238 research outputs found

    A remark on energy estimates concerning extremals for Trudinger-Moser inequalities on a disc

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    In this short note, we generalized an energy estimate due to Malchiodi-Martinazzi (J. Eur. Math. Soc. 16 (2014) 893-908) and Mancini-Martinazzi (Calc. Var. (2017) 56:94). As an application, we used it to reprove existence of extremals for Trudinger-Moser inequalities of Adimurthi-Druet type on the unit disc. Such existence problems in general cases had been considered by Yang (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007) 5761-5776; J. Differential Equations 258 (2015) 3161-3193) and Lu-Yang (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 25 (2009) 963-979) by using another method.Comment: 8 page

    A gradient flow for the prescribed Gaussian curvature problem on a closed Riemann surface with conical singularity

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    In this note, we prove that the abstract gradient flow introduced by Baird-Fardoun-Regbaoui \cite{BFR}is well-posed on a closed Riemann surface with conical singularity. Long time existence and convergence of the flow are proved under certain assumptions. As an application, the prescribed Gaussian curvature problem is solved when the singular Euler characteristic of the conical surface is non-positive.Comment: 15 page

    Extremal functions for Trudinger-Moser inequalities of Adimurthi-Druet type in dimension two

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    Combining Carleson-Chang's result with blow-up analysis, we prove existence of extremal functions for certain Trudinger-Moser inequalities in dimension two. This kind of inequality was originally proposed by Adimurthi and O. Druet, extended by the author to high dimensional case and Riemannian surface case, generalized by C. Tintarev to wider cases including singular form and by M. de Souza and J. M. do \'O to the whole Euclidean space R^2. In addition to the Euclidean case, we also consider the Riemannian surface case. The results in the current paper complement that of L. Carleson and A. Chang, M. Struwe, M. Flucher, K. Lin, and Adimurthi-Druet, our previous ones, and part of C. Tintarev.Comment: 28 page

    Quantization for an elliptic equation with critical exponential growth on compact Riemannian surface without boundary

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    In this paper, using blow-up analysis, we prove a quantization result for an elliptic equation with critical exponential growth on compact Riemannian surface without boundary. Similar results for Euclidean space were obtained by Adimurthi-Struwe \cite{Adi-Stru}, Druet \cite{Druet}, Lamm-Robert-Struwe \cite{L-R-S}, Martinazzi \cite{Mart}, Martinazzi-Struwe \cite{Mar-Stru}, and Struwe \cite{Struwe} respectively.Comment: 43 page

    Adams type inequalities and related elliptic partial differential equations in dimension four

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    Motivated by Ruf-Sani's recent work, we prove an Adams type inequality and a singular Adams type inequality in the whole four dimensional Euclidean space. As applications of those inequalities, a class of elliptic partial differential equations are considered. Existence of nontrivial weak solutions and multiplicity results are obtained via the mountain-pass theorem and the Ekeland's variational principle. This is a continuation of our previous work about singular Trudinger-Moser type inequality.Comment: 27 page

    Smoothing metrics on closed Riemannian manifolds through the Ricci flow

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    Under the assumption of the uniform local Sobolev inequality, it is proved that Riemannian metrics with an absolute Ricci curvature bound and a small Riemannian curvature integral bound can be smoothed to having a sectional curvature bound. This partly extends previous a priori estimates of Ye Li (J. Geom. Anal. 17 (2007) 495-511; Advances in Mathematics 223 (2010) 1924-1957).Comment: 14 page

    A Trudinger-Moser inequality on compact Riemannian surface involving Gaussian curvature

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    Motivated by a recent work of X. Chen and M. Zhu (Commun. Math. Stat., 1 (2013) 369-385), we establish a Trudinger-Moser inequality on compact Riemannian surface without boundary. The proof is based on blow-up analysis together with Carleson-Chang's result (Bull. Sci. Math. 110 (1986) 113-127). This inequality is different from the classical one, which is due to L. Fontana (Comment. Math. Helv., 68 (1993) 415-454), since the Gaussian curvature is involved. As an application, we improve Chen-Zhu's result as follows: A modified Liouville energy of conformal Riemannian metric has a uniform lower bound, provided that the Euler characteristic is nonzero and the volume of the conformal surface has a uniform positive lower bound.Comment: 17 page

    Trudinger-Moser inequalities on a closed Riemannian surface with the action of a finite isometric group

