1,805 research outputs found

    Investigation of Physical Activity Levels of Physical Education and Sports School Students

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    The aim of this research is to determine the physical activity levels of physical education and sports school students and to examine the physical activity levels according to some demographic characteristics. The objective of the research is composed of 480 students who are studying different programs in Bozok University Physical Education and Sports School in 2017-2018 academic year. The sample of the research is composed of 300 students’ determined random sampling method among the students studying in Bozok University Physical Education and Sports School in 2017-2018 academic year. Demographic information about the students in the survey was obtained with the personal information form and information about the level of participation in physical activity by the International Physical Activity Scale (Short form). Frequency, percentage, cross tables, Chi-Square and ANOVA tests were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the analyzes; statistically significant differences were found between physical activity levels according to gender, body mass index, education department, sports branch and cigarette use variables (p<.05)

    Parameteric thermal process models of friction stir welding

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    A Dissertation for the Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering School of Mechanical, Industrial & Aeronautical Engineering Date: 02/02/2017The Friction Stir Welding process is a rotating tool, that consists of a specialy designed shoulder and pin, that is plunged into the joining line of the required material and traverses along this line. The friction is induced by the rotating tool causes the workpiece material to rise to an operating temperature of 70% to 90% of the workpiece material's melting temperature and resulting in, no phase change, nor any defects associated with phase change, occurs in the workpiece. The increased temperature of the material causes the shear yield strength to drastically decrease thus allowing the two pieces to plasticise, easily stir around the tool and subsequently join. As the tool traverses along the workpiece, the softened material cools in the wake of the rotating tool and recrystallises, forming a ne grained microstructure. Attempts to develop an innovative tool to correlate the resulting of thermal models with process parameters are scarce. In this work, 6056-T4 and 6082-T6 Aluminum alloy sheets are friction stir welding at different rotational and translational speeds during the experimental aspect and material 2024-T3 for the analytical calculations. The effects of process parameters on the resulting thermal and mechanical properties are investigated. The results show that the use of coolant during the friction stir weld decrease heat generation substantially, this can also affect the force of the weld. It is also observed that the shear strenght of the processed sheet depends strongly on the rotational and translational speeds as weld as the thermal aspect and varies widely within the processed region, this was shown in this study by evaluating the thermal aspects of different weld types namely the Standard tool, Bobbin tool and the innovative tool. In addition. The proposed approach involves determination of the use of the friction stir welding in different thermal conditions and championing the use of an innovative tool.MT201

    Analysis of Use of Virtual Reality Technologies in History Education: A Case Study

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    Today, many innovations have been experienced in technology. These innovations progressively take their places in education environments. Virtual reality environments are among activity areas that have been frequently discussed and used in education environments in the recent years. In this context, this study aimed to determine general opinions of undergraduate students who were included to study scope about virtual reality technologies, and privately, to determine the students’ opinions about use of virtual reality glasses in history education and to determine their suggestions in this subject. Case study method was preferred in this study. Sampling was created as selecting 25 undergraduate students according to the study purpose. Data was collected with interview technic and analyzed with content analysis method. According to study results, it was concluded that virtual reality implementations were liked by participants. Additionally, participants stated that use of the current technology in course activities would be beneficial. It was thought that especially the feelings of reality and being present in the location, which were caused by virtual reality implementations, were among the factors that affected participants and increased their interest in the course. Moreover, virtual reality implementations were thought to be technologies that could enable the individuals, especially those with disabilities or had different inadequacies (i.e. financial, time etc.), to actively involve in learning processes. Similarly, virtual reality technology was thought to contribute, at least partially, equal opportunities concept in education


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    The purpose of the study is to examine moral attitude differences of the people who come to sports centers in terms of some variables. In this study, Moral Attitude Scale, which is developed by Prof. Dr. Mevlüt Kaya, is implemented to 190 people who are from different sports centers in Burdur city center. In statistical analysis (frequency analysis) of the obtained data from the individuals who regularly do exercise (150 people) and do not regularly exercise (40 people), independent t test and one way ANOVA analysis were used. It is observed that the individuals who came to sports center regularly have higher moral attitude scores compared to those who do not come regularly. As a result, it is observed that there is no statistical differentiation in moral attitude evaluations between the people who came to sports centers in terms of demographic variables such as age, gender, income status.  Article visualizations


