745 research outputs found

    Set voltage distribution stabilized by constructing an oxygen reservoir in resistive random access memory

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    In this letter, the instability mechanism of RRAM was investigated, and a technique was developed to stabilize the distribution of high resistance state (HRS) and better concentrate the SET voltage. In previous research, we found that an interface-type switching characteristic was observed on the I-V curve beneath the filament-type switching behavior, owing to the oxygen accumulation effect. In this letter, this interface-type switching characteristic is used to fit the natural distribution of HRS for an analysis of the instability mechanism. According to the results, the reason for the HRS distribution is the accumulation of extra oxygen ions which are left over from a lower degree of oxygen and oxygen vacancy recombination during the reset process. We propose a solution which creates an extra oxygen reservoir by changing the surface topography of the electrode to store the surplus oxygen ions from the reset process, eliminating the accumulation effect, and indeed improving stability. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Scientific and Regulatory Perspective on Monoclonal Antibody Biosimilars

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    Similar biotherapeutic products (SBPs), also called biosimilars, exhibit similar biological and clinical properties to authorized reference products. Biosimilars, including small molecules like erythropoietin and complex macromolecules like monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), have been used extensively in disease treatment. Monoclonal antibody biosimilars have gradually become a dominant development in the global pharmaceutical industry since their patents or data protection have been expired or nearing expiration. Since the mAb biosimilars are complex biological macromolecules with various post-translation modifications, it is important to evaluate whether these tiny differences significantly affect the quality. From a regulatory perspective, the comparability study needs to be performed to demonstrate that the quality, safety, and efficacy are similar to the biological reference. Based on these comprehensive comparative results, the indicated extrapolation might be acceptable. Post-market surveillance is also required because of unexpected biological variation caused by slightly different manufacturing processes. This chapter presents the scientific and regulatory considerations for monoclonal antibody biosimilar products for manufactures and for the regulatory authorities to administrate wisely and comprehensively

    Advances of Thrombectomy in Venous Thromboembolism

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) presenting as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism clinically is a potentially fatal cardiovascular diseases with short-term and long-term sequelae. Furthermore, there is high recurrent rate in VTE patients during follow-up. Anticoagulation with traditional anticoagulants or new generation of oral anticoagulants is the gold standard treatment in patients with VTE. On the other hand, there is remarkable progression in device-based or surgical thrombectomy in managements of VTE in recent years. Current evidence also demonstrates the efficacy and safety of these invasive procedures in selective VTE patients. The present article will illustrate recent advances of device-based or surgical thrombectomy in VTE treatment

    Investigating Zero-Shot Generalizability on Mandarin-English Code-Switched ASR and Speech-to-text Translation of Recent Foundation Models with Self-Supervision and Weak Supervision

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    This work evaluated several cutting-edge large-scale foundation models based on self-supervision or weak supervision, including SeamlessM4T, SeamlessM4T v2, and Whisper-large-v3, on three code-switched corpora. We found that self-supervised models can achieve performances close to the supervised model, indicating the effectiveness of multilingual self-supervised pre-training. We also observed that these models still have room for improvement as they kept making similar mistakes and had unsatisfactory performances on modeling intra-sentential code-switching. In addition, the validity of several variants of Whisper was explored, and we concluded that they remained effective in a code-switching scenario, and similar techniques for self-supervised models are worth studying to boost the performance of code-switched tasks.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 2024 Self-supervision in Audio, Speech and Beyond worksho

    Effects of an acute bout of light-intensity walking on sleep in older women with sleep impairment: A randomized controlled trial

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    Study objective: This study aimed to explore the effects of a single bout of light-intensity walking on sleep in older women with mild sleep impairment. Methods: A total of 40 women aged 55 years or above with mild sleep impairment were randomized to either a treadmill-walking session for 50 mins or a quiet-rest control. All participants completed the study (mean age: 60.4±4.7). Sleep quality was assessed by ActiGraph for 2 nights before (pre-test) and 2 nights after exercise (post-test). A mixed-design analysis of variance was used with group as the between-subjects factor and time point as the within-subjects factor. Results: No significant group difference on demographic variables, body mass index, physical and mental status, and eight sleep parameters were observed at baseline. Significant group-time interactions existed for sleep latency (p<0.001) and sleep efficiency (p=0.025). After the intervention, the walking group reduced sleep latency by 3.3 minutes (p=0.001) and also had greater sleep efficiency (increase 3.8%, p=0.008), but no significant change was found in the control group. No significant group-time interactions were present for the other six sleep parameters (activity counts, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, number and length of awakenings, or time in bed). Conclusion: A single session of light-intensity walking led to a modest reduction in sleep latency and improvement of sleep efficiency in older women with mild sleep impairment

    Recanalization of an Occluded Intrahepatic Portosystemic Covered Stent via the Percutaneous Transhepatic Approach

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    A 41-year-old woman with liver cirrhosis had recurrent portal hypertension and bleeding from esophageal varices due to complete occlusion of a previously inserted transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent. Because recanalization of the stent by the transjugular approach was unsuccessful, ultrasound-guided entry to the splenic vein and portal vein was used. After catheter-directed intrathrombus thrombolysis, successful opening of the stent was achieved and a stent was placed. We herein report a rare case in which thrombolysis and recanalization of a TIPS stent were performed via a percutaneous transhepatic approach

    easyExon – A Java-based GUI tool for processing and visualization of Affymetrix exon array data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alternative RNA splicing greatly increases proteome diversity and thereby contribute to species- or tissue-specific functions. The possibility to study alternative splicing (AS) events on a genomic scale using splicing-sensitive microarrays, including the Affymetrix GeneChip Exon 1.0 ST microarray (exon array), has appeared very recently. However, the application of this new technology is hindered by the lack of free and user-friendly software devoted to these novel platforms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we present a Java-based freeware, easyExon <url>http://microarray.ym.edu.tw/easyexon</url>, to process, filtrate and visualize exon array data with an analysis pipeline. This tool implements the most commonly used probeset summarization methods as well as AS-orientated filtration algorithms, e.g. MIDAS and PAC, for the detection of alternative splicing events. We include a biological filtration function according to GO terms, and provide a module to visualize and interpret the selected exons and transcripts. Furthermore, easyExon can integrate with other related programs, such as Integrate Genome Browser (IGB) and Affymetrix Power Tools (APT), to make the whole analysis more comprehensive. We applied easyExon on a public accessible colon cancer dataset as an example to illustrate the analysis pipeline of this tool.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>EasyExon can efficiently process and analyze the Affymetrix exon array data. The simplicity, flexibility and brevity of easyExon make it a valuable tool for AS event identification in genomic research.</p
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