18 research outputs found

    MUC1 gene overexpressed in breast cancer: structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter and role of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in regulation of the MUC1 gene expression

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    BACKGROUND: The MUC1 gene encodes a mucin glycoprotein(s) which is basally expressed in most epithelial cells. In breast adenocarcinoma and a variety of epithelial tumors its transcription is dramatically upregulated. Of particular relevance to breast cancer, steroid hormones also stimulate the expression of the MUC1 gene. The MUC1 gene directs expression of several protein isoforms, which participate in many crucial cell processes. Although the MUC1 gene plays a critical role in cell physiology and pathology, little is known about its promoter organization and transcriptional regulation. The goal of this study was to provide insight into the structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter. RESULTS: Using TRANSFAC and TSSG soft-ware programs the transcription factor binding sites of the MUC1 promoter were analyzed and a map of transcription cis-elements was constructed. The effect of different MUC1 promoter regions on MUC1 gene expression was monitored. Different regions of the MUC1 promoter were analyzed for their ability to control expression of specific MUC1 isoforms. Differences in the expression of human MUC1 gene transfected into mouse cells (heterologous artificial system) compared to human cells (homologous natural system) were observed. The role of estrogen on MUC1 isoform expression in human breast cancer cells, MCF-7 and T47D, was also analyzed. It was shown for the first time that synthesis of MUC1/SEC is dependent on estrogen whereas expression of MUC1/TM did not demonstrate such dependence. Moreover, the estrogen receptor alpha, ERα, could bind in vitro estrogen responsive cis-elements, EREs, that are present in the MUC1 promoter. The potential roles of different regions of the MUC1 promoter and ER in regulation of MUC1 gene expression are discussed. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter performed in this study helps to better understand the mechanisms controlling transcription of the MUC1 gene. The role of different regions of the MUC1 promoter in expression of the MUC1 isoforms and possible function of ERα in this process has been established. The data obtained in this study may help in development of molecular modalities for controlled regulation of the MUC1 gene thus contributing to progress in breast cancer gene therapy

    The Checkpoint Protein Rad24 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Is Involved in Processing Double-Strand Break Ends and in Recombination Partner Choice

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    Upon chromosomal damage, cells activate a checkpoint response that includes cell cycle arrest and a stimulation of DNA repair. The checkpoint protein Rad24 is key to the survival of a single, repairable double-strand break (DSB). However, the low survival of rad24 cells is not due to their inability to arrest cell cycle progression. In rad24 mutants, processing of the broken ends is delayed and protracted, resulting in extended kinetics of DSB repair and in cell death. The limited resection of rad24 mutants also affects recombination partner choice by a mechanism dependent on the length of the interacting homologous donor sequences. Unexpectedly, rad24 cells with a DSB eventually accumulate and die at the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle. This arrest depends on the spindle checkpoint protein Mad2

    New plays in the p53 theater

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    The Hippo Signaling Pathway and Cancer

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    VI, 354 p. 46 illus. in color.online resource

    Molecular Dissection of Mitotic Recombination in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Recombination plays a central role in the repair of broken chromosomes in all eukaryotes. We carried out a systematic study of mitotic recombination. Using several assays, we established the chronological sequence of events necessary to repair a single double-strand break. Once a chromosome is broken, yeast cells become immediately committed to recombinational repair. Recombination is completed within an hour and exhibits two kinetic gaps. By using this kinetic framework we also characterized the role played by several proteins in the recombinational process. In the absence of Rad52, the broken chromosome ends, both 5′ and 3′, are rapidly degraded. This is not due to the inability to recombine, since the 3′ single-stranded DNA ends are stable in a strain lacking donor sequences. Rad57 is required for two consecutive strand exchange reactions. Surprisingly, we found that the Srs2 helicase also plays an early positive role in the recombination process

    A positive feedback loop between the p53 and Lats2 tumor suppressors prevents tetraploidization

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    Damage to the mitotic spindle and centrosome dysfunction can lead to cancer. To prevent this, cells trigger a succession of checkpoint responses, where an initial mitotic delay is followed by slippage without cytokinesis, spawning tetraploid G1 cells that undergo a p53-dependent G1/S arrest. We describe the importance of Lats2 (Large Tumor Suppressor 2) in this checkpoint response. Lats2 binds Mdm2, inhibits its E3 ligase activity, and activates p53. Nocodazole, a microtubule poison that provokes centrosome/mitotic apparatus dysfunction, induces Lats2 translocation from centrosomes to the nucleus and p53 accumulation. In turn, p53 rapidly and selectively up-regulates Lats2 expression in G2/M cells, thereby defining a positive feedback loop. Abrogation of Lats2 promotes accumulation of polyploid cells upon exposure to nocodazole, which can be prevented by direct activation of p53. The Lats2–Mdm2–p53 axis thus constitutes a novel checkpoint pathway critical for the maintenance of proper chromosome number

    The Lats2 tumor suppressor augments p53-mediated apoptosis by promoting the nuclear proapoptotic function of ASPP1

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    Apoptosis is an important mechanism to eliminate potentially tumorigenic cells. The tumor suppressor p53 plays a pivotal role in this process. Many tumors harbor mutant p53, but others evade its tumor-suppressive effects by altering the expression of proteins that regulate the p53 pathway. ASPP1 (apoptosis-stimulating protein of p53-1) is a key mediator of the nuclear p53 apoptotic response. Under basal conditions, ASPP1 is cytoplasmic. We report that, in response to oncogenic stress, the tumor suppressor Lats2 (large tumor suppressor 2) phosphorylates ASPP1 and drives its translocation into the nucleus. Together, Lats2 and ASPP1 shunt p53 to proapoptotic promoters and promote the death of polyploid cells. These effects are overridden by the Yap1 (Yes-associated protein 1) oncoprotein, which disrupts Lats2–ASPP1 binding and antagonizes the tumor-suppressing function of the Lats2/ASPP1/p53 axis