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    本論文旨在探討冷戰體制下魯迅思想在台、港兩地的傳播與演繹。論文主要處理三個問題:第一,這些人的魯迅論述如何與冷戰與國民黨反共體制縫合。第二,魯迅思想如何置入大一統的文化架構中。第三,海外魯迅論述如何逆反中國或於海外在地演繹。論文共分成六個章節: 第一章先概述冷戰體制與華語語系文學概念,並整理現今魯迅文化史的研究狀況。透過系譜化魯迅研究來理解百年來的研究成果,並且提出在冷戰體制架構解讀台港兩地魯迅思想傳播與演繹的可能。 第二章則以蘇雪林為論述焦點,討論蘇從擁魯走向反魯的轉折,以及在台灣創造怎樣的魯迅形象。而她的激進反魯言論又是如何影響台港兩地,而這之中又與台、港的社會情形的差異有怎樣的關係,並造成兩地文化人的反彈。 第三章討論台、港的兩本魯迅傳記,在「人的魯迅」的共識上創造出不同的魯迅形象。鄭學稼的《魯迅正傳》的兩個版本,在不同的時代氛圍下有大幅的更動,以符合時代的現況。曹聚仁的《魯迅評傳》某程度是為了反對鄭學稼言論而寫,將魯迅形塑為永遠的反叛者與民族主義立場作家,所反映的是個人對海峽兩岸分治的看法。 第四章討論台、港、美三地的現代文學史。夏志清的《現代小說史》以西方美學標準審視魯迅的作品,成為西方認識中國現代文學的經典。司馬長風的《中國新文學史》強調的中國特性以及去政治的美學觀,反映對兩岸政治體制介入文學的反感。劉心皇的《現代文學史話》表現出個人礙於體制的監控,而迂迴表述對魯迅的看法。 第五章則梳理夏濟安、李歐梵一脈的魯迅研究,並比較夏濟安與舒蕪《野草》解讀之異同。這一脈的魯迅研究更為注重魯迅的心靈反覆、矛盾,以及其創作的象徵與隱喻,呈現精神意涵與創作技巧並重的研究。這一流派的研究在1980年代以後被介紹回中國,影響了中國新時期的魯迅研究方向,成為當前魯迅研究重要的一支。 第六章結論部分,先整理冷戰體制下台港魯迅研究的三大問題,並且嘗試以東亞視域來了解魯迅研究的跨國交流

    DreaMo: Articulated 3D Reconstruction From A Single Casual Video

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    Articulated 3D reconstruction has valuable applications in various domains, yet it remains costly and demands intensive work from domain experts. Recent advancements in template-free learning methods show promising results with monocular videos. Nevertheless, these approaches necessitate a comprehensive coverage of all viewpoints of the subject in the input video, thus limiting their applicability to casually captured videos from online sources. In this work, we study articulated 3D shape reconstruction from a single and casually captured internet video, where the subject's view coverage is incomplete. We propose DreaMo that jointly performs shape reconstruction while solving the challenging low-coverage regions with view-conditioned diffusion prior and several tailored regularizations. In addition, we introduce a skeleton generation strategy to create human-interpretable skeletons from the learned neural bones and skinning weights. We conduct our study on a self-collected internet video collection characterized by incomplete view coverage. DreaMo shows promising quality in novel-view rendering, detailed articulated shape reconstruction, and skeleton generation. Extensive qualitative and quantitative studies validate the efficacy of each proposed component, and show existing methods are unable to solve correct geometry due to the incomplete view coverage.Comment: Project page: https://ttaoretw.github.io/DreaMo

    Crystallization of Adenylylsulfate Reductase from Desulfovibrio gigas: A Strategy Based on Controlled Protein Oligomerization

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    Adenylylsulfate reductase (adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase, APS reductase or APSR, E.C. catalyzes the conversion of APS to sulfite in dissimilatory sulfate reduction. APSR was isolated and purified directly from massive anaerobically grown Desulfovibrio gigas, a strict anaerobe, for structure and function investigation. Oligomerization of APSR to form dimers–α_2β_2, tetramers–α_4β_4, hexamers–α_6β_6, and larger oligomers was observed during purification of the protein. Dynamic light scattering and ultracentrifugation revealed that the addition of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) or adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) disrupts the oligomerization, indicating that AMP or APS binding to the APSR dissociates the inactive hexamers into functional dimers. Treatment of APSR with β-mercaptoethanol decreased the enzyme size from a hexamer to a dimer, probably by disrupting the disulfide Cys156—Cys162 toward the C-terminus of the β-subunit. Alignment of the APSR sequences from D. gigas and A. fulgidus revealed the largest differences in this region of the β-subunit, with the D. gigas APSR containing 16 additional amino acids with the Cys156—Cys162 disulfide. Studies in a pH gradient showed that the diameter of the APSR decreased progressively with acidic pH. To crystallize the APSR for structure determination, we optimized conditions to generate a homogeneous and stable form of APSR by combining dynamic light scattering, ultracentrifugation, and electron paramagnetic resonance methods to analyze the various oligomeric states of the enzyme in varied environments

    Poincaré Plot of Fingertip Photoplethysmogram Pulse Amplitude Suitable to Assess Diabetes Status

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    Multiscale entropy (MSE), an estimate of the complexity of physiological signals has been used for assessing diabetes status. This method requires much computation effort. Our study aimed to examine the Poincaré plot, an easier method for computation to differentiate the diabetes status. We selected subjects and divided them into three groups including the non- diabetes (HbA1c ≤ 6.5%, n=22), diabetes with good control (6.5% < HbA1c < 8%, n=23), and diabetes with poor control (HbA1c ≥ 8%, n=17). Poincaré method used consecutive 250 data points of PPG pulse amplitudes from each subject’s right index fingertip. This method resulted in SSR, the standard deviation of the original photoplethysmogram (PPG) pulse amplitude (SD1) and the standard deviation of the interval 1 PPG pulse amplitude (SD2) ratio. The SSR in the three groups of non-diabetes, diabetes with good control and diabetes with poor control were 0.50, 0.28, and 0.23, respectively and differed between groups (P < 0.05).  Our findings suggested that the Poincaré plot of right-hand PPG pulse amplitude may be convenient to evaluate diabetes status