23 research outputs found

    A crystallographic phase transition within the magnetically ordered state of Ce_2Fe_17

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    X-ray diffraction experiments were performed on polycrystalline and single-crystal specimens of Ce2_{2}Fe17_{17} at temperatures between 10 K and 300 K. Below TtT_{\mathrm{t}} = 118±\pm2 K, additional weak superstructure reflections were observed in the antiferromagnetically ordered state. The superstructure can be described by a doubling of the chemical unit cell along the c\mathbf{c} direction in hexagonal notation with the same space group R3ˉmR \bar{3} m as the room-temperature structure. The additional antiferromagnetic satellite reflections observed in earlier neutron diffraction experiments can be conclusively related to the appearance of this superstructure.Comment: 8 pages, figures, submitted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Machine Learning Methods for Identifying Composition of Uranium Deposits in Kazakhstan

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    The paper explores geophysical methods of wells survey, as well as their role in the development of Kazakhstan’s uranium deposit mining efforts. An analysis of the existing methods for solving the problem of interpreting geophysical data using machine learning in petroleum geophysics is made. The requirements and possible applications of machine learning methods in regard to uranium deposits of Kazakhstan are formulated in the paper

    One method of generating synthetic data to assess the upper limit of machine learning algorithms performance

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    Based on statistics from the World Nuclear Association, Kazakhstan has the highest uranium production in the world. Most of the uranium in the country is mined via in-situ leaching and the accurate classification of lithologic composition using electric logging data is economically crucial for this type of mining. In general, this classification is done manually, which is both inefficient and erroneous. Information technology tools, such as predictive analytics with Supervised Machine Learning (SML) algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) models, are nowadays widely used to automate geophysical processes, but little is known about their application for uranium mines. Previous experiments showed an ANN accuracy of about 60% in the task of lithological interpretation of logging data. To determine the upper limit of the accuracy of machine learning algorithms in such task and for indirect assessment of the experts’ influence, a digital borehole model was developed. This made it possible to generate a complete set of data avoiding subjective expert assessments. Using these data, the work of various ML algorithms, both simple (kNN) and deep learning models (LSTM), was evaluated

    Assessing the Impact of Expert Labelling of Training Data on the Quality of Automatic Classification of Lithological Groups Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Machine learning (ML) methods are nowadays widely used to automate geophysical study. Some of ML algorithms are used to solve lithological classification problems during uranium mining process. One of the key aspects of using classical ML methods is causing data features and estimating their influence on the classification. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of the impact of expert opinions on the classification process. In other words, we have prepared the data, identified the experts and performed a series of experiments with and without taking into account the fact that the expert identifier is supplied to the input of the automatic classifier during training and testing. Feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) has been used as a classifier. The results of the experiments show that the “knowledge” of the ANN of which expert interpreted the data improves the quality of the automatic classification in terms of accuracy (by 5 %) and recall (by 20 %). However, due to the fact that the input parameters of the model may depend on each other, the SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method has been used to further assess the impact of expert identifier. SHAP has allowed assessing the degree of parameter influence. It has revealed that the expert ID is at least two times more influential than any of the other input parameters of the neural network. This circumstance imposes significant restrictions on the application of ANNs to solve the task of lithological classification at the uranium deposits


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    The paper presents the results of experiments conducted with the aim of a comparative analysis of the performance of the existing cloud services for natural language processing in Russian. The article provides an overview of 10 cloud services: TextRazor, RosetteTextAnalytics, EurekaEngine, CloudNaturalLanguage, Texterra, Pullenti, NER-ru, UDPipe, AOT, DeepPavlov. Quantitative studies of their performance were made for 6 of them. In the process of evaluating services, the execution of such functions as the part of speech tagging, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition and the categorization of texts were analyzed. For a comparative assessment of the quality of the services, the following competition materials were used: factRuEval-2016 (named entities), AlemResearch (sentiment) and the corpora, Taiga and OpenCorpora (part of speech). The named entities recognition quality was evaluated by calculating Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1 parameters. As a result of the study, it was shown that when solving natural language text processing tasks in Russian, the best result is shown by the EurekaEngine service for recognizing named entities and sentiment analysis of the text, RosetteTextAnalytics service proved best in part of speech tagging the and TextRazor service in text categorization

    Classification of Negative Information on Socially Significant Topics in Mass Media

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    Mass media not only reflect the activities of state bodies but also shape the informational context, sentiment, depth, and significance level attributed to certain state initiatives and social events. Multilateral and quantitative (to the practicable extent) assessment of media activity is important for understanding their objectivity, role, focus, and, ultimately, the quality of the society’s “fourth power”. The paper proposes a method for evaluating the media in several modalities (topics, evaluation criteria/properties, classes), combining topic modeling of the text corpora and multiple-criteria decision making. The evaluation is based on an analysis of the corpora as follows: the conditional probability distribution of media by topics, properties, and classes is calculated after the formation of the topic model of the corpora. Several approaches are used to obtain weights that describe how each topic relates to each evaluation criterion/property and to each class described in the paper, including manual high-level labeling, a multi-corpora approach, and an automatic approach. The proposed multi-corpora approach suggests assessment of corpora topical asymmetry to obtain the weights describing each topic’s relationship to a certain criterion/property. These weights, combined with the topic model, can be applied to evaluate each document in the corpora according to each of the considered criteria and classes. The proposed method was applied to a corpus of 804,829 news publications from 40 Kazakhstani sources published from 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2019, to classify negative information on socially significant topics. A BigARTM model was derived (200 topics) and the proposed model was applied, including to fill a table of the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and all of the necessary high-level labeling procedures. Experiments confirm the general possibility of evaluating the media using the topic model of the text corpora, because an area under receiver operating characteristics curve (ROC AUC) score of 0.81 was achieved in the classification task, which is comparable with results obtained for the same task by applying the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) model

