113 research outputs found

    Biogeochemistry of Iron Enrichment in Groundwater: An Indicator of Environmental Pollution and Its Management

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    Iron (Fe) is one of the most biochemically active and widely distributed elements and one of the most important elements for biota and human activities. Fe plays important roles in biological and chemical processes. Fe redox reactions in groundwater have been attracting increasing attention in the geochemistry and biogeochemistry fields. This study reviews recent research into Fe redox reactions and biogeochemical Fe enrichment processes, including reduction, biotic and abiotic oxidation, adsorption, and precipitation in groundwater. Fe biogeochemistry in groundwater and the water-bearing medium (aquifer) often involves transformation between Fe(II) and Fe(III) caused by the biochemical conditions of the groundwater system. Human activities and anthropogenic pollutants strongly affect these conditions. Generally speaking, acidification, anoxia and warming of groundwater environments, as well as the inputs of reducing pollutants, are beneficial to the migration of Fe into groundwater (Fe(III)→Fe(II)); conversely, it is beneficial to the migration of it into the media (Fe(II)→Fe(III)). This study describes recent progress and breakthroughs and assesses the biogeochemistry of Fe enrichment in groundwater, factors controlling Fe reactivity, and Fe biogeochemistry effects on the environment. This study also describes the implications of Fe biogeochemistry for managing Fe in groundwater, including the importance of Fe in groundwater monitoring and evaluation, and early groundwater pollution warnings

    Effects of Ammonium and COD on Fe and Mn Release from RBF Sediment Based on Column Experiment

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    Riverbank filtration (RBF) is an important part of the surface water–groundwater cycle, and it intercepts and retains many pollutants in rivers. However, RBF affects the biogeochemical process which enables aquifer sediments to release iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn). In this study, column experiments were performed to investigate the effects of ammonium ions and organic matter on Fe and Mn release from anaerobic RBF sediments. In addition, high-throughput sequencing technology was used to characterize the microbial community. The results showed that the ammonium ions (NH4+) and organic matter (COD) in groundwater promote the release of Fe and Mn from aquifer sediments. The trends of Fe and Mn release were similar during the leaching process. The maximum concentrations of Fe and Mn were 0.32 and 40 μg/L, respectively. The structural diversity and abundance of the microbial communities in the groundwater were closely related to the Fe/Mn content. Actinobacteriota, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteriota, Bacteroidota, and Chloroflexi were the dominant phyla, while Rhodococcus, Ochrobactrum, and Pseudarthrobacter were the dominant genera. These functional microbes are actively involved in the biogeochemical cycling of Fe, Mn, and N. In summary, contaminants and the microbial-community structure have dual effects on the release of Fe and Mn from RBF aquifers

    Iron Isotopic Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter in Hongfeng Lake

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    The geochemical study of iron isotopes is of great significance to comprehensively understand the surface material circulation process and its environmental effects in surface and subsurface environments. Eutrophic lakes are an important part of the surface and subsurface environment; however, knowledge of the geochemical behaviour and fractionation mechanism of iron isotopes in the biogeochemical cycling of eutrophic lakes is still scarce. In this study, a eutrophic lake with seasonal anaerobic characteristics (Hongfeng Lake) was selected as the study object to systematically analyse the iron isotope composition of suspended particles in lake water and the main tributaries in different seasons. The results show that the value of δ56Fe in Hongfeng Lake is between −0.85‰ and +0.14‰, and the value of δ56Fe has a high linear correlation with Fe/Al, indicating that the continental source material carried by the main inflow tributaries of the lake has an important influence on the source of iron in the lake. And Hongfeng Lake is moderately eutrophic lakes. Algal bloom and the content of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) are high, combined with the high correlation between Chl-a and the value of δ56Fe, which indicates that the growth of algae has an important influence on the change in the iron isotope composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in lake water and that the adsorption and growth absorption of Fe by algae are the main reason for the change in the value of δ56Fe; therefore, Fe isotope can be used to trace the lake’s biological action. For the lake and its inflow tributaries, δ56Fe values are higher in summer than in winter. The variation in the δ56Fe value of SPM with lake depth is more distinct in summer than in winter. In addition, there is a distinct thermocline in summer, which leads to hydrochemical stratification. Moreover, according to a linear correlation analysis, the content of dissolved organic matter (DOC) in Hongfeng Lake’s upper and lower water bodies, respectively, has a high correlation with the value of δ56Fe. Specifically, the correlation is positive in the upper water but negative in the lower water, which indicates that the difference in algae metabolism patterns between the upper and lower water bodies of Hongfeng Lake plays an important role in the iron isotope composition of SPM. The composition of the iron isotope in SPM is altered by organic adsorption and growth absorption of algae in the upper water. With an increase in depth, degradation becomes the main process. In addition, the value of δ56Fe is low and that of Fe/Al is high in the water bottom, which indicates that a “ferrous-wheel„ cycle forms at the bottom of the water

