115 research outputs found

    Analytical study to assess fetal and perinatal outcome in booked and unbooked obstetric cases

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    Background: The high perinatal mortality rates are indicators of the poor state of health services and it is pertinent to determine the relationship between the booking status of mother and fetal outcomes.Methods: In the present randomized prospective study of 400 unbooked (study group) obstetric cases were evaluated and compared with 400 booked (control group) obstetric cases over a period of one year.Results: Perinatal outcomes of women in study group were significantly poorer than women in control group due to high preterm delivery, LBW, with low Apgar score at five minutes, with more NICU admission due to RDS, with high perinatal mortality in term of IUD, early neonatal deaths in study group.Conclusions: Findings of the study will help the programmers and service providers in identifying areas where emphasis has to be given in the development of strategies that will promote the utilization of antenatal services, to reduce adverse perinatal and fetal outcome

    Study on Design and Simulation of Temperature Control System

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    Temperature control system is a complicated process which maintains the temperature in a particular defined area to a certain maxima or minima level. In recent times, we are witnessing a rapid growth in industries at global level which has led to globalization and industrialization which further has led the necessary use of the temperature control system and its application in these industries at day-to-day level in manufacturing and maintenance with the increase in the greenhouse effect and depletion of ozone layer. Many factories always maintain a certain area or say a section of operation in their infrastructure that must maintain a range of temperature for process to work successfully. The laboratories of research uncertainly sometimes lack in the use of temperature control system which has further necessitated the use of large chambers of different sizes to perform specific temperature related re-search work which further led to the increase in the cost of re-search work. In certain spe-cific areas there are lot of electronic activities happening or some machinery function like in the server rooms or the area where production plant is, so basically these places work constantly for 24hrs and during the whole day the temperature has to be monitored precisely and frequently so that it can be ensured that the temperature do not instantly rise or fall below the marked temperature which may lead to the acceleration of wearing and tearing of whole system. Living rooms, hospitals, malls, aircrafts etc., are also one of the most important places where monitoring of temperature is required so as to ensure that the thermal comfort is ensured, and thermal comfort here means that the state of mind which feels satisfied with the temperature in the present environment. This is im-portant because if there will be any dissatisfaction with the thermal environment then it can cause the body to be too warm or too by unwanted heating and unwanted cooling of the equipment may further lead to the functional disbalance

    Microarray data analyses of yeast RNA Pol I subunit RPA12 deletion strain

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    AbstractThe ribosomal RNA (rRNA) biosynthesis is the most energy consuming process in all living cells and the majority of total transcription activity is dedicated for synthesizing rRNA. The cells may adjust the synthesis of rRNA with the availability of resources. rRNA is mainly synthesized by RNA polymerase I that is composed of 14 subunits. Deletion of RPA12, 14, 39 and 49 are viable. RPA12 is a very small protein (13.6kDa), and the amount of protein in the cells is very high (12,000 molecules per cell), but the role of this protein is unknown in other cellular metabolic processes (Kulak et al., 2014 [1]). RPA12 consists of two zinc-binding domains and it is required for the termination of rRNA synthesis (Mullem et al., 2002 [2]). Deletions of RPA12 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe cause a conditional growth defect (Nogi et al., 1993 [3]). In S. pombe, C-terminal deletion behaves like wild-type (Imazawa et al., 2001 [4]). This prompted us to investigate in detail the physiological role of RPA12 in S. cerevisiae, we performed the microarray of rpa12∆ strain and deposited into Gene Expression Omnibus under GSE68731. The analysis of microarray data revealed that the expression of major cellular metabolism genes is high. The amino acid biosynthesis, nonpolar lipid biosynthesis and glucose metabolic genes are highly expressed. The analyses also revealed that the rpa12∆ cells have an uncontrolled synthesis of cell metabolites, so RPA12 could be a master regulator for whole cellular metabolism

    Smart Environmental Health Monitoring System

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    Pollution is a growing issue these days. It is necessary to analyze environment and keep ichecking for the best future and healthy life. We proposed an Environment Monitoring System that permit us to watch & check live environment in especially areas through Internet of Things (IOT). IoT supports a realtime environmental monitoring system. It plays a crucial role in today’s world through a huge and protracted system of sensor networks concerned to the environment & its parameters. This technique monitors important environmental conditions like temperature, humidity & CO-level using the sensor & then transfer data to the web page. This information is often accessed from anyplace over the internet & then the sensor information is presented as graphical statistics during mobile application. This paper explains & present the implementation & outcome of this environmental system uses the sensors for temperature, humidity, air quality & different environmental parameters of the surrounding space. This data is often used to take remote actions to regulate the conditions. Information is pushed to the distributed storage & android app get to the cloud & present the effect to the end users. The system employs a Node MCU, DHT-11 sensor, MQl35 sensor, which transmits data to WEBPAGE. An Android application is made which accesses the cloud data and displays results to the end users. The sensors interact with microcontroller which processes this information & transmit it over internet. This system is best method for any use in monitoring the environment and handling it because everything is controlled automatically through all the time of the process. The results of this system tells across different field where it was controlled precisely and effectively which further explains that this system easily makes our work easier because of this automatic monitoring system worries about other unexpected climate issues for world

    A Novel Approach to IoT Based Smart Car

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    A rising number of novice rash drivers, indiscreet driving, and postponed admittance to emergency treatment to casualties has been a significant reason for passings. Instances of provocation, burglary in taxis are ascending with additional individuals utilizing cur-rent taxi administrations. Driver weariness checking, mishap anticipation measures, GPS-based area and closest clinic ready, savvy slowing mechanisms, brilliant airbags, and so forth are a portion of the highlights presently executed in a couple of the very good quality  extravagance level vehicles. There hasn't been an expense proficient model produced for the low-end financial plan vehicles. It is vital to give open wellbeing measures in the vehicle to limit the endanger of death toll. This undertaking plans to foster an expense productive brilliant vehicle framework that can assist with helping not many of the causes. This research paper is written to take care for all such things and come up with a novel idea

    Design of COVID-19 Disease Detection Framework for Medical Health Care System

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    Due to practical challenges in data collecting and the efficacy of testing methods, the recognition and diagnosis of COVID-19 using traditional image processing and ML algorithms is a laborious and time-consuming task. Thus, Deep Learning (DL) algorithms are being developed to diagnose COVID-19 instances of pneumonia globally. Due to the fact that deep learning algorithms have recently been developed for clinical diagnosis on image datasets such as brain MRI, chest X-ray, retina, and CT scans with high precision Lately, suggested deep learning techniques have demonstrated limitations, such as their ability to precisely identify a small number of COVID-19-associated pneumonia cases and their symptoms. A reliable forecasting technique for COVID-19 and pneumonia that makes use of CT scans is necessary. Therefore, the emphasis of this study is on the DL-based approach that uses lung CT images to precisely detect and classify the COVID-19 severity level

    Obstetric outcome of twin pregnancies at tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Twin Pregnancy is considered as a high risk pregnancy. According to Hellin’s rule one in about 89 natural pregnancies ends in birth of twins, one in 892 birth is triplet and one in 893 birth is Quadruplets. Maternal obstetric complications includes preterm labour, anaemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, eclampsia, complication of labour and postpartum haemorrage. Foetal complications include prematurity, low birth weight, perinatal mortality. The perinatal mortality rate associated with twin pregnancy is 4 time greater than with singleton pregnancy.Methods: It was one year observational study from 2011 to 2012. All women admitted to the labour ward with twin pregnancy after 28 weeks gestation were included in this study. Data obtained at the time of delivery included maternal age, parity, gestational age at the time of delivery & foetal weight.Results: A total of 18666 deliveries conducted, there were 206 cases of twin deliveries constituting incidence of 1.1% (1:90). Majority of cases were 20-25 year age group (58%). Mean age of cases was 24.94 year. Majority of cases were primigravidas (45%). Majority of women were unbooked (62%). Only 28% were registered, 43% were presented with preterm labour, PIH noted in 18%, anemia in 15% and APH in 3%. Most common cause of neonatal morbidity was preterm birth (41.5%). Perinatal mortality was maximum 100% in babies with birth weight < 1000gm & 76.92% in 1000-1499gm weight. Most common cause of neonatal death was very low birth weight.Conclusions: Twin pregnancies are associated with increasing with morbidity of mother and foetus. Most of babies head respiratory distress or had developed neonatal sepsis. These death can be prevented by averting preterm birth by combined measures like good rest, cervical encirclage, administration of steroid in preterm labour, by institutional delivery and provision of level 3 neonatal care

    Comparison of maternal serum CA-125 and ultrasonography findings as a prognostic marker in threatened abortion

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    Background: WHO defines abortion as pregnancy termination before 20 week gestation or with fetus born weighing <500 gms. Early pregnancy markers in patients with threatened abortion including biochemical marker like raised maternal serum CA-125 (cancer antigen-125, carcinoma antigen 125 or carbohydrate antigen 125) and USG parameters that is, fetal crown-rump length (CRL), the presence/absence of sub-chorionic hematoma and fetal heart rate (FHR) are good predictors of outcome.Methods: The study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, S.P. medical college and associated group of hospital, Bikaner, Rajasthan. This was a hospital based prospective comparative study. The study group comprise of pregnant females attending obstetrics and gynaecology OPD. A total of 200 pregnant women were examined in this study. We divided these patients into 2 groups, group A and group B. Group A consists of 100 pregnant females with threatened abortion and group B with 100 normal pregnant female.Results: Maternal serum CA-125 at cut off level 61.64 U/ml is 84.21% sensitive, 96.77% specific in predicting abortion with 94.12% positive predictive value and 90.91% negative predictive value while FHR at 115 bpm is 76.32% sensitive, 90.32% specific in predicting abortion with 82.86% PPV and 86.15% negative predictive value.Conclusions: Single raised value of maternal serum CA-125 has best predictive value followed by USG parameters (FHR, sub-chorionic hematoma and CRL ) in threatened abortion which results in loss of pregnancy

    Comparative study of induced and spontaneous labour in nulliparous women using modified WHO partograph

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    Background: Induced or spontaneous labour has implication on the eventual mode of delivery and neonatal outcome. The aim of study is to compare mean duration of labour andmaterno-foetal outcome of induced versus spontaneous labour among nulliparous women using modified WHO partograph.Methods: The study was conducted in nulliparous women coming at term in active phase of labour (with cervical dilatation at least 4 cm) either spontaneous or induced, both labouring women were monitored using modified WHO partograph. Outcomes measures include requirement of augmentation of labour with oxytocin, mean duration of labour, eventual mode of delivery and the materno foetal outcome.Results: A total 100 women were compared in each group. There was no difference in mean age group, BMI, gestational age. More women had spontaneous vaginal delivery among those with spontaneous labour (76% versus 58%) (p=0.033). The mean duration of second stage of labour was significantly more in induced labour (16.25 minutes) than in spontaneous labour (14.60 minutes) (p=0.0212). The mean Apgar scores were comparable in two groups. Induced labour is comparable to spontaneous labour regarding fetomaternal outcomes but with increased rate of caesarean deliveries.Conclusions: Study concluded from our study that in spontaneous group mean duration of labour was less than induced group and most of the patient delivered vaginally. In induced group rate of caesarean was higher and requirement of oxytocin for labour augmentation was also more than spontaneous group. Maternal complications were also found more in induced group than spontaneous group whereas neonatal outcome was similar in both the groups. We observed in our study that induced labour can be a safe procedure among nulliparous women if labour is partographically monitored by WHO modified partograph

    Foetal kidney length as a parameter for determination of gestational age in pregnancy by ultrasonography

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    Background: Establishing the gestational age of the fetus, especially in late trimester is a challenge to aptly treat the pregnant woman. Ultrasound parameters like BPD, HC, AC and FL in second and third trimesters are not very reliable for dating the pregnancy. Fetal kidney length has been studied and shown to strongly correlate with the gestational age in late trimesters even in IUGR fetuses.Methods: This cross section hospital based study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.B.M. and Associated Group of Hospitals, attached to Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner during study period of one year from 2015 to 2016. 100 pregnant women with known dates of different parity and ages were included in this study.Results: According to the observations, the mean deviation from the gestational age at all the weeks is least for KL. The result indicates that the kidney length in the present study correlated well with the assigned gestational age and found almost same as all the ultrasound biometric parameters put together.Conclusions: Kidney length can be used as an individual parameter in estimating gestational age, especially in later trimesters, where biometric indices may not be much reliable
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