3 research outputs found

    Congenital malformations at birth in 7,922 consecutive deliveries at Patan Hospital, Nepal

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    Introductions: Congenital malformations need to be identified and intervenedearly to save lives and prevent sufferings. Many birth defects have well knownincidence/prevalence rates but these have not been studied thoroughly in thelocal population of Nepal. The current study was undertaken to determine theprevalence of congenital malformation at birth, to classify them systematically,to study risk factors and immediate outcome of the newborn babies afflicted.Methods: This was a cross sectional study. All newly delivered babies wereexamined carefully for congenital malformation and when detected, theparents were interviewed in detail.Results: Over the 10 months of study period 7,922 babies were delivered outof which 90 were stillborn. The number of babies with malformations was 64(0.81%). Polydactyli was observed in 12 (19%) babies whereas cleft lip/palateand malformations of ears in seven (11%) each. Musculoskeletal system wasaffected in 31 (35%) cases and craniofacial in 18 (21%). Nine (14%) mothers had bad obstetric history and eight (13%) had illness/medication during pregnancy.Conclusions: Congenital malformation is a significant cause of morbidity andmortality in Patan hospital. Our findings support many established thoughtslike higher rates in stillbirths but also challenge some age-old beliefs like higherrates in babies born to older mothers.Keywords: adverse outcome, congenital malformation, perinatal mortality, riskfacto

    Indian Judiciary on Domestic Violence: Decoding Recent Trend

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    The stark malignancy of domestic violence which is also referred as intimate partner violence on the state of women hood can be determined by the prevalence of it in the present society. It bears to push women to the brink and fringes of deemed societal ladders.  The brunt of domestic violence lead to exploitation of women be it in the form of physical or be it mental and occurs chiefly in their matrimonial homes. The detrimental effect of this abuse and exploitation regrettably imprints itself not only on the suffering females but to the entire family including children which in turn causes monetary, health and societal issue and concerns.  What separates domestic violence from other crimes and abuses is that in Domestic violence there is familial interrelatedness and hence the victim is a known of the complainant. In contrast to the modern trends of raising the bar of rights for women the domestic violence is considered as a major road block and its waning as precursor for the society to bring female rights at par. However, on the other spectrum an alarming fact has been observed by the judiciary about the registration of sham cases against the husband or his family members or both for the purposes of harassment or extorting money. To carry off the said object the complaints are registered by overstating the facts, by addition of conjectures, overplaying the financial conditions of the husband or his family and misrepresenting relevant facts and materials. The supreme court opined in Rajesh Sharma v. State of U.P. that the bulk of the cases are filed impetuously and over trifling matters.   To comprehend the say of Indian judiciary on instances of false domestic violence and sham complaints registered by the complainant, secondary data-based research is conducted. Landmark Judgement from the apex court and different High Courts are also analyzed. Endeavor has been made to appreciate the liabilities and legal rights of both the parties in the cases of intimate partner violence which is perpetrated towards one another

    Effect of Fertility Levels and Bio-fertilizers Application on Yield, Yield Attributes, and Economics of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    The experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2017–18 at the Students' Instructional Farm of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh to evaluate the effect of different fertility levels and bio-fertilizers application on yield, yield attributes, and quality of late sown chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The experiment comprised of 12 treatment combinations in split plot design which comprised 4 treatments [F1 (control), F2 (RDF 100%), F3 (75% RDF), F4 (50% RDF)] in main plot and 3 treatments [B1 (Rhizobium + PSB), B2 (Rhizobium + PGPR) and B3 (Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR)] in sub plots with three replications. Results showed that among the different fertility levels, application of 100% RDF significantly enhanced yield and yield attributes over other treatment. Among the different bio-fertilizers treatments application of Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR had significantly improved yield attributes and seed yield as compared to Rhizobium + PGPR. The combined application of 100% RDF with Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR resulted in significantly higher seed yield of late sown chickpea during winter (Rabi). Higher values of economics viz., gross return, net return and B:C ratio in chickpea were observed with the application of 100% RDF + (Rhizobium + PSB + PGPR) treatments except cost of cultivation