2,803 research outputs found

    Generating functions for moments of the quasi-nilpotent DT-operator

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    We prove a recursion formula for generating functions of certain renormalizations of *-moments of the DT(\delta_0,1)-operator T, involving an operation \odot on formal power series and a transformation E that converts \odot to usual multiplication. This recursion formula is used to prove that all of these generating functions are rational functions, and to find a few of them explicitly.Comment: 16 page

    Maximal increasing sequences in fillings of almost-moon polyominoes

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    It was proved by Rubey that the number of fillings with zeros and ones of a given moon polyomino that do not contain a northeast chain of size kk depends only on the set of columns of the polyomino, but not the shape of the polyomino. Rubey's proof is an adaption of jeu de taquin and promotion for arbitrary fillings of moon polyominoes. In this paper we present a bijective proof for this result by considering fillings of almost-moon polyominoes, which are moon polyominoes after removing one of the rows. Explicitly, we construct a bijection which preserves the size of the largest northeast chains of the fillings when two adjacent rows of the polyomino are exchanged. This bijection also preserves the column sum of the fillings. We also present a bijection that preserves the size of the largest northeast chains, the row sum and the column sum if every row of the fillings has at most one 1.Comment: 18 page

    Quasifinite representations of classical Lie subalgebras of W_{1+infty}

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    We show that there are precisely two, up to conjugation, anti-involutions sigma_{\pm} of the algebra of differential operators on the circle preserving the principal gradation. We classify the irreducible quasifinite highest weight representations of the central extension \hat{D}^{\pm} of the Lie subalgebra of this algebra fixed by - sigma_{\pm}, and find the unitary ones. We realize them in terms of highest weight representations of the central extension of the Lie algebra of infinite matrices with finitely many non-zero diagonals over the truncated polynomial algebra C[u] / (u^{m+1}) and its classical Lie subalgebras of B, C and D types. Character formulas for positive primitive representations of \hat{D}^{\pm} (including all the unitary ones) are obtained. We also realize a class of primitive representations of \hat{D}^{\pm} in terms of free fields and establish a number of duality results between these primitive representations and finite-dimensional irreducible representations of finite-dimensional Lie groups and supergroups. We show that the vacuum module V_c of \hat{D}^+ carries a vertex algebra structure and establish a relationship between V_c for half-integral central charge c and W-algebras.Comment: Latex, 77 page
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