14 research outputs found

    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Diabetic Gastroparesis and Occasional Liver Dysfunction Treated by Low Carbohydrate Diet

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) has wider neurological complications. They include upper gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, impaired motility, impaired gastric emptying (GE) and diabetic gastroparesis (DG), which are usually found. The patient was a 64-year-old man with type 2 diabetes (T2D) for 22-years. The patient weighed 74 kg with body mass index (BMI) 23.6 kg/m2, hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) 9.2%, ankle brachial index (ABI) 1.19/1.23, AST 25 U/L(7-38), ALT 23 U/L(4-44), GGT 48 U/L(<86), Chest X-P normal, and electrocardiogram (ECG) negative. When the patient was treated with low carbohydrate diet (LCD), a significant reduction in body weight and HbA1c was observed. Abdominal computerized tomography (CT) revealed multiple gall stone, dilated common bile duct and impaired GE, indicating DG. For endoscopic examination, much food residue was found in the stomach due to DG after 13 hours fasting. Treatment for DG was initiated by mosapride citrate hydrate. During clinical progress, occasional liver dysfunction was observed twice associated with elevation of AST 196 U/L, GGT 373 U/L and without symptoms, indicating cholestasis-type dysfunction. Some possible triggers may be involved in these episodes, such as gall stone, enlarged volume of stomach due to DG, overeating, overdrinking, and other factors. This impressive report will hopefully become a reference for developing diabetic practice and research

    Impressive clinical course of diabetic patient with various medical problems and remarkable improvement by insulin degludec and liraglutide (Xultophy)

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    Diabetes mellitus causes macrovascular, microvascular angiopathy, and increased cancer risk. Authors et al. have continued clinical practice and research on diabetes cases. Current case is impressive 79-year-old female with various diseases. They include asthma and COPD, steroid intake for years, sleep apnea syndrome (SAS), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy, tongue cancer, arteriosclerosis, bone complications, Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and so on. When she developed hyperglycemia with 9.0% of HbA1c, Xultophy® was started. It contains insulin degludec and liraglutide which is Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA). HbA1c values decreased as 7.9%, 7.3%, 6.9%, 6.5% in 1-4 months, with remarkable effect. The satisfactory efficacy may be from double agents of Xultophy® or probable secondary diabetes due to continuation of steroid of the case. This report will be expected to be some reference in the future diabetic research development

    Sivelestat Sodium Hydrate ト エンドトキシン キュウチャク リョウホウ トノ ヘイヨウ リョウホウ ガ ユウヨウ デ アッタ ARDS ノ イチレイ

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    We report here a case of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS)due to perforation of the sigmoid colon, for which therapy with Sivelestat Sodium Hydrate(SSH, Elaspol)and Polymyxin B-immobilized Direct Hemoperfusion(PMX-DHP)was shown to be effective. An 88-yearold woman was admitted to our hospital because of abdominal pain. Abdominal computed tomography showed free air present in the liver and near the sigmoid colon. These results suggested sigmoid colon perforation, and we performed Hartmann’s operation and drainage. After operation, her blood pressures and the PaO2/FiO2 ratio decreased. The patient was then diagnosed septic shock and ARDS ; and PMX-DHP was performed, followed by the initiation of SSH administration. After therapy, she showed improvements in her conditions of septic shock and ARDS. It is inferred that therapy with PMX-DHP and SSH is effective for ARDS in view of an observed two-fold suppression in vascular endothelial cell damage

