128 research outputs found

    Zeta Nonlocal Scalar Fields

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    We consider some nonlocal and nonpolynomial scalar field models originated from p-adic string theory. Infinite number of spacetime derivatives is determined by the operator valued Riemann zeta function through d'Alembertian \Box in its argument. Construction of the corresponding Lagrangians L starts with the exact Lagrangian Lp\mathcal{L}_p for effective field of p-adic tachyon string, which is generalized replacing p by arbitrary natural number n and then taken a sum of Ln\mathcal{L}_n over all n. The corresponding new objects we call zeta scalar strings. Some basic classical field properties of these fields are obtained and presented in this paper. In particular, some solutions of the equations of motion and their tachyon spectra are studied. Field theory with Riemann zeta function dynamics is interesting in its own right as well.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to Theoretical and Mathematical Physic

    Role of the Nuclear and Electromagnetic Interactions in the Coherent Dissociation of the Relativistic 7^7Li Nucleus into the 3^3H + 4^4He Channel

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    The differential cross section in the transverse momentum QQ and a total cross section of (31±4)(31\pm4) mb for the coherent dissociation of a 3-A-GeV/cc 7^7Li nucleus through the 3^3H+4+^4He channel have been measured on emulsion nuclei. The observed QQ dependence of the cross section is explained by the predominant supposition of the nuclear diffraction patterns on light (C, N, O) and heavy (Br, Ag) emulsion nuclei. The contributions to the cross section from nuclear diffraction (Q400Q\le400 MeV/cc) and Coulomb (Q50(Q\le50 MeV/cc) dissociations are calculated to be 40.7 and 4 mb, respectively.Comment: ISSN 0021-3640, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 200

    Chickens productivity selection affects immune system genes

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    The quantitative trait loci associated with the immune properties of chickens are of interest from the point of view of obtaining animals resistant to infectious agents using marker-assisted selection. In the process of selecting markers for genomic selection in broiler-type chickens, a non-standard genotype frequency of the RACK1 gene allele (SNP Gga_rs15788101) in the B5 line of broiler-type chicken cross Smena 8 was identified and it was suggested that this gene was involved in selection. Therefore, it was decided to investigate the available polymorphisms in the three genes responsible for the IgY titer (DMA, RACK1 and CD1B). Molecular typing of single nucleotide polymorphisms of three loci revealed an approach to fixation of the unfavorable allele of the DMA gene (SNP Gga_rs15788237), an approach to fixation of the unfavorable allele of the RACK1 gene and the prevalence of the favorable CD1B gene allele (SNP Gga_rs16057130). Analysis of the haplotypes revealed a strong linkage disequilibrium of these genes. This suggests that these genes experience selection pressure. Analysis of the protein-coding sequences of the CD1B and DMA genes of various breeds of chickens revealed a negative selection of these genes. In order to understand whether the fixation of the studied alleles is the result of artificial selection of the B5 line of the cross Smena 8, an analysis of similar loci in layer chickens Hisex White was carried out. The frequencies of the alleles at the loci of the CD1B gene (Gga_rs16057130) and the RACK1 gene (Gga_rs15788101) in the Hisex White chicken genome differ from the frequencies of the alleles obtained for chickens of the B5 line of the cross Smena 8. It can be assumed that the fixation of the allele in the DMA gene (SNP Gga_rs15723) is associated with artificial or natural selection, consistent in broilers and layers. Changes in the loci Gga_rs16057130 and Gga_rs15788101 in the B5 line of the Smena 8 chickens are most likely associated with artificial selection of broiler productivity traits, which can subsequently lead to fixation of alleles at these loci. Artificial breeding of chickens leads to degradation of the variability of genes encoding elements of the immune system, which can cause a decrease in resistance to various diseases. The study of the negative impact of selection of economic traits on immunity should provide means to mitigate negative consequences and help find ways to obtain disease-resistant animals

    Constraints to Coupling Constants of the Omega- and Sigma-Mesons with Dibaryons

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    The effect of narrow dibaryon resonances to nuclear matter and structure of neutron stars is investigated in the mean-field theory (MFT) and in the relativistic Hartree approximation (RHA). The existence of massive neutron stars imposes constraints to the coupling constants of the omega- and sigma-mesons with dibaryons. We conclude that the experimental candidates to dibaryons d1(1920) and d'(2060) if exist form in nuclear matter a Bose condensate stable against compression. This proves stability of the ground state for nuclear matter with a Bose condensate of the light dibaryons.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Comparative Analysis of Mortality from Infectious Diseases in the Russian Federation and Some European Countries

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    The purpose. To conduct comparative evaluation of mortality from infectious diseases and medical care quality in Russia and some European countries in different age groups. Materials and methods. Selection of mortality data was performed from various Russian and foreign databases. Ranking of countries according to mortality rates was done with a quartiles calculation method. For evaluating the adherence to preventive measures surveys of different population groups, to assess adherence to the principles of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine was conducted a continuous survey of doctors, one branch of the municipal polyclinic of Moscow. The results and discussion. It is shown that the situation in the Russian Federation as a whole can be assessed as disadvantaged in mortality from infectious diseases in all age groups. Conclusions. A reduction in mortality among children as well as working-age population requires a comprehensive approach that should include both of improvement of quality of care and the formation of commitment to preventive measures