26,222 research outputs found

    Predicting Human Interaction via Relative Attention Model

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    Predicting human interaction is challenging as the on-going activity has to be inferred based on a partially observed video. Essentially, a good algorithm should effectively model the mutual influence between the two interacting subjects. Also, only a small region in the scene is discriminative for identifying the on-going interaction. In this work, we propose a relative attention model to explicitly address these difficulties. Built on a tri-coupled deep recurrent structure representing both interacting subjects and global interaction status, the proposed network collects spatio-temporal information from each subject, rectified with global interaction information, yielding effective interaction representation. Moreover, the proposed network also unifies an attention module to assign higher importance to the regions which are relevant to the on-going action. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two public datasets, and the results demonstrate that the proposed relative attention network successfully predicts informative regions between interacting subjects, which in turn yields superior human interaction prediction accuracy.Comment: To appear in IJCAI 201

    Learning to Control in Metric Space with Optimal Regret

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    We study online reinforcement learning for finite-horizon deterministic control systems with {\it arbitrary} state and action spaces. Suppose that the transition dynamics and reward function is unknown, but the state and action space is endowed with a metric that characterizes the proximity between different states and actions. We provide a surprisingly simple upper-confidence reinforcement learning algorithm that uses a function approximation oracle to estimate optimistic Q functions from experiences. We show that the regret of the algorithm after KK episodes is O(HL(KH)d−1d)O(HL(KH)^{\frac{d-1}{d}}) where LL is a smoothness parameter, and dd is the doubling dimension of the state-action space with respect to the given metric. We also establish a near-matching regret lower bound. The proposed method can be adapted to work for more structured transition systems, including the finite-state case and the case where value functions are linear combinations of features, where the method also achieve the optimal regret

    Skeleton-aided Articulated Motion Generation

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    This work make the first attempt to generate articulated human motion sequence from a single image. On the one hand, we utilize paired inputs including human skeleton information as motion embedding and a single human image as appearance reference, to generate novel motion frames, based on the conditional GAN infrastructure. On the other hand, a triplet loss is employed to pursue appearance-smoothness between consecutive frames. As the proposed framework is capable of jointly exploiting the image appearance space and articulated/kinematic motion space, it generates realistic articulated motion sequence, in contrast to most previous video generation methods which yield blurred motion effects. We test our model on two human action datasets including KTH and Human3.6M, and the proposed framework generates very promising results on both datasets.Comment: ACM MM 201

    Triplet-based Deep Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification

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    In recent years, person re-identification (re-id) catches great attention in both computer vision community and industry. In this paper, we propose a new framework for person re-identification with a triplet-based deep similarity learning using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The network is trained with triplet input: two of them have the same class labels and the other one is different. It aims to learn the deep feature representation, with which the distance within the same class is decreased, while the distance between the different classes is increased as much as possible. Moreover, we trained the model jointly on six different datasets, which differs from common practice - one model is just trained on one dataset and tested also on the same one. However, the enormous number of possible triplet data among the large number of training samples makes the training impossible. To address this challenge, a double-sampling scheme is proposed to generate triplets of images as effective as possible. The proposed framework is evaluated on several benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that, our method is effective for the task of person re-identification and it is comparable or even outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: ICCV Workshops 201
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