4 research outputs found

    Isospin effect of fragmentation reactions induced by intermediateenergy heavy ions and its disappearance

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    The fragments produced in the reaction of O-18 + Be-9 at 60 The fragments produced in the reaction of O-18 + Be-9 at 6

    Isospin effect of fragmentation reaction on the isotopic distributionproduced in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions

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    Fragments produced in the reaction of 60MeV/n O-18 On Be have been Fragments produced in the reaction of 60MeV/n O-18 On Be have bee

    Detector calibration by Monte Carlo simulation based on theenergy-range relationship of energetic ions

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    The experimental measurement of the total interaction cross sections of The experimental measurement of the total interaction cross sections o

    Measurements of total reaction cross section for light nuclei andevidence for the anomalous nuclear structure in C-15

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    Measurements of the total reaction cross section for C12-16, N14-17 and Measurements of the total reaction cross section for C12-16, N14-17 an