2,251 research outputs found

    Magnon Supersolid and Anomalous Hysteresis in Spin Dimers on a Triangular Lattice

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    We study the magnetic phase diagram and hysteresis behavior of weakly coupled spin dimers on a triangular lattice using the cluster mean-field method with cluster-size scaling. We find that the magnetization curve has plateaus at 1/3 and 2/3 of the total magnetization, in which local singlet and triplet states form a superlattice pattern. Moreover, if increasing (decreasing) the magnetic field from the 1/3 (2/3) plateau, the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of triplons occurs on the superlattice background, leading to the transition into magnon supersolid phase. We also find that the first-order transition between these solid states and the standard magnon BEC state exhibits an anomalous hysteresis upon cycling the magnetic field; the transition can occur only from solid to BEC, and the system cannot return to the initial solid state in the reverse process.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Collective excitation and stability of flow-induced gapless Fermi superfluids

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    We study the collective excitation and stability of superfluid Fermi gases flowing with a constant velocity in three-dimensional free space. In particular, we investigate a possible gapless superfluid state induced by the superflow using the mean-field theory and the generalized random-phase approximation (GRPA). For weak attractive interactions, we find that the mean-field superfluid order parameter can take a nonzero value even after the superflow velocity exceeds the threshold for the onset of Bogoliubov quasiparticle excitations. Since the Cooper pairs are only partially broken by the quasiparticle excitations, a gapless superfluid state can be formed over a certain range of superflow velocity above the pair-breaking onset. In addition to the usual quasiparticle-pair continuum and the Anderson-Bogoliubov collective mode, the GRPA excitation spectrum of the gapless superfluid state has a quasiparticle-quasihole continuum and a second collective mode. We find that the long-wavelength excitations of the second collective mode eventually cause dynamical instability of the system when the superflow velocity increases. However, the gapless superfluid state still remains stable in a narrow but finite range of superflow velocity.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum Phase Diagram of the Triangular-Lattice XXZ Model in a Magnetic Field

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    The triangular lattice of S=1/2 spins with XXZ anisotropy is a ubiquitous model for various frustrated systems in different contexts. We determine the quantum phase diagram of the model in the plane of the anisotropy parameter and the magnetic field by means of a large-size cluster mean-field method with a scaling scheme. We find that quantum fluctuations break up the nontrivial continuous degeneracy into two first-order phase transitions. In between the two transition boundaries, the degeneracy lifting results in the emergence of a new coplanar phase not predicted in the classical counterpart of the model. We suggest that the quantum phase transition to the nonclassical coplanar state can be observed in triangular-lattice antiferromagnets with large easy-plane anisotropy or in the corresponding optical-lattice systems.Comment: Published version (5 pages, 4 figures) + Supplementary Material (5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table). Erratum added at the end (1 page, 1 figure; submitted to PRL). The correction is minor and does not affect the main conclusion

    Cubic-quintic nonlinearity in superfluid Bose-Bose mixtures in optical lattices: Heavy solitary waves, barrier-induced criticality, and current-phase relations

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    We study superfluid (SF) states of strongly interacting Bose-Bose mixtures with equal mass and intra-component interaction in optical lattices both in the presence and absence of a barrier potential (BP). We show that the SF order parameters obey the two-component nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLSE) with not only cubic but also quintic nonlinearity in the vicinity of the first-order transitions to the Mott insulators with even fillings. In the case of no BP, we analyze solitary-wave (SW) solutions of the cubic-quintic NLSE. When the SF state changes from a ground state to a metastable one, a standard dark SW turns into a bubble-like dark SW, which has a non-vanishing density dip and no pi phase kink even in the case of a standing SW. It is shown that the former and latter SW are dynamically unstable against an out-of-phase fluctuation and an in-phase fluctuation, respectively, and the dynamical instabilities are weakened when one approaches the transition point. We find that the size and the inertial mass of the SW diverge at the first-order transition point. We suggest that the divergence of the inertial mass may be detected through measurement of the relation between the velocity and the phase jump of the SW. In the presence of BP, we reveal that when the barrier strength exceeds a certain critical value, the SF state that was metastable without the barrier is destabilized towards complete disjunction of the SF. The presence of the critical BP strength indicates that the strong BP qualitatively changes the criticality near the metastability limit of the SF state. We derive critical behaviors of the density, the compressibility, and the critical current near the metastability limit induced by the BP. It is also found that the relation between the supercurrent and the phase jump across the BP exhibits a peculiar behavior, owing to the non-topological nature of the bubble-like SW.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figure

    Quantum tricriticality at the superfluid-insulator transition of binary Bose mixtures

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    Quantum criticality near a tricritical point (TCP) is studied in the two-component Bose-Hubbard model on square lattices. The existence of quantum TCP on a boundary of superfluid-insulator transition is confirmed by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, we analytically derive the quantum tricritical behaviors on the basis of an effective field theory. We find two significant features of the quantum tricriticality, that are the chemical potential dependence of the superfluid transition temperature and a strong density fluctuation. We suggest that these features are directly observable in existing experimental setups of Bose-Bose mixtures in optical lattices.Comment: 5+10 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum phases of hardcore bosons with long-range interactions on a square lattice

