today. Orig. air date: OCT 2 74Seluk, Laurence W., "Rotational Path Concept in Removable Partial Dentures Part 1-2": Describes the rationale and indications for use of Rotational Path of Insertion, Removable Partial Dentures in anterior teeth. Orig. air date: OCT 4 86Kotowicz, William, "Design of a Class II Removable Partial Denture": Dr Kotowicz demonstrates the technique of class II remov- able partial denture design. He discusses what elements in this case led him to the final design. Orig. air date: JUL 18 75Teppo, Kenneth, "Use of the Surveyor": This tape show the correct useage of the surveyor in Denture model work. Orig. air date: SEP 27 71Koran, Andrew, "Tray Construction": Custom acrylic resin edentulous impression trays are discussed. The maxillary impression tray is demonstrated. The forming of a wax occlusal for the mandibular impression Orig. air date: SEP 20 72http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/2/101-1.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/3/104-3.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/4/120-3EdentMaxilAlginImpress.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/5/133-4MaxillTrayConstruct.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/6/134-1PrelimExam.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/7/139-4Cementation.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/8/149-2UniPinLedgePrep.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/9/152-2MucostaticImpression.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/10/152-3PinFacingPolish.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/11/155-2PalatopharyngInadeq.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/12/162-1Pontics.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/13/163-1BoxMaxilFinalImpress.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/14/171-2SectionalTray.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/15/172-1FacebowTransfer.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/16/175-1Cementation.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/17/176-1CompleteDentureWax.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/18/176-2CustomAcrylicTray.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/19/178-2ImmediateDenture.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/20/179-1Remounting.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/21/182-2IncisalGuide.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/22/186-2MaxilBicuspid.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/23/189-1SteeleTrupontic.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/24/193-1FlatbackPontic.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/25/197-1AnteriorBridge.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/26/211-1LabProcedures.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/27/214-1AnteriorPreps.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/28/216-3CastingAdjust.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/29/216-4WaxImpression.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/30/219-3AnteriorBridge.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/31/223-1Waxing.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/32/223-3PonticFinish.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/33/223-5Formatrays.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/34/227-2BridgeConstruction.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/35/257-1MasterModels.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/36/259-1Temporaries.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/37/316-3SurveyorUses.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/38/320-2CastMounting.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/39/323-2AnteriorPinledgeBridge.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64987/40/324-1Flasking.movhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstre