14 research outputs found

    Gene Deletion Algorithms for Minimum Reaction Network Design by Mixed-Integer Linear Programming for Metabolite Production in Constraint-Based Models: gDel_minRN

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    Genome-scale constraint-based metabolic networks play an important role in the simulation of growth-coupled production, which means that cell growth and target metabolite production are simultaneously achieved. For growth-coupled production, a minimal reaction-network-based design is known to be effective. However, the obtained reaction networks often fail to be realized by gene deletions due to conflicts with gene-protein-reaction (GPR) relations. Here, we developed gDel_minRN that determines gene deletion strategies using mixed-integer linear programming to achieve growth-coupled production by repressing the maximum number of reactions via GPR relations. The results of computational experiments showed that gDel_minRN could determine the core parts, which include only 30% to 55% of whole genes, for stoichiometrically feasible growth-coupled production for many target metabolites, which include useful vitamins such as biotin (vitamin B7), riboflavin (vitamin B2), and pantothenate (vitamin B5). Since gDel_minRN calculates a constraint-based model of the minimum number of gene-associated reactions without conflict with GPR relations, it helps biological analysis of the core parts essential for growth-coupled production for each target metabolite. The source codes, implemented in MATLAB using CPLEX and COBRA Toolbox, are available on https://github.com/MetNetComp/gDel-minRN

    A Multiple Alignment Algorithm for Metabolic Pathway Analysis using Enzyme Hierarchy

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    In many of the chemical reactions in living cells, enzymes act as catalysts in the conversion of certain compounds (substrates) into other compounds (products). Comparative analyses of the metabolic pathways formed by such reactions give important information on their evolution and on pharmacological targets (Dandekar ## ### 1999). Each of the enzymes that constitute a pathway is classied according to the EC (Enzyme Commission) numbering system, which consists of four sets of numbers that categorize the type of the chemical reaction catalyzed. In this study,we consider that reaction similarities can be expressed by the similarities between EC numbers of the respective enzymes. Therefore, in order to nd a common pattern among pathways, it is desirable to be able to use the functional hierarchy of EC numbers to express the reaction similarities. In this paper, we propose a multiple alignment algorithm utilizing information content that is extended to symbols having ..

    BD5: An open HDF5-based data format to represent quantitative biological dynamics data.

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    BD5 is a new binary data format based on HDF5 (hierarchical data format version 5). It can be used for representing quantitative biological dynamics data obtained from bioimage informatics techniques and mechanobiological simulations. Biological Dynamics Markup Language (BDML) is an XML (Extensible Markup Language)-based open format that is also used to represent such data; however, it becomes difficult to access quantitative data in BDML files when the file size is large because parsing XML-based files requires large computational resources to first read the whole file sequentially into computer memory. BD5 enables fast random (i.e., direct) access to quantitative data on disk without parsing the entire file. Therefore, it allows practical reuse of data for understanding biological mechanisms underlying the dynamics