128 research outputs found

    Effects of Saving and Spending Patterns on Holding Time Distribution

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    The effects of saving and spending patterns on holding time distribution of money are investigated based on the ideal gas-like models. We show the steady-state distribution obeys an exponential law when the saving factor is set uniformly, and a power law when the saving factor is set diversely. The power distribution can also be obtained by proposing a new model where the preferential spending behavior is considered. The association of the distribution with the probability of money to be exchanged has also been discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Multiagent model and mean field theory of complex auction dynamics

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    Acknowledgements We are grateful to Ms Yinan Zhao for providing the data and to Yuzhong Chen and Cancan Zhou for discussions and suggestions. This work was supported by ARO under Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0504 and by NSFC under Grants Nos. 11275003 and 61174165. The visit of QC to Arizona State University was partially sponsored by the State Scholarship Fund of China.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Regional surname affinity: a spatial network approach

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    OBJECTIVE We investigate surname affinities among areas of modern‐day China, by constructing a spatial network, and making community detection. It reports a geographical genealogy of the Chinese population that is result of population origins, historical migrations, and societal evolutions. MATERIALS AND METHODS We acquire data from the census records supplied by China's National Citizen Identity Information System, including the surname and regional information of 1.28 billion registered Chinese citizens. We propose a multilayer minimum spanning tree (MMST) to construct a spatial network based on the matrix of isonymic distances, which is often used to characterize the dissimilarity of surname structure among areas. We use the fast unfolding algorithm to detect network communities. RESULTS We obtain a 10‐layer MMST network of 362 prefecture nodes and 3,610 edges derived from the matrix of the Euclidean distances among these areas. These prefectures are divided into eight groups in the spatial network via community detection. We measure the partition by comparing the inter‐distances and intra‐distances of the communities and obtain meaningful regional ethnicity classification. DISCUSSION The visualization of the resulting communities on the map indicates that the prefectures in the same community are usually geographically adjacent. The formation of this partition is influenced by geographical factors, historic migrations, trade and economic factors, as well as isolation of culture and language. The MMST algorithm proves to be effective in geo‐genealogy and ethnicity classification for it retains essential information about surname affinity and highlights the geographical consanguinity of the population.National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Numbers: 61773069, 71731002; National Social Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Number: 14BSH024; Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council, Grant/Award Numbers: 201606045048, 201706040188, 201706040015; DOE, Grant/Award Number: DE-AC07-05Id14517; DTRA, Grant/Award Number: HDTRA1-14-1-0017; NSF, Grant/Award Numbers: CHE-1213217, CMMI-1125290, PHY-1505000 (61773069 - National Natural Science Foundation of China; 71731002 - National Natural Science Foundation of China; 14BSH024 - National Social Science Foundation of China; 201606045048 - Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council; 201706040188 - Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council; 201706040015 - Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council; DE-AC07-05Id14517 - DOE; HDTRA1-14-1-0017 - DTRA; CHE-1213217 - NSF; CMMI-1125290 - NSF; PHY-1505000 - NSF)Published versio

    Power-Law Distributions in Circulating Money: Effect of Preferential Behavior

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    We introduce preferential behavior into the study on statistical mechanics of money circulation. The computer simulation results show that the preferential behavior can lead to power laws on distributions over both holding time and amount of money held by agents. However, some constraints are needed in generation mechanism to ensure the robustness of power-law distributions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The Circulation of Money and Holding Time Distribution

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    We have studied the statistical mechanics of money circulation in a closed economic system. An explicit statistical formulation of the circulation velocity of money is presented for the first time by introducing the concept of holding time of money. The result indicates that the velocity is governed by behavior patterns of economic agents. Computer simulations have been carried out in order to demonstrate the shape of the holding time distribution. We find that, money circulation is a Poisson process in which the holding time probability distribution follows a type of Gamma distribution, and the velocity of money depends on the share for exchange and the number of agents.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure
