77 research outputs found

    Face Alignment Assisted by Head Pose Estimation

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    In this paper we propose a supervised initialization scheme for cascaded face alignment based on explicit head pose estimation. We first investigate the failure cases of most state of the art face alignment approaches and observe that these failures often share one common global property, i.e. the head pose variation is usually large. Inspired by this, we propose a deep convolutional network model for reliable and accurate head pose estimation. Instead of using a mean face shape, or randomly selected shapes for cascaded face alignment initialisation, we propose two schemes for generating initialisation: the first one relies on projecting a mean 3D face shape (represented by 3D facial landmarks) onto 2D image under the estimated head pose; the second one searches nearest neighbour shapes from the training set according to head pose distance. By doing so, the initialisation gets closer to the actual shape, which enhances the possibility of convergence and in turn improves the face alignment performance. We demonstrate the proposed method on the benchmark 300W dataset and show very competitive performance in both head pose estimation and face alignment.Comment: Accepted by BMVC201

    Text Alignment Is An Efficient Unified Model for Massive NLP Tasks

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    Large language models (LLMs), typically designed as a function of next-word prediction, have excelled across extensive NLP tasks. Despite the generality, next-word prediction is often not an efficient formulation for many of the tasks, demanding an extreme scale of model parameters (10s or 100s of billions) and sometimes yielding suboptimal performance. In practice, it is often desirable to build more efficient models -- despite being less versatile, they still apply to a substantial subset of problems, delivering on par or even superior performance with much smaller model sizes. In this paper, we propose text alignment as an efficient unified model for a wide range of crucial tasks involving text entailment, similarity, question answering (and answerability), factual consistency, and so forth. Given a pair of texts, the model measures the degree of alignment between their information. We instantiate an alignment model (Align) through lightweight finetuning of RoBERTa (355M parameters) using 5.9M examples from 28 datasets. Despite its compact size, extensive experiments show the model's efficiency and strong performance: (1) On over 20 datasets of aforementioned diverse tasks, the model matches or surpasses FLAN-T5 models that have around 2x or 10x more parameters; the single unified model also outperforms task-specific models finetuned on individual datasets; (2) When applied to evaluate factual consistency of language generation on 23 datasets, our model improves over various baselines, including the much larger GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT) and sometimes even GPT-4; (3) The lightweight model can also serve as an add-on component for LLMs such as GPT-3.5 in question answering tasks, improving the average exact match (EM) score by 17.94 and F1 score by 15.05 through identifying unanswerable questions.Comment: NeurIPS 2023 Camera Ready, Code available at https://github.com/yuh-zha/Alig

    Revisiting the Evaluation of Image Synthesis with GANs

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    A good metric, which promises a reliable comparison between solutions, is essential for any well-defined task. Unlike most vision tasks that have per-sample ground-truth, image synthesis tasks target generating unseen data and hence are usually evaluated through a distributional distance between one set of real samples and another set of generated samples. This study presents an empirical investigation into the evaluation of synthesis performance, with generative adversarial networks (GANs) as a representative of generative models. In particular, we make in-depth analyses of various factors, including how to represent a data point in the representation space, how to calculate a fair distance using selected samples, and how many instances to use from each set. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple datasets and settings reveal several important findings. Firstly, a group of models that include both CNN-based and ViT-based architectures serve as reliable and robust feature extractors for measurement evaluation. Secondly, Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) provides a better comparison across various extractors and hierarchical layers in one model. Finally, CKA is more sample-efficient and enjoys better agreement with human judgment in characterizing the similarity between two internal data correlations. These findings contribute to the development of a new measurement system, which enables a consistent and reliable re-evaluation of current state-of-the-art generative models.Comment: NeurIPS 2023 datasets and benchmarks trac

    Rethinking Model Ensemble in Transfer-based Adversarial Attacks

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    It is widely recognized that deep learning models lack robustness to adversarial examples. An intriguing property of adversarial examples is that they can transfer across different models, which enables black-box attacks without any knowledge of the victim model. An effective strategy to improve the transferability is attacking an ensemble of models. However, previous works simply average the outputs of different models, lacking an in-depth analysis on how and why model ensemble methods can strongly improve the transferability. In this paper, we rethink the ensemble in adversarial attacks and define the common weakness of model ensemble with two properties: 1) the flatness of loss landscape; and 2) the closeness to the local optimum of each model. We empirically and theoretically show that both properties are strongly correlated with the transferability and propose a Common Weakness Attack (CWA) to generate more transferable adversarial examples by promoting these two properties. Experimental results on both image classification and object detection tasks validate the effectiveness of our approach to improving the adversarial transferability, especially when attacking adversarially trained models. We also successfully apply our method to attack a black-box large vision-language model -- Google's Bard, showing the practical effectiveness. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/huanranchen/AdversarialAttacks}

    Federated Learning with Quantum Secure Aggregation

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    This article illustrates a novel Quantum Secure Aggregation (QSA) scheme that is designed to provide highly secure and efficient aggregation of local model parameters for federated learning. The scheme is secure in protecting private model parameters from being disclosed to semi-honest attackers by utilizing quantum bits i.e. qubits to represent model parameters. The proposed security mechanism ensures that any attempts to eavesdrop private model parameters can be immediately detected and stopped. The scheme is also efficient in terms of the low computational complexity of transmitting and aggregating model parameters through entangled qubits. Benefits of the proposed QSA scheme are showcased in a horizontal federated learning setting in which both a centralized and decentralized architectures are taken into account. It was empirically demonstrated that the proposed QSA can be readily applied to aggregate different types of local models including logistic regression (LR), convolutional neural networks (CNN) as well as quantum neural network (QNN), indicating the versatility of the QSA scheme. Performances of global models are improved to various extents with respect to local models obtained by individual participants, while no private model parameters are disclosed to semi-honest adversaries

    How Robust is Google's Bard to Adversarial Image Attacks?

