2 research outputs found

    Medidas de biossegurança no atendimento de emergência maxilofacial devido ao COVID-19

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    Introducción: la COVID-19 es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa y potencialmente mortal. Los procedimientos maxilofaciales implican exposición frecuente a saliva, sangre y otros fluidos, por lo que existe riesgo de infección nosocomial. Objetivo: exponer una panorámica actual sobre las medidas de bioseguridad en la atención de urgencias maxilofaciales en tiempos de pandemia por la COVID-19.Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en abril de 2021. Se evaluaron fundamentalmente revistas de la Web of Science. Todas las publicaciones incluidas fueron de 2020 y 2021 en inglés y español. Se emplearon descriptores como: pandemias, infecciones por coronavirus, bioseguridad. Resultados: la enfermedad coronavirus 2019, fue declarada pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud el 11 de marzo de 2020. La transmisión directa se produce por vía respiratoria, mientras que en la indirecta es necesario el contacto de la mucosa bucal, nasal u ocular con superficies contaminadas. En los tratamientos de urgencia maxilofacial, el contacto próximo con el paciente y la saliva hace que el personal esté en alto riesgo de infección cruzada. Las medidas de bioseguridad son necesarias para disminuir la circulación del virus, evitar la infección cruzada entre los pacientes y el médico, lo que permitirá brindar un entorno de seguridad para el paciente y el profesional. Conclusiones: es imperativo que el cirujano maxilofacial esté informado y ponga en práctica las medidas de bioseguridad actuales y las que surjan según la evidencia. Hasta la fecha, estas son las únicas herramientas para garantizar la protección del personal médico y los pacientes.Introduction: COVID-19 is a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease. Maxillofacial procedure in service implies frequent exposure to patients’ saliva, blood and other fluids, so there is a risk of nosocomial infection. Objective: to expouse an updated view concerning the biosafety measures against COVID-19 applied in the care of maxillofacial emergencies. Method: a bibliographic review was carried out in April 2021. Mainly journals indexed to the Web of Science was assessed. All publications included were in both language, English and Spanish, and updated (2020 and 2021). It was used descriptors like: pandemics, coronavirus infections, biosecurity. Results: coronavirus disease 2019, was declared as pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. Direct transmission occurs via respiratory route, while indirect transmission requires contact of oral, nasal or ocular mucosa with contaminated surfaces. In the maxillofacial emergency treatments, close contacts with patients and their saliva puts the staff in service at high risk of cross-infection. Biosecurity measures are highly necessary to reduce the virus circulation and avoid cross-infection between patients and physicians, thus providing a safety environment for patients and health professionals. Conclusions: it is highly necessary that the maxillofacial surgeons be updated and put into practice all current and emerging evidence-based biosafety measures. Up to now, these are the only tools to ensure the protection of medical personnel and patients.Introdução: COVID-19 é uma doença altamente contagiosa e potencialmente fatal. Os procedimentos maxilofaciais envolvem exposição frequente à saliva, sangue e outros fluidos, portanto, existe o risco de infecção nosocomial. Objetivo: apresentar um panorama atual das medidas de biossegurança no atendimento de emergência maxilofacial em tempos de pandemia de COVID-19. Método: foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica em abril de 2021. Foram avaliados principalmente periódicos da Web of Science. Todas as publicações incluídas foram de 2020 e 2021 em inglês e espanhol. Foram utilizados descritores como: pandemias, infecções por coronavírus, biossegurança.Resultados: a transmissão direta ocorre por via respiratória, enquanto a transmissão indireta requer contato com a mucosa oral, nasal ou ocular com superfícies contaminadas. Em tratamentos maxilofaciais de emergência, o contato próximo com o paciente e a saliva coloca a equipe em alto risco de infecção cruzada. Medidas de biossegurança são necessárias para reduzir a circulação do vírus, evitar infecções cruzadas entre o paciente e o médico, o que proporcionará um ambiente seguro para o paciente e o profissional.Conclusões: é imprescindível que o cirurgião maxilofacial seja informado e coloque em prática as medidas de biossegurança vigentes e as que surgirem de acordo com as evidências. Até o momento, essas são as únicas ferramentas para garantir a proteção do pessoal médico e dos pacientes

    Aggressive Odontogenic myxoma: a case report

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    Introduction: the odontogenic myxoma belongs to the group of tumors of odontogenic origin; they can cause visible deformities in the facial area. Objective: to expose clinical aspects of a patient with odontogenic myxoma. Case presentation: a clinical case is reported from white male patient, 25 years old, with no apparent personal pathological history is reported. He went to the body of guard of the Manuel Ascunce Domenech Hospital with an inflammatory process of sudden appearance in the right facial region, to the interrogation he referred asymptomatic, with slight limitation to the oral opening, with difficulty for phonation and swallowing. A week after starting the medical treatment, the evolution was not favorable, so it was decided to perform computed tomography in which a large hypodense image was observed that involved the right mandibular branch. The histopathological study reported odontogenic myxoma. It was decided to perform tumor reduction and possible surgical treatment, however, this entity had an aggressive evolution and the patient dies less than two months after diagnosis. Conclusions: the peculiarity of this case was the aggressive and infiltrating behavior of this entity, therefore, it was evident the variability in the clinical behavior of the odontogenic myxoma that despite being described as a benign tumor, had a torpid and unfavorable evolution for the patient