18 research outputs found

    Evidence for quasi-one-dimensional charge density wave in CuTe by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    We report the electronic structure of CuTe with a high charge density wave (CDW) transition temperature Tc = 335 K by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). An anisotropic charge density wave gap with a maximum value of 190 meV is observed in the quasi-one-dimensional band formed by Te px orbitals. The CDW gap can be filled by increasing temperature or electron doping through in situ potassium deposition. Combining the experimental results with calculated electron scattering susceptibility and phonon dispersion, we suggest that both Fermi surface nesting and electron-phonon coupling play important roles in the emergence of the CDW

    Bidirectional multi-photon communication between remote superconducting nodes

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    Quantum communication testbeds provide a useful resource for experimentally investigating a variety of communication protocols. Here we demonstrate a superconducting circuit testbed with bidirectional multi-photon state transfer capability using time-domain shaped wavepackets. The system we use to achieve this comprises two remote nodes, each including a tunable superconducting transmon qubit and a tunable microwave-frequency resonator, linked by a 2 m-long superconducting coplanar waveguide, which serves as a transmission line. We transfer both individual and superposition Fock states between the two remote nodes, and additionally show that this bidirectional state transfer can be done simultaneously, as well as used to entangle elements in the two nodes.Comment: Main Paper has 6 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary has 14 pages, 16 figures, 2 table

    Two-dimensional optomechanical crystal resonator in gallium arsenide

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    In the field of quantum computation and communication there is a compelling need for quantum-coherent frequency conversion between microwave electronics and infra-red optics. A promising platform for this is an optomechanical crystal resonator that uses simultaneous photonic and phononic crystals to create a co-localized cavity coupling an electromagnetic mode to an acoustic mode, which then via electromechanical interactions can undergo direct transduction to electronics. The majority of work in this area has been on one-dimensional nanobeam resonators which provide strong optomechanical couplings but, due to their geometry, suffer from an inability to dissipate heat produced by the laser pumping required for operation. Recently, a quasi-two-dimensional optomechanical crystal cavity was developed in silicon exhibiting similarly strong coupling with better thermalization, but at a mechanical frequency above optimal qubit operating frequencies. Here we adapt this design to gallium arsenide, a natural thin-film single-crystal piezoelectric that can incorporate electromechanical interactions, obtaining a mechanical resonant mode at f_m ~ 4.5 GHz ideal for superconducting qubits, and demonstrating optomechanical coupling g_om/(2pi) ~ 650 kHz

    Developing a platform for linear mechanical quantum computing

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    Linear optical quantum computing provides a desirable approach to quantum computing, with a short list of required elements. The similarity between photons and phonons points to the interesting potential for linear mechanical quantum computing (LMQC), using phonons in place of photons. While single-phonon sources and detectors have been demonstrated, a phononic beamsplitter element remains an outstanding requirement. Here we demonstrate such an element, using two superconducting qubits to fully characterize a beamsplitter with single phonons. We further use the beamsplitter to demonstrate two-phonon interference, a requirement for two-qubit gates, completing the toolbox needed for LMQC. This advance brings linear quantum computing to a fully solid-state system, along with straightforward conversion between itinerant phonons and superconducting qubits

    Comparing many-body localization lengths via nonperturbative construction of local integrals of motion

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    Many-body localization (MBL), characterized by the absence of thermalization and the violation of conventional thermodynamics, has elicited much interest both as a fundamental physical phenomenon and for practical applications in quantum information. A phenomenological model which describes the system using a complete set of local integrals of motion (LIOMs) provides a powerful tool to understand MBL but can usually be computed only approximately. Here we explicitly compute a complete set of LIOMs with a nonperturbative approach by maximizing the overlap between LIOMs and physical spin operators in real space. The set of LIOMs satisfies the desired exponential decay of the weight of LIOMs in real space. This LIOM construction enables a direct mapping from the real-space Hamiltonian to the phenomenological model and thus enables studying the localized Hamiltonian and the system dynamics. We can thus study and compare the localization lengths extracted from the LIOM weights, their interactions, and dephasing dynamics, revealing interesting aspects of many-body localization. Our scheme is immune to accidental resonances and can be applied even at the phase transition point, providing a tool to study the microscopic features of the phenomenological model of MBL