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    Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) that integrate text and other modalities (especially vision) have achieved unprecedented performance in various multimodal tasks. However, due to the unsolved adversarial robustness problem of vision models, MLLMs can have more severe safety and security risks by introducing the vision inputs. In this work, we study the adversarial robustness of Google's Bard, a competitive chatbot to ChatGPT that released its multimodal capability recently, to better understand the vulnerabilities of commercial MLLMs. By attacking white-box surrogate vision encoders or MLLMs, the generated adversarial examples can mislead Bard to output wrong image descriptions with a 22% success rate based solely on the transferability. We show that the adversarial examples can also attack other MLLMs, e.g., a 26% attack success rate against Bing Chat and a 86% attack success rate against ERNIE bot. Moreover, we identify two defense mechanisms of Bard, including face detection and toxicity detection of images. We design corresponding attacks to evade these defenses, demonstrating that the current defenses of Bard are also vulnerable. We hope this work can deepen our understanding on the robustness of MLLMs and facilitate future research on defenses. Our code is available at https://github.com/thu-ml/Attack-Bard. Update: GPT-4V is available at October 2023. We further evaluate its robustness under the same set of adversarial examples, achieving a 45% attack success rate.Comment: Technical repor

    Overcoming the Size Limit of First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations with an In-Distribution Substructure Embedding Active Learner

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    Large-scale first principles molecular dynamics are crucial for simulating complex processes in chemical, biomedical, and materials sciences. However, the unfavorable time complexity with respect to system sizes leads to prohibitive computational costs when the simulation contains over a few hundred atoms in practice. We present an In-Distribution substructure Embedding Active Learner (IDEAL) to enable efficient simulation of large complex systems with quantum accuracy by maintaining a machine learning force field (MLFF) as an accurate surrogate to the first principles methods. By extracting high-uncertainty substructures into low-uncertainty atom environments, the active learner is allowed to concentrate on and learn from small substructures of interest rather than carrying out intractable quantum chemical computations on large structures. IDEAL is benchmarked on various systems and shows sub-linear complexity, accelerating the simulation thousands of times compared with conventional active learning and millions of times compared with pure first principles simulations. To demonstrate the capability of IDEAL in practical applications, we simulated a polycrystalline lithium system composed of one million atoms and the full ammonia formation process in a Haber-Bosch reaction on a 3-nm Iridium nanoparticle catalyst on a computing node comprising one single A100 GPU and 24 CPU cores

    Construction of a serum diagnostic signature based on m5C-related miRNAs for cancer detection

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    Currently, no clinically relevant non-invasive biomarkers are available for screening of multiple cancer types. In this study, we developed a serum diagnostic signature based on 5-methylcytosine (m5C)-related miRNAs (m5C-miRNAs) for multiple-cancer detection. Serum miRNA expression data and the corresponding clinical information of patients were collected from the Gene Expression Omnibus database. Serum samples were then randomly assigned to the training or validation cohort at a 1:1 ratio. Using the identified m5C-miRNAs, an m5C-miRNA signature for cancer detection was established using a support vector machine algorithm. The constructed m5C-miRNA signature displayed excellent accuracy, and its areas under the curve were 0.977, 0.934, and 0.965 in the training cohort, validation cohort, and combined training and validation cohort, respectively. Moreover, the diagnostic capability of the m5C-miRNA signature was unaffected by patient age or sex or the presence of noncancerous disease. The m5C-miRNA signature also displayed satisfactory performance for distinguishing tumor types. Importantly, in the detection of early-stage cancers, the diagnostic performance of the m5C-miRNA signature was obviously superior to that of conventional tumor biomarkers. In summary, this work revealed the value of serum m5C-miRNAs in cancer detection and provided a new strategy for developing non-invasive and cost effective tools for large-scale cancer screening

    Electrical 180o switching of N\'eel vector in spin-splitting antiferromagnet

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    Antiferromagnetic spintronics have attracted wide attention due to its great potential in constructing ultra-dense and ultra-fast antiferromagnetic memory that suits modern high-performance information technology. The electrical 180o switching of N\'eel vector is a long-term goal for developing electrical-controllable antiferromagnetic memory with opposite N\'eel vectors as binary "0" and "1". However, the state-of-art antiferromagnetic switching mechanisms have long been limited for 90o or 120o switching of N\'eel vector, which unavoidably require multiple writing channels that contradicts ultra-dense integration. Here, we propose a deterministic switching mechanism based on spin-orbit torque with asymmetric energy barrier, and experimentally achieve electrical 180o switching of spin-splitting antiferromagnet Mn5Si3. Such a 180o switching is read out by the N\'eel vector-induced anomalous Hall effect. Based on our writing and readout methods, we fabricate an antiferromagnet device with electrical-controllable high and low resistance states that accomplishes robust write and read cycles. Besides fundamental advance, our work promotes practical spin-splitting antiferromagnetic devices based on spin-splitting antiferromagnet.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure