90 research outputs found

    Effects of concentration and duration of enrichment of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis with cod oil emulsion with emphasis on fatty acids

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    In this study, effects of concentration and length of enrichment of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis fatty acid composition and its population profile by cod liver-oil emulsion were tested. Rotifers pre-fed on yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were enriched with cod liver oil emulsion at three different concentrations (4, 8 and 12%). Rotifers were sampled after 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours of enrichment. Considering total lipid present in rotifers as a function of the enrichment period, the increase was significant for 3 hours treatment while the same was not observed when raising the oil concentration (P<0.05). Increasing the enrichment period rather than the amount of oil present in the medium was found to be more efficient in increasing the nwp3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (nse3 HUFA) level in rotifers. Rotifers showed a better incorporation of Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n3) than Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6naw3), regardless of the ratio between the two fatty acids in the emulsion

    Effect of educational intervention on perceived susceptibility self-efficacy and DMFT of pregnant women

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    Background: The World Health Organization identifies oral health as a necessity for public health through the entirety of life. This issue has been considerably addressed due to susceptibility to tooth decay during pregnancy and maternal and fetal health. Objectives: Investigate the effect of educational intervention on perceived susceptibility, self-efficacy, and DMFT of pregnant women. Patients and Methods: A quasi-experimental survey (pretest, posttest, and control group) was implemented in 88 primiparous women in the first trimester of pregnancy who attended private clinics in Delfan city, Iran. It was conducted using random sampling and then assigned to intervention and control groups. Data were collected using a questionnaire that included demographic characteristics, a DMFT checklist, and some health belief model (HBM) constructs. After collecting baseline information, an educational intervention consisting of 4 training sessions for the intervention group was scheduled. In the sessions, lecture, focus-group discussion, video, and role-playing were used as the main educational strategies. Four months after the intervention, a post-test questionnaire and DMFT checklist were conducted. Data were analyzed using SPSS (ver20) software and Chi-square, independent t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA at the significant level of α 0.05), during the intervention, or after intervention. Repeated measure ANOVA explained that the aforementioned score was different in the three cases (pretest, 2 months after intervention, and 4 months after intervention) after intervention (P< 0.05). Paired t-test also showed that the DMFT mean increased 4 months after intervention in the control group (P < 0.001). It was not, however, augmented in the intervention group (P = 0.92). Conclusions: Results showed that education on some of the HBM constructs resulted in increased knowledge of oral health, perceived susceptibility, and self-efficacy of pregnant women. It is also possible to prevent increased DMFT during pregnancy. © 2016, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Effect of enriched rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) with probiotic lactobacilli on growth, survival and resistance indicators of western white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) larvae

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    This study examined the effects of a commercial Lactobacillus probiotic on growth, survival and resistance of western white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) larvae against salinity and formalin stresses in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecology Research Center. In this experiment, larvae were fed 6 times a day from mysis I (M1) step to post larvae 5 over 3 treatments including a control treatment C (without probiotic) and 2 experimental treatments namely A (having probiotic enriched rotifer) and B (having probiotic enriched rotifer and adding probiotic powder directly to the water). Larvae were stocked in 9 plastic tanks (20-liter) containing 10 L of seawater at a density of 50 larvae per liter. Three replicates were used for each treatment. At the end of the experimental period biometric larvae were studied under salinity and formalin stresses. Results showed that using probiotic bacteria had significant and positive effects on shrimp resistance, survival and growth (p0.05). According to the results we may conclude that the use of probiotic powder is effective in increasing growth, survival and resistance rate of western white shrimp in the larval and post larval stages

    Comparison of growth indices, survival and total production of Fenneropenaeus merguiensis and Fenneropenaeus indicus in Hormozgan Province

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    The aim of the project was to assess production per hectare and other growth indices of Fenneropenaeus merguiensis and F. indicus in Zarabzy farm in earthen ponds of Tiab area, Hormozgan province. We used two treatments, one for each species three replications each. Post larvae of the species were stocked at density 20 ind/m2. Shrimp were fed by imported pellet on the basis of standard feeding table. In order to obtain the growth rate and calculate daily feeding status, the shrimp were biometrically assessed twice a month. We also measured physic-chemical factors of water including pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and salinity twice a day. The recorded mean results of survival rate in treatment 1 and 2 were 10% and 64%, respectively. Final product and mean body weight in treatment 1 and 2 were 337.5 and 1526Kg/ha and 16.97 and 11.44g, respectively. The result of final product, survival rate and F.C.R. were above standards. The result of physico-chemical tests showed the parameters were higher than standard which had negative impact on production in both treatments. The results showed that propagation of F. merguiensis is feasible and it can be cultured provided that the suitable food is made available

    The effects of broodstock age on consecutive spawning performance of wild-caught ablated Fenneropenaeus

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    The effects of broodstock age on consecutive spawning performance of wild-caught ablated Fenneropenaeus indicus females in four age groups 6, 8, 12, and 14 months old were studied. Assessment duration was 30 days. Age groups were determined based on carapace length of broodstock caught from Jask fishing ground. Maximum female partnership percentage in consecutive spawning was for 12 months old group. Correlation between egg production and hatch in each spawning with number of spawning in 12 months old broodstock was weaker than other groups but this relation has negative and significant (r = -0.38, P0.05) but others groups had significantly higher hatch rate (P<0.05). In general, 12 month group of wild-caught ablated Fenneropenaeus indicus females showed much higher number of egg produced, hatch percentage, females partnership percentage for 4 spawning in the 30 days period