    Tracing Sources and Contamination Assessments of Heavy Metals in Road and Foliar Dusts in a Typical Mining City, China.

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    Road and foliar dust samples from four land-use districts of Panzhihua City, a famous V-Ti magnetite production area of China, were collected to investigate the sources and distribution characteristics of 9 heavy metals (V, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn). The results suggest that foliar samples had smaller particle size and higher heavy metal contents than road dusts. The contamination assessments of heavy metals were as follows: Pb and V (significant enrichment) > Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn (moderate enrichment) > Cd and Ni (minimal enrichment). Statistical analyses showed Pb, as the primary pollution element, originated from waste incineration and lead-fuel combustion. The sources of Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, V, and Mn were fugitive dust and traffic activities. Potential origins of Cu were corrosion of alloys used in vehicle components, vehicle covers, or other metallic surfaces and materials. The sources of Cd were different from any other heavy metals. Traffic and industrial activities were the main anthropogenic origins of heavy metals in dusts of Panzhihua, and more attention should be paid to heavy metal pollution in agricultural area

    Characteristics of resistome and bacterial community structure in constructed wetland during dormant period: A fullscale study from Annan wetland

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    As a green technology, constructed wetlands (CWs) can provide a low-cost solution for wastewater treatment. Either as a standalone treatment or integrated with conventional treatment, nutrients, antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB)/antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) can be removed by CW efficiently. While, few studies have focused on characteristics of resistome and bacterial community (BC) structure in CW during dormant period. Therefore, in this study, Annan CW (a full-scale hybrid CW) was selected to characterize resistome and BC during dormant period. The profiles of bacteria / ARGs were monitored in combination of shotgun sequencing and metagenomic assembly analysis. And multidrug ARGs are the most abundant in Annan CW, and surface flow wetland had the relatively high ARG diversity and abundance compared with subsurface flow wetland and the front pond. The most dominant phylum in CW is Proteobacteria, while the other dominant phylum in three parts have different order. COD, TP, TN, ARGs, and mobile genetic genes (MGEs) were removed by subsurface flow CW with better performance, but virulent factors (VFs) were removed by surface flow CW with better performance. Based on the spatiotemporal distribution of ARGs, the internal mechanism of ARGs dynamic variation was explored by the redundancy analysis (RDA) and variation partitioning analysis (VPA). BCs, MGEs and environmental factors (EFs) were responsible for 45.6 %, 28.3 % and 15.4 % of the ARGs variations. Among these factors, BCs and MGEs were the major co-drivers impacting the ARG profile, and EFs indirectly influence the ARG profile. This study illustrates the specific functions of ARG risk elimination in different CW components, promotes a better understanding of the efficiency of CWs for the reduction of ARG and ARB, contributing to improve the removal performance of constructed wetlands. And provide management advice to further optimize the operation of CWs during dormant period

    Distribution, Genesis, and Human Health Risks of Groundwater Heavy Metals Impacted by the Typical Setting of Songnen Plain of NE China