    Coverage Path Planning Optimization of Heterogeneous UAVs Group for Precision Agriculture

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    Precision farming is one of the ways of transition to the intensive methods of agricultural production. The case of application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for solving problems of agriculture and animal husbandry is among the actively studied issues. The UAV is capable of solving the tasks of monitoring, fertilizing, herbicides, etc. However, the effective use of UAV requires to solve the tasks of flight planning, taking into account the heterogeneity of the available attachments and the problem solved in the process of the overflight. This research investigates the problem of flight planning of a group of heterogeneous UAVs applied to solving the issues of coverage, which may arise both in the course of monitoring and in the process of the implementation of agrotechnical measures. The method of coverage path planning of heterogenic UAVs group based on a genetic algorithm is proposed; this method provides planning of flight by a group of UAVs using a moving ground platform on which UAVs are recharged and refueled (multi heterogenic UAVs coverage path planning with moving ground platform (mhCPPmp)). This method allows calculating a fly by to solve the task of covering fields of different shapes and permits selecting the optimal subset of UAVs from the available set of devices; it also provides a 10% reduction in the cost of a flyby compared to an algorithm that does not use heterogeneous UAVs or a moving platform

    Mass Media as a Mirror of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The media plays an important role in disseminating facts and knowledge to the public at critical times, and the COVID-19 pandemic is a good example of such a period. This research is devoted to performing a comparative analysis of the representation of topics connected with the pandemic in the internet media of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The main goal of the research is to propose a method that would make it possible to analyze the correlation between mass media dynamic indicators and the World Health Organization COVID-19 data. In order to solve the task, three approaches related to the representation of mass media dynamics in numerical form—automatically obtained topics, average sentiment, and dynamic indicators—were proposed and applied according to a manually selected list of search queries. The results of the analysis indicate similarities and differences in the ways in which the epidemiological situation is reflected in publications in Russia and in Kazakhstan. In particular, the publication activity in both countries correlates with the absolute indicators, such as the daily number of new infections, and the daily number of deaths. However, mass media tend to ignore the positive rate of confirmed cases and the virus reproduction rate. If we consider strictness of quarantine measures, mass media in Russia show a rather high correlation, while in Kazakhstan, the correlation is much lower. Analysis of search queries revealed that in Kazakhstan the problem of fake news and disinformation is more acute during periods of deterioration of the epidemiological situation, when the level of crime and poverty increase. The novelty of this work is the proposal and implementation of a method that allows the performing of a comparative analysis of objective COVID-19 statistics and several mass media indicators. In addition, it is the first time that such a comparative analysis, between different countries, has been performed on a corpus in a language other than English

    Mass Media as a Mirror of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The media plays an important role in disseminating facts and knowledge to the public at critical times, and the COVID-19 pandemic is a good example of such a period. This research is devoted to performing a comparative analysis of the representation of topics connected with the pandemic in the internet media of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The main goal of the research is to propose a method that would make it possible to analyze the correlation between mass media dynamic indicators and the World Health Organization COVID-19 data. In order to solve the task, three approaches related to the representation of mass media dynamics in numerical form—automatically obtained topics, average sentiment, and dynamic indicators—were proposed and applied according to a manually selected list of search queries. The results of the analysis indicate similarities and differences in the ways in which the epidemiological situation is reflected in publications in Russia and in Kazakhstan. In particular, the publication activity in both countries correlates with the absolute indicators, such as the daily number of new infections, and the daily number of deaths. However, mass media tend to ignore the positive rate of confirmed cases and the virus reproduction rate. If we consider strictness of quarantine measures, mass media in Russia show a rather high correlation, while in Kazakhstan, the correlation is much lower. Analysis of search queries revealed that in Kazakhstan the problem of fake news and disinformation is more acute during periods of deterioration of the epidemiological situation, when the level of crime and poverty increase. The novelty of this work is the proposal and implementation of a method that allows the performing of a comparative analysis of objective COVID-19 statistics and several mass media indicators. In addition, it is the first time that such a comparative analysis, between different countries, has been performed on a corpus in a language other than English

    Operational Mapping of Salinization Areas in Agricultural Fields Using Machine Learning Models Based on Low-Altitude Multispectral Images

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    Salinization of cultivated soil is an important negative factor that reduces crop yields. Obtaining accurate and timely data on the salinity of soil horizons allows for planning the agrotechnical measures to reduce this negative impact. The method of soil salinity mapping of the 0–30 cm layer on irrigated arable land with the help of multispectral data received from the UAV is described in this article. The research was carried out in the south of the Almaty region of Kazakhstan. In May 2022, 80 soil samples were taken from the ground survey, and overflight of two adjacent fields was performed. The flight was carried out using a UAV equipped with a multispectral camera. The data preprocessing method is proposed herein, and several machine learning algorithms are compared (XGBoost, LightGBM, random forest, support vector machines, ridge regression, elastic net, etc.). Machine learning methods provided regression reconstruction to predict the electrical conductivity of the 0–30 cm soil layer based on an optimized list of spectral indices. The XGB regressor model showed the best quality results: the coefficient of determination was 0.701, the mean-squared error was 0.508, and the mean absolute error was 0.514. A comparison with the results obtained based on Landsat 8 data using a similar model was performed. Soil salinity mapping using UAVs provides much better spatial detailing than satellite data and has the possibility of an arbitrary selection of the survey time, less dependence on the conditions of cloud cover, and a comparable degree of accuracy of estimates