    Effects of dietary Betaine on growth, survival, body composition and resistance of fry rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under environmental stress

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    A four-week trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of dietary Betaine on growth, survival and resistance to salinity (35ppt), temperature (24 C), hypoxia and high and low pH stresses in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Four levels of Betaine as 0 (control), 0.4% (B0.4), 0.8% (B0.8) and 1.2% (B1.2) were used with three replicates. Forty fish (0.67±0.15g) were stocked in each replicate and fed at 4-4.5% of body weight, five times daily. Results showed that there were significant differences in growth, survival, NPU, PER and FCR between B0.4, B1.2 and control diet (P0.05). Resistances to high and low pH (10.8 & 3.8) and to high temperature (24 C) were significantly better in fish fed with Betaine containing diets compared to the control diet. Resistance to high salinity in B0.4 was significantly better than the control diet and resistance to hypoxia in diet B0.8 was significantly better than the control (P<0.05). The results showed that dietary supplementation of Betaine (0.4%) have positive effects on growth factors, survival, body composition and resistance to environmental stresses in rainbow trout

    Comparison of survival and larvae physiological resistance of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, fed with live food (rotifer and Artemia urmiana) and concentrated food

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    Anemia nauplii and rotifier are considered as the most important live food in aquaculture because of their high nutritional quality, suitable size and mobility. The survival rate and resistance of white shrimp (Litopenaus vannamei) postlarvae fed by Artemia urmiana, Brachinus plicatilis and concentrated food were investigated. Larvae at the stage of Protozoae 1 were stocked in 14 liters plastic containers filled by 6 liters of water. There were 75 larvae per liter in each container. The larvae were fed in 3 treatments: T1 (rotifier), T2 (Artemia) and T3 (concentrated food). Each treatment was repeated 3 times and used during Protozoae 1 (PLC} to Post-larvae 5 (PLO stages. Data analysis was done through Duncan Test. We observed that from Mysis 1 stage to PL1 the rotifier can be used for shrimp feeding and from this stage to PL5, Artemia nauplii can be used as food for the larvae. To evaluate the quality of larvae, the physiological resistance tests were conducted against formalin and salinity in different periods of time (30, 60 and 90 minutes). We found that at the PLC stage, the maximum survival (100%) in formalin tests (I 0Oppm) and (200ppm) and salinity test (15ppt) was related to feeding the shrimp larvae with rotifier. However, at the PL5 stage, the maximum survival (100%) under the same conditions was related to application of Artemia nauplii food. The concentrated food showed the minimum survival in all tests

    Effect of garlic extract on growth and survival rate in Litopenaeus vannami post larvae

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    The effect of garlic extract on growth and survival rates of one day larvae of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp was tested for 12 days .Six nutritional treatments each with three replicates were fed to shrimp larvae (average weight 0.0013g) including control treatment (unriched Artemia nauplii) and second to sixth Artemia nauplii enriched with 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000mg garlic extract per kg, respectively. The one way ANOVA results showed that all treatments were different in terms of average weight and total length of larvae compared to control group. Shrimps being fed by Artesia enriched with 200mg garlic extract per kg food have the best growth, survival rates and length (0.0062mg, 81.6% and 10.6mm). Group 3 with concentration of 400mg garlic extract per kg of feed followed by control group showed better growth and survival rates in shrimp larvae than other treatments but the lowest survival rate evaluated in shrimps fed by Artemia nauplii enriched with 600, 800 and 1000mg garlic extract per kg feed, orderly. Specific growth rates (SGR) for treatment groups 2 and 3 were higher compared to other groups

    Spawning season and fecundity of Sepia pharaonis In Bushehr coastal waters (Persian Gulf)

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    Fecundity rate and spawning season for cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis), a commercially important species in Busheher coastal waters were studied from December 2007 to May 2008. We collected 142 specimens and after their sexuality were 18 males, 3 immatures, 16 first stage pieces, 14 second stage pieces and 91 pieces in third and fourth stages. The assesse d biological characteristics such as: Mantle length, weight of total body, Nidam ental gland, weight of head, weight of ovary and fecundity rate. We recorded 201 .8 plus or minus 6.8mm for mean, 280mm for maximum and 115mm for minimum mantle length. The mean body total weight was 895.8 plus or minus 143g, and the maximum was 2098g, while its mini mum was 241.13g. The mean, maximum and minimum Nidamental gland weight was 41.1 ± 18.6, 126.8, and 0.2g, respectively. For the relationship between mantle length (ML, mm) and fecundity we found the linear regression equation: Fecundity = -6 30.68+5.22ML. The mean, maximum and minimum fecundity rate was 494 plus or minus 131, 1246 and 178, respectively. The results of this study showed spawning season for Sepia pharaonis in the coastal waters of Busheher Province to be from the end of February to the end of June
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