94 research outputs found

    Study of correlation of production and decay planes in π3π\pi\to3\pi diffractive dissociation process on nuclei

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    A large correlation of production and decay planes of (\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-)-system in dissociation of π\pi^--beam 40 GeV/c on nuclear targets was observed. The dependence of the correlation on atomic number, Feynmann variable and transversal momentum as well as on invariant mass of the pion triple and neutral pion pair were investigated. It was shown that the phenomenon has a clear dynamic origin and resembles the single spin asymmetry behavior.Comment: 8 pages, latex epsfig.sty, 5 eps figures. Submitted to Yad. Fiz

    On the T-Odd Quark Fragmentation Function and on Transversal Handedness

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    The first probe of the correlation of the T-odd one-particle fragmentation function responsible for the left--right asymmetry of fragmentation of a transversely polarized quark is done by using the 1991-95 DELPHI data for Z2Z\to 2-jet decay. Integrated over the fraction of longitudinal and transversal momenta, this correlation is of 1.5% order, which means order of 13% for the analyzing power. A rather large (10\approx 10%) handedness transversal to the production plane was observed in the diffractive production of (ππ+π\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-) triples from nuclei by the 40GeV/cπ40 GeV/c \pi^---beam. It was shown that the phenomenon has a clear dynamic origin and resembles the single spin asymmetry behavior. All this makes us hope to use this effects in polarized DIS experiments for transversity measurement.Comment: 10 pp, 5 epsfig, Latex 2e, szjp.cls, epsfig.sty, wrapfig.sty included. Talk in "Spin and Symmetry - Praha98". To be published in Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Supp

    Variation in nuclear genome size within the Eisenia nordenskioldi complex (Lumbricidae, Annelida)

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    The size of the nuclear genome in eukaryotes is mostly determined by mobile elements and noncoding sequences and may vary within wide limits. It can differ significantly both among higher-order taxa and closely related species within a genus; genome size is known to be uncorrelated with organism complexity (the so-called C-paradox). Less is known about intraspecific variation of this parameter. Typically, genome size is stable within a species, and the known exceptions turn out be cryptic taxa. The Eisenia nordenskioldi complex encompasses several closely related earthworm species. They are widely distributed in the Urals, Siberia, and the Russian Far East, as well as adjacent regions. This complex is characterized by significant morphological, chromosomal, ecological, and genetic variation. The aim of our study was to estimate the nuclear genome size in several genetic lineages of the E.  nordenskioldi complex using flow cytometry. The genome size in different genetic lineages differed strongly, which supports the hypothesis that they are separate species. We found two groups of lineages, with small (250–500 Mbp) and large (2300–3500 Mbp) genomes. Moreover, different populations within one lineage also demonstrated variation in genome size (15–25 %). We compared the obtained data to phylogenetic trees based on transcriptome data. Genome size in ancestral population was more likely to be big. It increased or decreased independently in different lineages, and these processes could be associated with changes in genome size and/or transition to endogeic lifestyle

    Absorption of phi mesons in near-threshold proton-nucleus reactions

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    In the framework of the nuclear spectral function approach for incoherent primary proton--nucleon and secondary pion--nucleon production processes we study the inclusive ϕ\phi meson production in the interaction of 2.83 GeV protons with nuclei. In particular, the A-dependences of the absolute and relative ϕ\phi meson yields are investigated within the different scenarios for its in-medium width as well as for the cross section ratio σpnpnϕ/σppppϕ\sigma_{pn \to pn{\phi}}/{\sigma_{pp \to pp{\phi}}}. Our model calculations take into account the acceptance window of the ANKE facility used in a recent experiment performed at COSY. They show that the pion--nucleon production channel contributes distinctly to the ϕ\phi creation in heavy nuclei in the chosen kinematics and, hence, has to be taken into consideration on close examination of the dependences of the phi meson yields on the target mass number with the aim to get information on its width in the medium. They also demonstrate that the experimentally unknown ratio σpnpnϕ/σppppϕ\sigma_{pn \to pn{\phi}}/{\sigma_{pp \to pp{\phi}}} has a weak effect on the A-dependence of the relative ϕ\phi meson production cross section at incident energy of present interest, whereas it is found to be appreciably sensitive to the phi in-medium width, which means that this relative observable can indeed be useful to help determine the above width from the direct comparison the results of our calculations with the future data from the respective ANKE-at-COSY experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamical and thermal descriptions in parton distribution functions

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    We suggest a duality between the standard (dynamical) and statistical distributions of partons in the nucleons. The temperature parameter entering into the statistical form for the quark distributions is estimated. It is found that this effective temperature is practically the same for the dependence on longitudinal and transverse momenta and, in turn, it is close to the freeze-out temperature in high energy heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at the 6th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement (CPOD), JINR, Dubna, 23-29 August 201

    Supernovae - Optical Precursors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The probability of observing "supernova - gamma-ray burst" (GRB) pair events and recurrent GRBs from one galaxy in a time interval of several years has been estimated. Supernova explosions in binary systems accompanied by the formation of a short-lived pair of compact objects can be the sources of such events. If a short GRB is generated during the collision of a pair, then approximately each of ~300 short GRBs with redshift z must have an optical precursor - a supernova in the observer's time interval <2(1+z)yr. If the supernova explosion has the pattern of a hypernova, then a successive observation of long and short GRBs is possible. The scenario for the generation of multiple GRBs in collapsing galactic nuclei is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; this paper has the e-precursor arXiv:1101.3298 [astro-ph.HE

    The p(d,p)d and p(d,p)pn reactions as a tool for the study of the short range internal structure of the deuteron

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    In recent time the deuteron structure at short distances is often treated from the point of view nonnucleonic degrees of freedom. In this paper the measurements of T-odd polarization observables using tensor polarized deuteron beam and polarized proton target or proton polarimeter are proposed to search the quark configurations inside the deuteron.Comment: 12 pages, 8 Postscript figures, submitted in Phys.Atom.Nuc

    Evaluation of a strategy for tumor-initiating stem cell eradication in primary human glioblastoma cultures as a model

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    Primary cultures of human glioblastoma were obtained from the surgical material of patients K. (female, 61 years, Ds: relapse of glioblastoma) and Zh. (female, 60 years, Ds: relapse of glioblastoma). The effectiveness of a new therapeutic approach aimed at destroying the cancer cell community was evaluated on the primary cell lines of human glioblastoma culture by employing a new strategy of tumor-initiating stem cell synchronization and a domestic strategy of their eradication "3+1". The key elements of the strategy were the following indicator results: (1) evaluation of the presence of tumor-initiating stem cells in a population of cells from analyzed cultures by their ability to internalize double-stranded labeled DNA (TAMRA+ cells); (2) determination of the reference time points of the repair cycle of DNA interstrand cross-links induced by cross-linking cytostatic mitomycin C; (3) evaluation of cell cycle synchronization; (4) determination of the time (day after therapy initiation) when TAMRA+ cells were synchronously present in phase G1/S of the cell cycle, sensitive to the therapy; and (5) establishment of the TAMRA+ (tumor-initiating stem cells) eradication schedule. The cultures were treated with cross-linking cytostatic mitomycin C and a compositional DNA preparation. After the treatments, cell division slows down, and the cultures degrade. The K cell line completely degraded within 30 days of observation. The cell number of the Zh culture fell to nearly one-third of the starting value by day 15 of observation. On day 15, this indicator constituted 1/7.45 for mitomycin C and 1/10.28 for mitomycin C + DNA with reference to the control. The main target of the mitomycin C + DNA regimen was TAMRA+ tumor-initiating stem cells of the glioblastoma cell populations. The action of mitomycin C alone or in the combination with DNA demonstrated effective elimination of TAMRA+ tumor-initiating stem cells and the whole primary cultures of human glioblastomas

    Hadron production in lepton-nuclei interactions at high energies: Monte Carlo generator HARDPING 2.0

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    Hadron production in lepton-nucleus interactions at high-energies is considered in framework of developing Monte Carlo event generator HARDPING (HARD Probe INteraction Generator). Such effects as formation length, energy loss and multiple rescattering for produced hadrons and their constituents are implemented into the HARDPING 2.0. Available data from HERMES collaboration on hadron production in lepton-nucleus collisions are described by the present version of the HARDPING generator in a reasonable agreement.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Distribution of valence quarks and light-cone QCD sum rules

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    A method for calculating the pion structure function directly in terms of light-cone wave functions is suggested. Taking twist-2 and twist-4 pion light-cone wave functions into account, it is shown that the QCD sum rule prediction is in agreement with quark distribution obtained from analysis of the Drell-Yan process. Twist-4 quark-gluon light-cone wave functions give a large positive contribution to the pion structure function for x_B<0.2. A new constraint on the twist-2 pion light-cone wave function is obtained. We argue that the leading twist pion wave function \phi_\pi(u) \simeq 1 for u=0.3 with an accuracy of about 20-30%.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, epsfig, 2 figure