124 research outputs found

    Giving Way Event During a Combined Stepping and Crossover Cutting Task in an individual with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency

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    Study Design: Case study. Objective: To compare knee kinematics and moments of nongiving way trials to a giving way trial during a combined stepping and crossover cutting activity. Background: The knee kinematics and moments associated with giving way episodes sugge motor control strategies that lead to instability and recovery of stability during movement. Methods and Measures: A 27-year-old woman with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency reported giving way while performing a combined stepping and crossover cutting activity. P motion analysis system recorded motion of the pelvis, femur, tibia, and foot using 3 infrarec emitting diodes placed on each segment at 60 Hz. Force plate recordings at 300 Hz were combined with limb inertial properties and position data to estimate net knee joint moments. The stance time, foot progression angle, and cutting angle were also included to evaluate performance between trials. Results: Knee internal rotation during the giving way trial increased 3.2\u27 at 54% of stance relative to the nongiving way trials. Knee flexion during the giving way trial increased to 33.1 at 66% of stance, and the knee moment switched from a nominal flexor moment to 2 knee extensor moment at 64% of stance. The knee abductor moment and external rotation moment during the giving way trial deviated in early stance. Conclusions: The observed response to the giving way event suggests that increasing knee flexion may enhance knee stability for this subject. The transverse and frontal plane moments appear important in contributing to the giving way event. Further research that assists clinicians in understanding how interventions can impact control of movements in these planes is necessary

    Validity and Comparisons of Tibiofemoral Angles and Translations using a New Femoral Tracking Device (FTD) during Walking

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    First, this study compares tibiofemoral motion during walking using a new femoral tracking device (FTD) and bone mounted markers in a single subject (n=1). The results suggest errors ofn=13). The results suggest similar tibiofemoral angles in the sagittal and frontal planes using the two methods (average root mean square (RMS) differences

    Self-Reported Giving-Way Episode During a Stepping-Down Task: Case Report of a Subject With an ACL-Deficient Knee

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    Study Design: Case report. Objective: To describe the knee kinematics and moments of a giving-way trial of a subject with an anterior-cruciate-ligament– (ACL) deficient knee relative to his non–giving-way trials and to healthy subjects during a step-down task. Background: Episodes of giving way are believed to damage joint structures, therefore treatments aim to prevent giving-way episodes, yet few studies document giving-way events. Methods: The giving-way trial experienced by a 32-year-old male subject with ACL deficiency during a step-down task was compared to his non–giving-way trials (n = 5) and data from healthy subjects (n = 20). Position data collected at 60 Hz were combined with anthropometric data and ground reaction force data collected at 300 Hz to estimate knee displacement and 3-dimensional angles and net joint moments. Results: The knee joint displacement was higher during the giving-way trial: from 4% to 32% of stance, reaching 9.0 mm at 18% of stance as compared to 1.6 ± 0.7 mm for the non–giving-way trials. After 4% of stance, the knee flexion angle of the giving-way trial was 6.6° higher than the non–giving-way trials and was associated with a higher knee extension moment. The knee frontal plane moment was near neutral during early stance of the giving-way trial in contrast to the non-giving way and healthy subjects which demonstrated a knee abduction moment. Conclusions: The response of this subject to the giving-way event suggests that higher knee flexion angles may enhance knee stability and, in reaction to the giving-way event, that knee extension moment may increase

    Relationship Between Static Mobility of the First Ray and First Ray, Midfoot, and Hindfoot Motion During Gait

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    The relationship between a static measure of dorsal first ray mobility and dynamic motion of the first ray, midfoot, and hindfoot during the stance phase of walking was investigated in healthy, asymptomatic subjects who represented the spectrum of static flexibility. Static first ray mobility of 15 subjects was measured by a load cell device and ranged from stiff (3.1 mm) to lax (8.0 mm). Using three-dimensional motion analysis, mean first ray dorsiflexion/eversion and mid-/hindfoot eversion peak motion, time-to-peak, and eversion excursion were evaluated. Subjects with greater static dorsal mobility of the first ray demonstrated significantly greater time-topeak hindfoot eversion and eversion excursion (p \u3c .01), and midfoot peak eversion and eversion excursion (p \u3c .01). No significant association was found between static first ray mobility and first ray motion during gait. This research provides evidence that the dynamic response of the foot may modulate the consequences of first ray mobility and that compensory strategies are most effective when static measures of dorsal mobility are most extreme

