178 research outputs found

    Mid-infrared Spectral Compression of Soliton Pulse in an Adiabatically Suspended Silicon Waveguide Taper

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    Spectral compression (SPC) can be used for generating narrow bandwidth and wavelength-tunable light sources, which have important applications in optical communication system, spectroscopy, and nonlinear microscopy. In this paper, we numerically demonstrate the high-degree SPC of the chirp-free femtosecond pulse at wavelength 2.4 μm in a 6-cm long adiabatically suspended silicon waveguide taper. The silicon waveguide taper is designed with a dispersion-increasing profile along the propagation distance z. Simulation results show that the SPC factor can be up to 10.9, along with the brightness-enhanced factor of 8.0 and negligible sidelobe. The impacts of the higher-order dispersion, higher-order nonlinearity, losses (including linear and nonlinear loss), and variation of Kerr nonlinear coefficient along z on the SPC are also investigated. It is found that variation of Kerr nonlinear coefficient γ(z) and linear loss are the dominant perturbation to the degradation of the SPC performance

    Self-similar Pcosecond Pulse Compression for Supercontinuum Generation at Mid-infrared Wavelength in Silicon Strip Waveguides

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    Self-similar pulse compression has important application in highly coherent supercontinuum (SC) generation. In this paper, we numerically present the mid-infrared self-similar picosecond pulse compression in a tapered suspended silicon strip waveguide, which is designed with exponentially decreasing dispersion profile along the direction of propagation. When the variation of the Kerr nonlinear coefficient ��(z), linear and nonlinear losses, higher-order nonlinearity, and higher-order dispersion are taken into consideration, the simulation result shows that a 1 ps input pulse centered at wavelength 2.8 μm could be self-similarly compressed to 47.06 fs in a 3.9-cm waveguide taper, along with a compression factor ��c of 21.25, quality factor ��c of 0.78, and negligible pedestal. After that, the compressed pulse is launched into a uniform silicon strip waveguide, which is used for the generation of SC. We numerically demonstrate that the coherence of the generated SC by the compressed pulse can be significantly improved when compared to that generated directly by the picosecond pulse. The simulation results can be used to realize on-chip mid-infrared femtosecond light source and highly coherent supercontinuum, which can promote the development of on-chip nonlinear optic

    Re-visiting the extended Schmidt law: the important role of existing stars in regulating star formation

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    We revisit the proposed extended Schmidt law (Shi et al. 2011) which points that the star formation efficiency in galaxies depends on the stellar mass surface density, by investigating spatially-resolved star formation rates (SFRs), gas masses and stellar masses of star formation regions in a vast range of galactic environments, from the outer disks of dwarf galaxies to spiral disks and to merging galaxies as well as individual molecular clouds in M33. We find that these regions are distributed in a tight power-law as Sigma_SFR ~(Sigma_star^0.5 Sigma_gas )^1.09, which is also valid for the integrated measurements of disk and merging galaxies at high-z. Interestingly, we show that star formation regions in the outer disks of dwarf galaxies with Sigma_SFR down to 10^(-5) Msun/yr/kpc^2, which are outliers of both Kennicutt-Schmidt and Silk-Elmegreen law, also follow the extended Schmidt law. Other outliers in the Kennicutt-Schmidt law, such as extremely-metal poor star-formation regions, also show significantly reduced deviations from the extended Schmidt law. These results suggest an important role for existing stars in helping to regulate star formation through the effect of their gravity on the mid-plane pressure in a wide range of galactic environments.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; ApJ in pres

    Highly sensitive temperature sensing based on all-solid cladding dual-core photonic crystal fiber filled with the toluene and ethanol

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    An all-solid cladding dual-core photonic crystal fiber (DC-PCF) filled with toluene and ethanol is proposed for the temperature sensing. The all-solid cladding is formed by using the fluorine-doped silica glass instead of the air holes in the cladding region. By selectively filling the toluene and ethanol into the three air holes near the core region, the characteristic of the temperature sensing is numerically investigated. The simulation results show that the average sensitivity of the temperature sensing can achieve −11.64 and −7.41 nm/°C in the temperature ranges from 0 to 70 °C and −80 to 0 °C, respectively, when the length of the DC-PCF is as short as 1.6 mm. The maximum sensitivity in the considered temperature ranges can be up to −15 and −9 nm/°C, respectively. Moreover, the proposed temperature sensor is insensitive to the hydrostatic pressure

    Design of diamond-shape photonic crystal fiber polarization filter based on surface plasma resonance effect

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    A novel plasmonic polarization filter based on the diamond-shape photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is proposed. The resonant coupling characteristics of the PCF polarization filter are investigated by the full-vector finite-element method. By optimizing the geometric parameters of the PCF, when the fiber length is 5 mm, the polarization filter has a bandwidth of 990 nm and an extinction ratio (ER) of lower than -20 dB. Moreover, a single wavelength polarization filter can also be achieved, along with an ER of -279.78 dB at wavelength 1.55 μm. It is believed that the proposed PCF polarization filter will be very useful in laser and optical communication systems

    Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Silicon Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Polarization Beam Splitter at Mid-Infrared Spectral Region

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    In this paper, a novel silicon dual-core photonic crystal fiber (Si-DC-PCF) polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on surface plasmon resonance effect is proposed. The mode coupling characteristics between the X and Y-polarized even and odd modes and surface plasmon polariton mode are analyzed by using the finite element method and coupled-mode theory. The influences of the structure parameters of the Si-DC-PCF on the coupling length and coupling length ratio are investigated. The normalized output power of the X and Y-polarized modes in the cores A and B and the corresponding extinction ratio are also discussed. By optimizing the structure parameters of the Si-DC-PCF, the PBS length of 192 μm and bandwidth of 830 and 730 nm in the cores A and B are achieved. It is believed that the proposed Si-DC-PCF PBS can find important applications in the mid-infrared laser and sensing systems

    Mid-Infrared Silicon Photonic Crystal Fiber Polarization Filter Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Effect

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    In this paper, a novel silicon photonic crystal fiber (Si-PCF) polarization filter based on surface plasmon resonance effect is proposed for the first time. With the full-vector finite-element method, the mode coupling characteristics of the Si-PCF with the gold-coated film between the core mode and surface plasmonpolariton mode are investigated, and the confinement losses are analyzed. The confinement losses of the Y-polarized core mode at the three resonant wavelengths 2.84, 3.29, and 4.53 μm are 9235.9, 27097.5, and 97818.3 dB/m, respectively. The extinction ratio reaches -391 dB and the insertion loss is less than 1 dB when the Si-PCF length is 4 mm, along with the filter bandwidth of 2.75 μm. Moreover, by modifying the fiber structure parameters, the filter bandwidth of the proposed three kinds of Si-PCF polarization filters can cover 2.75 to 7.80 μm. It is believed that the proposed Si-PCF polarization filter has important applications in the mid-infrared laser and optical communication systems

    Dispersion-Engineered T-type Germanium Waveguide for Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum and Frequency Comb Generations in All-Normal Dispersion Region

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    In this paper, a T-type Germanium (Ge) waveguide with the all-normal dispersion profile is designed for mid-infrared supercontinuum (SC) and frequency comb generations. The nonlinearity coefficient of the designed waveguide is calculated as 30.48 W-1·m-1 at the initial pump wavelength of 3.0 μm. Moreover, the group-velocity dispersion is kept low and flat in the considered wavelength range. Simulation results show that with the designed waveguide, the highly coherent and octave-spanning MIR SC can be generated in the wavelength range from 1.85 to 9.98 µm (more than 2.4 octaves) when the pump pulse with wavelength of 3.0 μm, peak power of 900 W, and duration of 120 fs is launched into the 5 mm long waveguide. When the pulse train including 50 pulses at a repetition rate of 100 MHz is used as the pump source, the SC-based frequency comb is obtained

    Mid-infrared supercontinuum and frequency comb generations by different optical modes in a multimode chalcogenide strip waveguide

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    Supercontinuum (SC) with broad bandwidth and high coherence is crucial in the SC-based frequency comb source generation. In this paper, we numerically investigate the mid-infrared (MIR) SC generations with the three optical modes (TE00, TE10, and TE20) in a multimode chalcogenide (As2Se3) strip waveguide. The waveguide structure is carefully engineered to ensure that the pump pulses are propagated in the normal dispersion regions of the considered three optical modes. Highly coherent and octave-spanning MIR SCs are generated when the optimized pump pulse with 80-fs pulse duration, 3-kW peak power, and 3-μm center wavelength is used. Moreover, the nonlinear dynamics of the SC generation are numerically analyzed. Finally, the SC-based frequency combs are numerically demonstrated when a pulse train with a repetition rate of 50 MHz is used as the pump source and launched into the multimode As2Se3-based strip waveguide. It is believed that the generated MIR SC and SC-based frequency comb sources have important applications in biophotonics, metrology, and sensing

    A Novel Gold Film-coated V-shape Dual-core Photonic Crystal Fiber Polarization Beam Splitter Covering the E+S+C+L+U Band

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    In this paper, a novel gold film-coated V-shape dual-core photonic crystal fiber (V-DC-PCF) polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on surface plasmon resonance effect is proposed. The coupling lengths of the X-polarization (X-pol) and Y polarization (Y-pol) and the corresponding coupling length ratio of the proposed V-DC-PCF PBS without gold film and with gold film are compared. The fiber structure parameters and thickness of the gold film are optimized through investigating their effects on the coupling lengths and coupling length ratio. As the propagation length increases, the normalized output powers of the X-pol and Y-pol of the proposed V-DC-PCF PBS at the three wavelengths 1.610, 1.631, and 1.650 µm are demonstrated. The relationships between the extinction ratio (ER), insertion loss (IL) and wavelength for the three splitting lengths (SLs) 188, 185, and 182 µm are investigated. Finally, it is demonstrated that for the proposed V-DC-PCF PBS, the optimal SL is 188 µm, the ILs of the X-pol and Y pol are less than 0.22 dB, and the splitting bandwidth (SB) can cover the E + S + C + L + U band. The proposed V-DC-PCF PBS has the ultra-short SL, ultra-wide SB, and ultra-low IL, so it is expected to have important applications in the laser, sensing, and dense wavelength division multiplexing systems