    トウイン ニオケル ダイタイ ヘルニア シュジュツ 26ショウレイ ノ リンショウテキ ケントウ

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    We performed this study to investigate the differences in clinical features between incarcerated femoral hernias and non-incarcerated cases. We operated on 26 patients with a femoral hernia from April 1989 to December 1998. Twenty-four patients were female and two were male. Thir mean age at the time of operation was 68.2±15.4 years, and those older than 60 years were remarkably high. All females had a history of abortion more than twice. Eighteen of 26 (69.2%) hemoral hernias occurred on the right side, 7 on the left, and 1 on both sides. Those with an incarcerated hernia were 46.2% (12/26). Almost all patients without incarceration had only femoral tumors or swelling. On the contrary, a large number of the patients with an incarcerated hernia complained of abdominal or femoral pain, suggesting a hernial strangulation. Significant increases in white blood cell counts were recognized in the incarcerated cases compared to those without incarceration (9158.3± 2155.3 vs 6602.9±1049.5/mm3, respectively;P=0.0001). Additionally, the postoperative hospitalization periods of the patients with incarcerations were remarkably prolonged compared to those without an incarceration. According to the contents of the hernia in the 12 patients with incarcerations, we detected the small bowel in 9 and the grater omentum in 3. Six of 9 patients with an incarcerated small bowel had necrotic complications of strangulated small bowel. However, there was no clinical difference compared to the other 6 patients without a necrotic small bowel. In conculusion, we should recognize the possibility of femoral hernias in the treatment of patients complaining of a tumor or pain in the femoral triangle

    ダイチョウ センコウ ショウレイ ニ タイスル エンドトキシン キュウチャク リョウホウ ノ ケントウ

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    The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the therapeutic results of Polymyxin Bimmobilized Direct Hemoperfusion(PMX-DHP)for colorectal perforation. The study subjects were 40 patients with colorectal perforation surgically treated from 1993 through 2004, of whom 18 underwent PMX-DHP after operation(P group)and 22 underwent operations only(N group). Although there was no significant difference between the two groups in the overall mortality rate, the mortality rate for ARDS was significantly lower in the P group than in the N group. There was a statistically significant correlation between the P/F ratio and the time interval from the disease onset(r=-0.590, p=0.0009<0.001). The time lag from disease onset to operation and the length of PMX-DHP period were significantly longer in the death group than in the survivor group. We anticipate that PMX-DHP for colorectal perforation proves effective in reducing deaths from ARDS. For an effective facilitation of PMX-DHP, the procedure should be started as soon as possible from the onset of the disease

    Seasonal changes in HbA1c values from young to elderly diabetic patients

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    Background: Current research has focused on the seasonal changes in HbA1c at the age of 21-90 years old. Subjects and methods: Subjects were 96 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods include the classification of group A, B, C by the age with 21-50, 51-70, 71-90 years old. HbA1c values in median were calculated for five consecutive seasons from December 2017 to February 2019. Results: BMI value in 3 group A, B, C was 29.7, 24.7, 25.3, respectively. Basal HbA1c was 7.0%, 7.1%, 7.1%, in 3 groups, respectively. Seasonal changes in HbA1c are as follows: group A showed highest in the summer, group B showed highest in the spring and gradually decreased to the winter, and group C showed gradual decrease and lowest in autumn. Discussion and conclusion: Seasonal changes would be probably from i) working generation with fatigue for persistent hot climate in group A, ii) rather stable daily life with balanced work and rest for the home in group B and C, iii) hot climate from spring to summer may be involved in the changes. Current investigation does not include multiple related factors. Further research will be expected for clarifying various factors

    Clinical study of strangulation obstruction of the small bowel

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    Early diagnosis of strangulation obstruction is very important for surgeons because delayed diagnosis often leads to severe complications. Thirty patients underwent an operation because of small bowel obstruction between April, 1993 and December, 1999. In the present study, we examined the differences in clinical findings between simple obstruction and strangulation obstruction. In addition, we examined the manifestation of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and whether it is useful for early diagnosis of strangulation obstruction, and whether it is correlated with the severity of ischemia due to strangulation. Tenderness was examined in all patients and signs such as abdominal irritation were detected more often in patients with strangulation obstruction than in the patients with simple obstruction. According to SIRS, the large number of the patients with strangulation obstruction showed SIRS before operation and the manifestation of SIRS correlated well with the length of the necrosis in the strangulated small bowel. We recognized the importance of anamnesis and clinical findings in examinations of small bowel obstruction, furthermore, it was suggested that SIRS should be the warning sign for strangulation obstruction