18 research outputs found

    Weaving at the crossroads of gender and ethnicity. Or can the collective entrepreneurship of women working in the tourism industry of Peru be interpreted as feminist solidarity?

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    Introduction Tourists who visit the small Andean town of Chinchero, located in the Holey Valley between Cusco and Machu Picchu, Peru, are usually impressed by the many beautifully dressed women who crowd the streets. These women are weavers and members of associations who invite tourists to their collective workshops located in the town’s centre. They offer tourists a seat and a coca tea. They give a demonstration of the weaving and dying of the wool and, in doing so, they hope to seduce the ..

    Cholos, incas y fusionistas: El nuevo Perú y la globalización de lo andino

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    Abstract:   Cholos, incas and fusionistas: The New Peru and the Globalization of 'Lo Andino'This Exploration deals with the cultural changes in Peru from the year 2000. Peru has become a society with more economic, political, social and global opportunities. Within this context, significant cultural changes can be noted. This essay explores cultural expressions such as the weaving associations of the women of Chinchero, the Peruvian cuisine and the rock band Uchpa. All have in common that they reinterpret 'lo andino', or what it is to be Andean, and that they integrate globalized elements. Based on this, a new identity becomes apparent which surpasses the known categories of ethnicity and class.Resumen:Esta exploración trata sobre los cambios culturales en Perú a partir del año 2000. Perú se ha convertido en una sociedad con más oportunidades económicas, políticas, sociales y globales. En este contexto se pueden notar cambios culturales significantes. El ensayo explora expresiones culturales como las asociaciones de tejidos de las mujeres de Chinchero, la gastronomía peruana y la banda de rock Uchpa. Todas tienen en común que reinterpretan lo andino y que integran elementos globalizados. Basándose en ello, surge una nueva identidad que sobrepasa las conocidas categorías de etnicidad y de clase

    Producing Against Poverty

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    Producing against Poverty is an anthropological research on micro-entrepreneurs in Lima, Peru. It analyses the way micro-producers accumulate capital. The anthropological approach of the book starts with an analysis of the daily lives of the micro-producers. Its gender approach makes a comparison between the position of men and women throughout its argumentation. The author also analyses the conditions of labourers working for micro-producers. By paying extensive attention to the subcontracting links between micro-production and the large scale production process, she carefully builds up to general conclusions which go way beyond the micro level of analysis. Micro-production reproduces poverty by subordinating important participants of the production such as women and labourers. The ultimate conclusion is that the informal sector grows not only in times of economic recession, but also in times of economic growth

    Cholos, incas y fusionistas: El nuevo Perú y la globalización de lo andino

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    Abstract:   Cholos, incas and fusionistas: The New Peru and the Globalization of 'Lo Andino'This Exploration deals with the cultural changes in Peru from the year 2000. Peru has become a society with more economic, political, social and global opportunities. Within this context, significant cultural changes can be noted. This essay explores cultural expressions such as the weaving associations of the women of Chinchero, the Peruvian cuisine and the rock band Uchpa. All have in common that they reinterpret 'lo andino', or what it is to be Andean, and that they integrate globalized elements. Based on this, a new identity becomes apparent which surpasses the known categories of ethnicity and class.Resumen:Esta exploración trata sobre los cambios culturales en Perú a partir del año 2000. Perú se ha convertido en una sociedad con más oportunidades económicas, políticas, sociales y globales. En este contexto se pueden notar cambios culturales significantes. El ensayo explora expresiones culturales como las asociaciones de tejidos de las mujeres de Chinchero, la gastronomía peruana y la banda de rock Uchpa. Todas tienen en común que reinterpretan lo andino y que integran elementos globalizados. Basándose en ello, surge una nueva identidad que sobrepasa las conocidas categorías de etnicidad y de clase

    La transferencia de riesgos, microproducción y la subcontratación en las industrias de la ropa y del calzado en Lima, Perú. Dimensión Antropológica Vol. 13 Año 5 (1998) mayo-agosto

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    Este artículo está basado en el análisis del material recabado durante el trabajo de campo antropológico acerca de la microproducción desarrollado en Lima entre octubre de 1990 y diciembre de 1991. En primera instancia se identifican las distintas formas de subcontratación y se argumenta que esta práctica está muy lejos de ser un proceso en el que no interviene el género; afecta sobre todo a los empleos de las mujeres. Más adelante se apuntan las diversas relaciones que existen entre el sector de gran escala y el de pequeña escala. Ambos pueden estudiarse como parte del mismo proceso de producción, y de esa manera comprenderemos mejor la cadena de subordinación creada por la subcontratación como resultado de la necesidad (y el deseo) que tienen los productores de pequeña escala -que trabajan por encargo para las grandes industrias- de transferir parte de su subordinación a sus empleados. El resultado es un deterioro de las condiciones de trabajo, especialmente para las mujeres

    Rethinking Gender and Conflict: Embodiments, Discourses and Symbolic Practices

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    This introduction presents an overview of key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book explores the empirical studies are closely related to interpretative anthropology and its ethnographic methodology. Ethnographic research uses meticulous descriptions as a method to interpret human behaviour and the related symbols. It shows how, even in the context of significant power differentials, cognition and behaviour, agency and victimisation are gendered in a way that goes beyond the popular stereotypes. Conflict not only produces and reconfirms social hierarchies and power relations, but it also motivates people to transgress cultural boundaries and reconsider their self-images and identity constructions. Recent developments in discourse analysis have linked the concept explicitly to social action. Fairclough demonstrates how discourses, narratives and imaginaries help constitute and consolidate economic and political systems, including their institutional materiality. It deals explicitly with the body can be viewed as part of what some analysts call the corporeal turn in social theory