27,739 research outputs found
Topological invariant in Kitaev spin liquids: Classification of gapped spin liquids beyond projective symmetry group
A projective symmetry group (PSG) has been regarded as a classification
theory of spin liquids. However, it does not include a symmetry-protected
topological order of fermionic spinon excitations, and thus the classification
of gapped spin liquids is incomplete. We demonstrate the classification beyond
PSG by utilizing the Kitaev model on the squareoctagon lattice, where two
gapped spin liquids are distinguished by a topological invariant. This
invariant can be defined solely by the time-reversal and translation
symmetries on condition that the time-reversal symmetry is implemented
projectively. Thus, it is a hidden class of topological Kitaev spin liquids
with helical edge states, which has been ignored for a long time. This suggests
that there exists an unknown classification scheme of gapped spin liquids
beyond PSG.Comment: 5+2 pages, 3+1 figures, one section is move
Effect of the spin-orbit interaction and the electron phonon coupling on the electronic state in a silicon vacancy
The electronic state around a single vacancy in silicon crystal is
investigated by using the Green's function approach. The triply degenerate
charge states are found to be widely extended and account for extremely large
elastic softening at low temperature as observed in recent ultrasonic
experiments. When we include the LS coupling on each Si
atom, the 6-fold spin-orbital degeneracy for the state with the valence
+1 and spin 1/2 splits into doublet groundstates and
quartet excited states with a reduced excited energy of . We also consider the effect of couplings between electrons and
Jahn-Teller phonons in the dangling bonds within the second order perturbation
and find that the groundstate becomes quartet which is responsible
for the magnetic-field suppression of the softening in B-doped silicon.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids: Effects of Correlations of Orientational Degrees of Freedom
We improve a lattice model of water introduced by Sastry, Debenedetti,
Sciortino, and Stanley to give insight on experimental thermodynamic anomalies
in supercooled phase, taking into account the correlations between
intra-molecular orientational degrees of freedom. The original Sastry et al.
model including energetic, entropic and volumic effect of the
orientation-dependent hydrogen bonds (HBs), captures qualitatively the
experimental water behavior, but it ignores the geometrical correlation between
HBs. Our mean-field calculation shows that adding these correlations gives a
more water-like phase diagram than previously shown, with the appearance of a
solid phase and first-order liquid-solid and gas-solid phase transitions.
Further investigation is necessary to be able to use this model to characterize
the thermodynamic properties of the supercooled region.Comment: 7 pages latex, 3 figures EP
Magnetic field-induced one-magnon Raman scattering in the magnon Bose-Einstein condensation phase of TlCuCl
We report the observation of the -symmetric one-magnon Raman peak
in the magnon Bose-Einstein condensation phase of TlCuCl. Its Raman shift
traces the one-magnon energy at the magnetic point, and its intensity
is proportional to the squared transverse magnetization. The appearance of the
one-magnon Raman scattering originates from the exchange magnon Raman process
and reflects the change of the magnetic-state symmetry. Using the bond-operator
representation, we theoretically clarify the Raman selection rules, being
consistent with the experimental results.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Emergence of noncollinear magnetic ordering in small magnetic clusters: Mn and As@Mn
Using first-principles density functional calculations, we have studied the
magnetic ordering in pure Mn (10, 13, 15, 19) and As@Mn
(10) clusters. Although, for both pure and doped manganese clusters,
there exists many collinear and noncollinear isomers close in energy, the
smaller clusters with 5 have collinear magnetic ground state and
the emergence of noncollinear ground states is seen for 6 clusters.
Due to strong hybridization in As@Mn clusters, the binding energy is
substantially enhanced and the magnetic moment is reduced compared to the
corresponding pure Mn clusters.Comment: 10 Pages and 5 Figure
CFL Phase of High Density QCD at Non Zero Strange Quark Mass
We compute free energy of quark matter at asymptotically high baryon number
density in the presence of non zero strange quark mass including dynamics of
pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons due to chiral symmetry breaking, extending
previously existing analysis based on perturbative expansion in
We demonstrate that the CFL state has lower free
energy than the symmetric CFL state for . We also
calculate the spectrum of the fermionic quasiparticle excitations about the
kaon condensed ground state in the regime and find
that for the CFL-gCFL phase transition, the
leading order result reported in [1], is not modified.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure
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