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          İnternet teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, öğrenme ihtiyaçlarının farklılaşması, bireylerin daha esnek ve kişiselleştirilmiş bir öğrenme ortamını talep etmeleri internet  tabanlı uzaktan öğretim modellerinin oluşturulmasına zemin hazırlamaktadır. Uzaktan  eğitim kendi arasında çeşitli kategorilere ayrılmakta, uzak sanal laboratuarlar da bu kategoriler arasında ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, genetik algoritmalar (GA) konusunda örnek deneyler içeren uzak sanal laboratuar uygulamalarının gerçekleştirildiği bir deney sistemi hazırlanmıştır. Genelde, GA son derece teorik derslerden biridir ve bir öğrencinin programlama dillerinden herhangi birinde GA uygulaması yazması oldukça zordur. Ayrıca, yazılmış bir programda; nüfus büyüklüğü, çaprazlama oranı, mutasyon oranı ve kodlama biçimi gibi parametrelerin en iyi değerlerini bulmak zaman alıcı bir iştir. Bu zorlu adımların gerçekleştirilmesinden sonra, öğrenciler GA’nın çalışmasını irdeleyebilmektedirler. Oysaki çalışmamızda, öğrenciler tek bir satır program kodu dahi yazmadan, İnternet üzerinden uzak sanal GA laboratuarına erişerek, GA’nın çalışma ve performansını inceleyebilmektedirler. Çalışmada; Matlab, Matlab Web Sunucu, Apache Sunucu, PHP ve Javascript gibi yazılım araçları kullanılmıştır

    The Comparison of High School Students’ Level of Aggression Based on Demographic Features

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    This study aims to determine high school students’ level of aggression and compare their level of aggression based on some demographic features. The population of the study comprises of high school students attending public and private schools in Yozgat province of Turkey during 2017-2018 school year. The sample of the study comprises of 300 students selected using random sampling method in public and private schools in Yozgat province of Turkey during 2017-2018 school year. The study benefits from survey as a method. Students’ demographic features were obtained using “personal information form”. “Buss Perry Aggresion Scale” was used to measure students’ level of aggression. The obtained data were processed using SPSS 18 software program. Finally, frequency analysis, percentage analysis, arithmetic means, t test, ANOVA and post-hoc tests were used for data analysis. The findings of the study indicated statistically significant differences were found among students’ level of aggression in terms of different variables such as their gender, age, school type, mother’s employment status, mother’s education level, monthly expenses and number of siblings (p<0.05)

    Solving Weapon-Target Assignment Problem with Salp Swarm Algorithm

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    The weapon target problem is a combinatorial optimization problem. It aims to have the weapons on target properly assigned for the intended purposes. When focused on its target, it does things with its effective attack research in mind. It is an ongoing problem program to minimize survivors. This study, using the weapon target assignment model calculates the expected probabilities on the target with the salp model. The nature of this SHA model is designed to be appropriately predicted for this particular use. The Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) is a metaheuristic method of methods approaching the solution set as an approximation. Optimum solution or optimum example is in a working example. This study was done with 12 problem examples (200 training and 200 targets with pleasure to observe, to test the efficiency of SSA). In the problem, the iteration resulted in optimum results at the end of the definite usage time. Best value included 48.355 for WTA1, 92.654 for WTA2, 174.432 for WTA3, 155.658 for WTA4, 250.784 for WTA5, 284.967 for WTA6, 247.458 for WTA7, 362.636 for WTA8, 524.732 for WTA9, 548.580 for WTA10, 601.654 for WTA11, and WTA16812. It was obtained by finding in 200,000 iterations and the result value was 50. After 200000 improvements, it was observed to relax to increase iteration. The use of barter when generating new solutions to the problem. To find out the fitness values, mean, best, and worst values were found