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    Heavy metals pollution in groundwater and the resulting health risks have always been an environmental research hotspot. However, the available information regarding this topic and associated methods is still limited. This study collected 98 groundwater samples from a typical agricultural area of Songnen Plain in different seasons. The pollution status and sources of ten heavy metals (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr (VI), Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were then analyzed and compared. In addition, the human health risks assessment (HHRA) model was used to calculate human health risks caused by heavy metals in groundwater. The results revealed that heavy metals were mainly distributed in the northwest of the study area and along the upper reaches of the Lalin river and that the concentrations of heavy metals were higher during the wet season than the dry season. Industrial and agricultural activities and natural leaching are the main sources, and each kind of heavy metal may have different sources. Fe and Mn are the primary pollutants, mainly caused by the native environment and agricultural activities. The exceeding standard rates are 71.74% and 61.54%, respectively based on the Class III of Quality Standard for Groundwater of China (GB/T 14848-2017). The maximum exceeding multiple are 91.45 and 32.05, respectively. The health risks of heavy metals borne by different groups of people were as follows: child > elder > young > adult. Carcinogenic heavy metals contribute to the main risks, and the largest risks sources are Cr and As. Therefore, the government should appropriately restrict the use of pesticides and fertilizers, strictly manage the discharge of enterprises, and control man-made heavy metals from the source. In addition, centralized water supply and treatment facilities shall be established to prevent the harm of native heavy metals

    Groundwater Vulnerability and Groundwater Contamination Risk in Karst Area of Southwest China

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    Groundwater pollution in karst areas is often the result of the interaction of hydrogeological characteristics and human activities. In this study, a chimeric evaluation system of groundwater vulnerability and pollution load was constructed, and the groundwater contamination risk was intuitively displayed using a risk map. The study area is located in Qiannan, a typical karst area in Southwest China. Groundwater vulnerability was mainly calculated using the PLEIK model. Pollution source load evaluation was evaluated using the classification method. The groundwater pollution status was evaluated by the CCME WQI method. The results show that the groundwater vulnerability in the research area was mainly at a medium level. The areas with high pollution load values were mainly distributed in industrial parks and other pollution-source-gathering areas. The results of the water quality evaluation show that the groundwater quality in the study area was generally good. However, the impact of some pollution sources on the surrounding groundwater still cannot be ignored. The results reveal the risk level of groundwater pollution in typical karst areas and provide theoretical support for regional groundwater protection

    Evaluation of soil contamination indices in a mining area of Jiangxi, China.

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    There is currently a wide variety of methods used to evaluate soil contamination. We present a discussion of the advantages and limitations of different soil contamination assessment methods. In this study, we analyzed seven trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn) that are indicators of soil contamination in Dexing, a city in China that is famous for its vast nonferrous mineral resources in China, using enrichment factor (EF), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), pollution index (PI), and principal component analysis (PCA). The three contamination indices and PCA were then mapped to understand the status and trends of soil contamination in this region. The entire study area is strongly enriched in Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn, especially in areas near mine sites. As and Hg were also present in high concentrations in urban areas. Results indicated that Cr in this area originated from both anthropogenic and natural sources. PCA combined with Geographic Information System (GIS) was successfully used to discriminate between natural and anthropogenic trace metals

    Development of relative risk model for regional groundwater risk assessment: a case study in the lower Liaohe River Plain, China.

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    Increasing pressure on water supply worldwide, especially in arid areas, has resulted in groundwater overexploitation and contamination, and subsequent deterioration of the groundwater quality and threats to public health. Environmental risk assessment of regional groundwater is an important tool for groundwater protection. This study presents a new approach for assessing the environmental risk assessment of regional groundwater. It was carried out with a relative risk model (RRM) coupled with a series of indices, such as a groundwater vulnerability index, which includes receptor analysis, risk source analysis, risk exposure and hazard analysis, risk characterization, and management of groundwater. The risk map is a product of the probability of environmental contamination and impact. The reliability of the RRM was verified using Monte Carlo analysis. This approach was applied to the lower Liaohe River Plain (LLRP), northeastern China, which covers 23604 km2. A spatial analysis tool within GIS which was used to interpolate and manipulate the data to develop environmental risk maps of regional groundwater, divided the level of risk from high to low into five ranks (V, IV, III, II, I). The results indicate that areas of relative risk rank (RRR) V cover 2324 km2, covering 9.8% of the area; RRR IV covers 3986 km2, accounting for 16.9% of the area. It is a new and appropriate method for regional groundwater resource management and land use planning, and is a rapid and effective tool for improving strategic decision making to protect groundwater and reduce environmental risk
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