5 research outputs found

    Distributional models in the task of hypernym discovery

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    An approach to the solution of the first task of automatically taxonomy construction for the Russian language is described. This task consists in matching unknown input-words with hypernyms from the existing taxonomy. We show that useful results can be attained using pre-trained distribution models without additional training. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    Anomaly detection for short texts: Identifying whether your chatbot should switch from goal-oriented conversation to chit-chatting

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    Goal-oriented conversational agents are systems able converse with humans using natural language to help them reach a certain goal. The number of goals (or domains) about which an agent could converse is limited, and one of the issues is to identify whether a user talks about the unknown domain (in order to report a misunderstanding or switch to chit-chatting mode). We argue that this issue could be resolved if we consider it as an anomaly detection task which is in a field of machine learning. The scientific community developed a broad range of methods for resolving this task, and their applicability to the short text data was never investigated before. The aim of this work is to compare performance of 6 different anomaly detection methods on Russian and English short texts modeling conversational utterances, proposing the first evaluation framework for this task. As a result of the study, we find out that a simple threshold for cosine similarity works better than other methods for both of the considered languages. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

    Fast and Accurate Patent Classification in Search Engines

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    This article presents a new approach to large scale patent classification. The need to classify documents often takes place in professional information retrieval systems. In this paper we describe our approach, based on linguistically-supported k-nearest neighbors. We experimentally evaluate it on the Russian and English datasets and compare modern classification technique fastText. We show that KNN is a viable alternative to traditional text classifiers, achieving comparable accuracy while using less additional hardware resources. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd