1,087 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Curricula for Music Teachers Training in Japan and China - Okayama University, Tokyo University of the Arts and Northeast Normal University -

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    The relationship between attractiveness and femininity in female gait

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    The evaluation of physical attractiveness has been reported to be related to the psychological process for detecting associated physiological health and fertility features. The femininity of the female gait is also associated with its attractiveness. However, it is unclear whether femininity is always attractive in female gait and what physical characteristics are perceived as being attractive and/or feminine. In this study, we aimed to understand the root of the attractiveness of human movement by examining the relationship between perceived attractiveness and femininity in female gait. First, we created 30 s gait animations by using 3D motion capture data of 10 female nonmodels and seven female runway models, where they walked either barefoot or in high heels. Then, 60 observers evaluated the attractiveness and femininity of each animation. We compared the scores of attractiveness (A-scores) and femininity (F-scores) of the models and nonmodels, and we examined the factors related to the evaluation (A-scores and F-scores), namely, the walkers’ height, weight, BMI, and the characteristics of movements. Consequently, both the A-score and the F-score were high for the models’ gait in high heels. Conversely, in the other conditions, there were two types of attractiveness−femininity relationships—a linear relationship (high A-score and F-score, or low A-score and F-score) and an unequal relationship (high F-score but low A-score). Most physical and motion factors correlated with both the A-score and the F-score; however, BMI, flexibility at the thoracolumbar joint, stride time CV, and toe-off angle were related to either the A-score or the F-score

    Dance Teaching by a Robot: Combining Cognitive and Physical Human-Robot Interaction for Supporting the Skill Learning Process

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    This letter presents a physical human-robot interaction scenario in which a robot guides and performs the role of a teacher within a defined dance training framework. A combined cognitive and physical feedback of performance is proposed for assisting the skill learning process. Direct contact cooperation has been designed through an adaptive impedance-based controller that adjusts according to the partner's performance in the task. In measuring performance, a scoring system has been designed using the concept of progressive teaching (PT). The system adjusts the difficulty based on the user's number of practices and performance history. Using the proposed method and a baseline constant controller, comparative experiments have shown that the PT presents better performance in the initial stage of skill learning. An analysis of the subjects' perception of comfort, peace of mind, and robot performance have shown a significant difference at the p < .01 level, favoring the PT algorithm.Comment: Presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA-201

    The Culture of the Drums on the Silk Road as Sea Route (2) -Vocal Percussion and Performer of the Drums in Kerala, South India.

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     本稿は,海のシルクロードにおける太鼓文化の諸相を明らかにする研究の一部を成すもの である。これまでに,拙稿「南インドの太鼓ミラーブの唱歌における伝承文化論」(山本 2012)と「海のシルクロードにおける太鼓文化(1)─南インド,ケーララの『音高可変太 鼓』イダッキャ」(山本2013)で,ミラーブmizhaavuとイダッキャitaykaという,それぞ れが非常に珍しい形態および演奏技法を持つ太鼓について論じてきた。ミラーブとイダッキ ャは,現在ではサンスクリット演劇のクーリヤッタムKoodiyattamの伴奏楽器として,とも に同じ舞台で演奏をしている。しかし,その伝承を担うのは明らかに異なる世襲職業集団で あった。ケーララという時空間を共有しながらも,このような伝承グループの差異は音楽文 化にどのような影響を与えているのだろうか。本稿では4つの太鼓の演奏の場と唱歌を比較 し,そこから見えてくる音楽文化の様相について考察した

    Study of Transmission as Culture on Vocal Percussion of Mizhaavu in South India

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    アジアでは,太鼓音楽の伝承のために,唱歌(口唱歌,口太鼓とも)を使うことが多い。 太鼓の唱歌は,リズムや音色だけでなく,演奏方法も表すことができる非常にすぐれたシス テムだということは周知のことである。我が国でも,能や歌舞伎で使われる小鼓などは,唱 歌を使って伝承されてきた。本稿では,音楽文化のコンテクストと,唱歌がどのような相互 関係を築いてきたか,太鼓音楽文化が花開いている南インドのケーララ州で,壺型太鼓ミラー ブを事例に考察をおこなった

    Mutual Interactions of Music and Dance in West Africa.: The Example of Djembe Music in the Republic of Guinea.

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    ジェンベdjembe は,ギニア共和国とその隣国のマリ共和国,コートジボワール共和国,セネガル共和国などの西アフリカ諸国で伝承されている打楽器である。ジェンベ音楽は,ジェンベと他の打楽器によるリズムアンサンブルであり,舞踊と共に演奏される。  ジェンベ音楽と舞踊には深い関わりがあることが指摘されているが,その具体例は明示されていない。本稿ではギニアの農村部であるハマナ地方で伝承されているドゥンドゥンバ様式の楽曲「ドゥヌンベdunungbe」を例に,ジェンベ音楽の中で演奏者と踊り手が互いにどのように働きかけ,音楽と舞踊が一体となったパフォーマンスを作り上げているかを明らかにする

    Tha Method of Workshop of Traditional Japanese Instrument No-kan

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    The Teaching System of Chinese Instrument "erhu" to Beginners in Japan

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