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    We study the ground-state phase diagrams of hardcore bosons with long-range interactions on a square lattice using the linear spin-wave theory and a cluster mean-field method. Specifically, we consider the two types of long-range interaction: One consists only of the nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions, and the other is the dipole-dipole interaction that decays with the interparticle distance rr as ∼r−3\sim r^{-3}. It is known from previous analyses by quantum Monte Carlo methods that a checkerboard supersolid (CSS) is absent in the ground-state phase diagram of the former case while it is present in the latter. In the former, we find that quantum fluctuations around mean-field solutions are enhanced by the direct competition between the checkerboard and striped solid orders and that they destabilize the CSS phase. On the other hand, the emergence of the CSS phase in the latter case can be attributed to the absence of such a competition with other solid orders. We also show that the cluster mean-field method allows for the determination of phase boundaries in a precise quantitative manner when scaling with respect to the cluster size is taken into account. It is found that the phase transition between the superfluid and the solid (or CSS) is of the first order in the vicinity of the particle-hole symmetric line.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, 1 tabl

    Microscopic Model Calculations for the Magnetization Process of Layered Triangular-Lattice Quantum Antiferromagnets

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    Magnetization processes of spin-1/2 layered triangular-lattice antiferromagnets (TLAFs) under a magnetic field H are studied by means of a numerical cluster mean-field method with a scaling scheme. We find that small antiferromagnetic couplings between the layers give rise to several types of extra quantum phase transitions among different high-field coplanar phases. Especially, a field-induced first-order transition is found to occur at H\approx 0.7 H_s, where H_s is the saturation field, as another common quantum effect of ideal TLAFs in addition to the well-established one-third plateau. Our microscopic model calculation with appropriate parameters show excellent agreement with experiments on Ba_3CoSb_2O_9 [T. Susuki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 267201 (2013)]. Given this fact, we suggest that the Co^{2+}-based compounds may allow for quantum simulations of intriguing properties of this simple frustrated model, such as quantum criticality and supersolid states.Comment: 5+2 pages, 5+4 figure

    Magnetization process of spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets on a layered triangular lattice

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    We study the magnetization process of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a layered triangular lattice by means of a numerical cluster mean-field method with a scaling scheme (CMF+S). It has been known that antiferromagnetic spins on a two-dimensional (2D) triangular lattice with quantum fluctuations exhibit a one-third magnetization plateau in the magnetization curve under magnetic field. We demonstrate that the CMF+S quantitatively reproduces the magnetization curve including the stabilization of the plateau. {We also discuss the effects of a finite interlayer coupling, which is unavoidable in real quasi-2D materials. It has been recently argued for a model of the layered-triangular-lattice compound Ba3CoSb2O9 that such interlayer coupling can induce an additional first-order transition at a strong field. We present the detailed CMF+S results for the magnetization and susceptibility curves of the fundamental Heisenberg Hamiltonian in the presence of magnetic field and weak antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling. The extra first-order transition appears as a quite small jump in the magnetization curve and a divergence in the susceptibility at a strong magnetic field ~ 0.712 of the saturation field.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Umbrella-coplanar transition in the triangular XXZ model with arbitrary spin

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    The quantum triangular XXZ model has recently enjoyed a wealth of new theoretical results, especially in relation to the modeling of the Ba3_3CoSb2_2O9_9 compound. In particular, it has been understood that in a longitudinal magnetic field the umbrella (cone) phase, classically stable in all the easy-plane region of the ground-state phase diagram, is considerably reduced by the effect of quantum fluctuations. We provide more quantitative information for this phenomenon at arbitrary value of the site spin SS, by employing the dilute Bose gas expansion, valid in the high-field regime; our results improve the available estimates of the 1/S1/S expansion. We quantify the extent to which a higher spin suppresses the effect of quantum fluctuations. Besides, we show how in three-dimensional layered systems a relatively small antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling has a similar consequence of bringing back the umbrella phase in some part of the phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; v2 results unchanged, title and abstract slightly modified, introduction expanded, presentation generally improved, references added, matches published versio

    Secure multiplex coding to attain the channel capacity in wiretap channels

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    It is known that a message can be transmitted safely against any wiretapper via a noisy channel without a secret key if the coding rate is less than the so-called secrecy capacity CSC_S, which is usually smaller than the channel capacity CC. In order to remove the loss C−CSC - C_S, we propose a multiplex coding scheme with plural independent messages. In this paper, it is shown that the proposed multiplex coding scheme can attain the channel capacity as the total rate of the plural messages and the perfect secrecy for each message. The coding theorem is proved by extending Hayashi's proof, in which the coding of the channel resolvability is applied to wiretap channels.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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