3 research outputs found
Comparison of Gravity Anomalies from Recent Global Geopotential Models with Terrestrial Gravity and Airborne Gravity over Johor Region
Gravity anomalies can yield an indirect but extremely useful picture of lateral changes in rock composition and structural patterns especially for rapid development area such as Johor region. The gravity anomalies can be derived from Global Geopotential Model (GGM) which is one of special product from the satellite technology that able to determine high accuracy of the earth's gravity field. In this study, the gravity anomalies derived from recent GGM published by International Global Geopotential Model were compared with five other GGMs model that compromised either terrestrial or airborne or both to derive the gravity anomalies. In order to identify the best gravity model over the Johor region, two types of GGM class model has been selected for the comparisons which known as satellite only and combined class model. The result shows that the gravity anomalies de-rived from satellite only class model with up 300 spherical harmonic coefficients is the best fit model and can be used as a reference for the Johor region. The RSME for the recent GGM via satellite only were +/- 5.865 and +/- 3.347 mGal for terrestrial and airborne gravity anomalies respectively compared to other GGM
Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment on the Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
The Peninsular Malaysia Geodetic Vertical Datum 2000 (PMGVD2000) inherited several deficiencies due to offsets between local datums used, levelling error propagations, land subsidence, sea level rise, and sea level slopes along the southern half of the Malacca Strait on the west coast and the South China Sea in the east coast of the Peninsular relative to the Port Klang (PTK) datum point. To cater for a more reliable elevation-based assessment of both sea level rise and coastal flooding exposure, a new epoch-based height reference system PMGVD2022 has been developed. We have undertaken the processing of more than 30 years of sea level data from twelve tide gauge (TG) stations along the Peninsular Malaysia coast for the determination of the relative mean sea level (RMSL) at epoch 2022.0 with their respective trends and incorporates the quantification of the local vertical land motion (VLM) impact. PMGVD2022 is based on a new gravimetric geoid (PMGeoid2022) fitted to the RMSL at PTK. The orthometric height is realised through the GNSS levelling concept H = hGNSS–Nfit_PTK–NRMDT, where NRMDT is a constant offset due to the relative mean dynamic ocean topography (RMDT) between the fitted geoid at PTK and the local MSL datums along the Peninsular Malaysia coast. PMGVD2022 will become a single height reference system with absolute accuracies of better than ±3 cm and ±10 cm across most of the land/coastal area and the continental shelf of Peninsular Malaysia, respectively