    Variation on a Theme: Vibrational Signaling in Caterpillars of the Rose Hook-Tip Moth, Oreto rosea

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    Abstract Vibrational communication in hook-tip moth caterpillars is thought to be widely used and highly variable across species, but this phenomenon has been experimentally examined in only two species to date. The purpose of this study is to characterize and describe the function of vibrational signaling in a species, Oreta rosea Walker 1855 (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae), that differs morphologically from previously studied species. Caterpillars of this species produce three distinct types of vibrational signals during territorial encounters with conspecifics — mandible drumming, mandible scraping and lateral tremulation. Signals were recorded using a laser-doppler vibrometer and characterized based on temporal and spectral components. Behavioural encounters between a leaf resident and a conspecific intruder were staged to test the hypothesis that signaling functions as a territorial display. Drumming and scraping signals both involve the use of the mandibles, being hit vertically on, or scraped laterally across, the leaf surface. Lateral tremulation involves quick, short, successive lateral movements of the anterior body region that vibrates the entire leaf. Encounters result in residents signaling, with the highest rates observed when intruders make contact with the resident. Residents signal significantly more than intruders and most conflicts are resolved within 10 minutes, with residents winning 91% of trials. The results support the hypothesis that vibrational signals function to advertise leaf occupancy. Signaling is compared between species, and evolutionary origins of vibrational communication in caterpillars are discussed

    The evolutionary origins of ritualized acoustic signals in caterpillars

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    Animal communication signals can be highly elaborate, and researchers have long sought explanations for their evolutionary origins. For example, how did signals such as the tail-fan display of a peacock, a firefly flash or a wolf howl evolve? Animal communication theory holds that many signals evolved from non-signalling behaviours through the process of ritualization. Empirical evidence for ritualization is limited, as it is necessary to examine living relatives with varying degrees of signal evolution within a phylogenetic framework. We examine the origins of vibratory territorial signals in caterpillars using comparative and molecular phylogenetic methods. We show that a highly ritualized vibratory signal—anal scraping—originated from a locomotory behaviour—walking. Furthermore, comparative behavioural analysis supports the hypothesis that ritualized vibratory signals derive from physical fighting behaviours. Thus, contestants signal their opponents to avoid the cost of fighting. Our study provides experimental evidence for the origins of a complex communication signal, through the process of ritualization

    ‘Dominant ethnicity’ and the ‘ethnic-civic’ dichotomy in the work of A. D. Smith

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    This article considers the way in which the work of Anthony Smith has helped to structure debates surrounding the role of ethnicity in present-day nations. Two major lines of enquiry are evident here. First, the contemporary role of dominant ethnic groups within 'their' nations and second, the interplay between ethnic and civic elements in nationalist argument. The two processes are related, but maintain elements of distinctiveness. Smith's major contribution to the dominant ethnicity debate has been to disembed ethnicity from the ideologically-charged and/or anglo-centric discourse of ethnic relations and to place it in historical context, thereby opening up space for dominant group ethnicity to be considered as a distinct phenomenon. This said, Smith's work does not adequately account for the vicissitudes of dominant ethnicity in the contemporary West. Building on the classical works of Hans Kohn and Friedrich Meinecke, Anthony Smith has also made a seminal contribution to the debate on civic and ethnic forms of national identity and nationalist ideology. As well as freeing this debate from the strong normative overtones which it has often carried, he has continued to insist that the terms civic and ethnic should be treated as an ideal-typical distinction rather than a scheme of classification

    Friends or foes? migrants and sub-state nationalists in Europe

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    How do sub-state nationalists respond to the growing presence of cultural diversity in their ‘homelands’ resulting from migration? Sub-state nationalists in Europe, in ‘nations without states’ such as Catalonia and Scotland, have been challenging the traditional nation-state model for many decades. While the arguments in favour of autonomy or independence levelled by these movements have become more complex, sub-state nationalist movements remain grounded by their perceived national community that is distinct from the majority nation. Migration to the ‘homeland’ of a sub-state nation, then, presents a conundrum for sub-state elites that we label the ‘legitimation paradox’: too much internal diversity may undermine the claim to cultural distinctiveness. We engage with three common intervening variables thought to influence how sub-state nationalists confront the ‘legitimation paradox’: civic/ethnic nationalism, degree of political autonomy, and party competition. Our overarching argument is that none of these factors have a unidirectional or determinate effect on the sub-state nationalism-immigration nexus, which is why the nuanced case studies that comprise this Special Issue are worthwhile endeavours
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