102 research outputs found

    『高齢女性の自己像の変遷と健康マージャンとの関連』 ―軽度認知症とうつ予防を目指してー

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    健康な人生を楽しむ高齢独居女性の中で、健康マージャン愛好家が生きてきた自らの人生の語りを聞き取り、健康マージャンとの関わりがその後の人生に、どのような意識の変化をもたらしたのか。軽度認知症や鬱傾向を改善し生きがいを持って健康マージャンを楽しむ愛好家の意識の変遷をインタビューから分析した。戦中戦後を生きぬいた高齢女性達は、日本の家父長制度や家族制度に翻弄され壮年期以後は介護、死の看取りを強要された。アンビバレンスな感情の中、自己像を立て直す心理的エネルギーは、ダークなイメージを覆した健康マージャンとの出会いから引き出された。マージャンによる脳の活性化と地域の繋がりが生活を変え、実感を得て人生に生きがいを持つに至ったという解釈になっ た。調査報

    Localization of Nanofibers on Polymer Surface Using Interface Transfer Technique

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    A new method to localize polymer nanofibers on a polymer surface was verified using interface transfer technique of nanofibers between immiscible polymer pairs. Nanofibers of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) were prepared in a molten polypropylene (PP) by melt stretching and subsequent quenching. The obtained composite of PP containing PBT nanofibers was compressed into a flat sheet and piled with a sheet of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). During annealing procedure of the piled sheets at the temperature between Tm’s of PP and PBT, PBT nanofibers were transferred from PP to HDPE. Consequently, PBT fibers was confirmed on the surface of HDPE. Similarly, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) nanofibers dispersed in a molten PLA, which were obtained by mechanical blending process, were found to move to PP during annealing procedure at the temperature between Tm’s of PLA and PTFE. This movement leads to the modification of surface tension for PP. Furthermore, the piled sheets of PP/PBT and HDPE as well as those of PLA/PTFE and PP were easily separated each other because of the immiscible nature


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    In this paper, PArallel Resolution Algorithm (PARA) is described to improve the execution efficiency in resolution process. PARA consists of two parts: parallel unification and generation of a resolvent. The first part is characteristic of PARA, which partitions whole set of expressions W into independent clusters as pre-processing and unifies each cluster in parallel. The efficient implementation for the processing peculiar to PARA is presented and checked by means of the experiment in comparison of execution efficiency of resolution. Experimental results show PARA is very effective in occurrence of many clusters