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    Let (Ξ£,g)(\Sigma,g) be a closed Riemannian surface, W1,2(Ξ£,g)W^{1,2}(\Sigma,g) be the usual Sobolev space, G\textbf{G} be a finite isometric group acting on (Ξ£,g)(\Sigma,g), and HG\mathscr{H}_\textbf{G} be a function space including all functions u∈W1,2(Ξ£,g)u\in W^{1,2}(\Sigma,g) with ∫Σudvg=0\int_\Sigma udv_g=0 and u(Οƒ(x))=u(x)u(\sigma(x))=u(x) for all ΟƒβˆˆG\sigma\in \textbf{G} and all x∈Σx\in\Sigma. Denote the number of distinct points of the set {Οƒ(x):ΟƒβˆˆG}\{\sigma(x): \sigma\in \textbf{G}\} by I(x)I(x) and β„“=inf⁑x∈ΣI(x)\ell=\inf_{x\in \Sigma}I(x). Let Ξ»1G\lambda_1^\textbf{G} be the first eigenvalue of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the space HG\mathscr{H}_\textbf{G}. Using blow-up analysis, we prove that if Ξ±<Ξ»1G\alpha<\lambda_1^\textbf{G} and β≀4Ο€β„“\beta\leq 4\pi\ell, then there holds sup⁑u∈HG,β€‰βˆ«Ξ£βˆ£βˆ‡gu∣2dvgβˆ’Ξ±βˆ«Ξ£u2dvg≀1∫ΣeΞ²u2dvg<∞;\sup_{u\in\mathscr{H}_\textbf{G},\,\int_\Sigma|\nabla_gu|^2dv_g-\alpha \int_\Sigma u^2dv_g\leq 1}\int_\Sigma e^{\beta u^2}dv_g<\infty; if Ξ±4Ο€β„“\alpha4\pi\ell, or Ξ±β‰₯Ξ»1G\alpha\geq \lambda_1^\textbf{G} and Ξ²>0\beta>0, then the above supremum is infinity; if Ξ±<Ξ»1G\alpha<\lambda_1^\textbf{G} and β≀4Ο€β„“\beta\leq 4\pi\ell, then the above supremum can be attained. Moreover, similar inequalities involving higher order eigenvalues are obtained. Our results partially improve original inequalities of J. Moser \cite{Moser}, L. Fontana \cite{Fontana} and W. Chen \cite{Chen-90}.Comment: 24 page

    An improved Hardy-Trudinger-Moser inequality

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    Let B\mathbb{B} be the unit disc in R2\mathbb{R}^2, H\mathscr{H} be the completion of C0∞(B)C_0^\infty(\mathbb{B}) under the norm βˆ₯uβˆ₯H=(∫Bβˆ£βˆ‡u∣2dxβˆ’βˆ«Bu2(1βˆ’βˆ£x∣2)2dx)1/2,βˆ€u∈C0∞(B).\|u\|_{\mathscr{H}}=\left(\int_\mathbb{B}|\nabla u|^2dx-\int_\mathbb{B}\frac{u^2}{(1-|x|^2)^2}dx\right)^{1/2},\quad\forall u\in C_0^\infty(\mathbb{B}). Denote Ξ»1(B)=inf⁑u∈H, βˆ₯uβˆ₯2=1βˆ₯uβˆ₯H2\lambda_1(\mathbb{B})=\inf_{u\in \mathscr{H},\,\|u\|_2=1}\|u\|_{\mathscr{H}}^2, where βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯2\|\cdot\|_2 stands for the L2(B)L^2(\mathbb{B})-norm. Using blow-up analysis, we prove that for any Ξ±\alpha, 0≀α<Ξ»1(B)0\leq \alpha<\lambda_1(\mathbb{B}), sup⁑u∈H, βˆ₯uβˆ₯H2βˆ’Ξ±βˆ₯uβˆ₯22≀1∫Be4Ο€u2dx<+∞,\sup_{u\in\mathscr{H},\,\|u\|_{\mathscr{H}}^2-\alpha\|u\|_2^2\leq 1}\int_\mathbb{B} e^{4\pi u^2}dx<+\infty, and that the above supremum can be attained by some function u∈Hu\in \mathscr{H} with βˆ₯uβˆ₯H2βˆ’Ξ±βˆ₯uβˆ₯22=1\|u\|_{\mathscr{H}}^2-\alpha\|u\|_2^2= 1. This improves an earlier result of G. Wang and D. Ye [28].Comment: 18 page

    Nonexistence of quasi-harmonic sphere with large energy

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    Nonexistence of quasi-harmonic spheres is necessary for long time existence and convergence of harmonic map heat flows. Let (N,h)(N,h) be a complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds. Assume the universal covering of (N,h)(N,h) admits a nonnegative strictly convex function with polynomial growth. Then there is no quasi-harmonic spheres u:\mathbb{R}^n\ra N such that \lim_{r\ra\infty}r^ne^{-\f{r^2}{4}}\int_{|x|\leq r}e^{-\f{|x|^2}{4}}|\nabla u|^2dx=0. This generalizes a result of the first named author and X. Zhu (Calc. Var., 2009). Our method is essentially the Moser iteration and thus very simple.Comment: 7 page
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