7,427 research outputs found

    Kinematic Basis of Emergent Energetics of Complex Dynamics

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    Stochastic kinematic description of a complex dynamics is shown to dictate an energetic and thermodynamic structure. An energy function Ο†(x)\varphi(x) emerges as the limit of the generalized, nonequilibrium free energy of a Markovian dynamics with vanishing fluctuations. In terms of the βˆ‡Ο†\nabla\varphi and its orthogonal field Ξ³(x)βŠ₯βˆ‡Ο†\gamma(x)\perp\nabla\varphi, a general vector field b(x)b(x) can be decomposed into βˆ’D(x)βˆ‡Ο†+Ξ³-D(x)\nabla\varphi+\gamma, where βˆ‡β‹…(Ο‰(x)Ξ³(x))=\nabla\cdot\big(\omega(x)\gamma(x)\big)= βˆ’βˆ‡Ο‰D(x)βˆ‡Ο†-\nabla\omega D(x)\nabla\varphi. The matrix D(x)D(x) and scalar Ο‰(x)\omega(x), two additional characteristics to the b(x)b(x) alone, represent the local geometry and density of states intrinsic to the statistical motion in the state space at xx. Ο†(x)\varphi(x) and Ο‰(x)\omega(x) are interpreted as the emergent energy and degeneracy of the motion, with an energy balance equation dΟ†(x(t))/dt=Ξ³Dβˆ’1Ξ³βˆ’bDβˆ’1bd\varphi(x(t))/dt=\gamma D^{-1}\gamma-bD^{-1}b, reflecting the geometrical βˆ₯Dβˆ‡Ο†βˆ₯2+βˆ₯Ξ³βˆ₯2=βˆ₯bβˆ₯2\|D\nabla\varphi\|^2+\|\gamma\|^2=\|b\|^2. The partition function employed in statistical mechanics and J. W. Gibbs' method of ensemble change naturally arise; a fluctuation-dissipation theorem is established via the two leading-order asymptotics of entropy production as Ο΅β†’0\epsilon\to 0. The present theory provides a mathematical basis for P. W. Anderson's emergent behavior in the hierarchical structure of complexity science.Comment: 7 page

    Current rectification by asymmetric molecules: An ab initio study

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    We study current rectification effect in an asymmetric molecule HOOC-C6_6H4_4-(CH2_2)n_n sandwiched between two Aluminum electrodes using an {\sl ab initio} nonequilibrium Green function method. The conductance of the system decreases exponentially with the increasing number nn of CH2_2. The phenomenon of current rectification is observed such that a very small current appears at negative bias and a sharp negative differential resistance at a critical positive bias when nβ‰₯2n\ge 2. The rectification effect arises from the asymmetric structure of the molecule and the molecule-electrode couplings. A significant rectification ratio of ∼\sim38 can be achieved when n=5n=5.Comment: to appear in J. Chem. Phy
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