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    Not AvailableTechnology demonstration component of NICRA was implemented in village clusters by KVKs in 100 climatically vulnerable districts and by 7 core research institutes. Drought, floods, cyclone and unseasonal rainfall were the major climatic events that were experienced during 2014-15. A number of climate resilient practices and technologies were demonstrated in the village clusters in natural resource management, crop production systems, livestock & fisheries and institutional interventions. Rainwater harvesting and recycling potential created in NICRA villages in rainfed districts increased the resilience of crop production both in kharif and rabi seasons despite deficit rainfall. About 1572 demonstrations covering 1360 ha were taken up during 2014-15. About 918 demonstrations on improved planting methods in several kharif and rabi crops showed promise in enhancing resilience with higher productivity and income. About 594 demonstrations on zero till cultivation in rabi crops indicated its potential as a sustainable alternative to conventional planting of wheat, lentil, mustard, maize and vegetable crops. In the North Eastern states, sustainable intensification in rice fallows was demonstrated with the adoption of zero till sowing / raised and sunken bed planting method for cultivation of grain legumes and vegetable crops.Monsoon action plans were prepared by NICRA-KVKs and implemented in 60 village clusters across districts that experienced an unfolding drought like situation. Contingency crop plans for delayed planting (after mid July) involving appropriate crop and soil moisture management measures were implemented. Contingency crops such as sesame, castor, blackgram, pigeonpea, sunflower, foxtail millet, pearl millet, horsegram, cluster bean, toria and basmati rice were adopted by farmers at different locations. About 3000 demonstrations of short duration and stress tolerant cultivars and resilient intercropping systems in place of sole crops contributed to stabilizing productivity in vulnerable districts. Demonstration of location specific fodder production and its storage by silage making addressed fodder needs during the lean season in deficit rainfall districts in Maharashtra,Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. In districts affected by extreme events (hudhud cyclone), timely advisories to minimize further damage were issued and demonstrated to farmers in NICRA villages. Soil moisture deficit induced blossom end rot was successfully corrected by application of deficient nutrient. Zero till sown wheat in rice residue in Punjab and Haryana suffered less damage due to lodging and water logging at the time of maturity during unseasonal rains experienced in March, 2015 compared to conventionally sown wheat.Village Level Climate Risk Management Committees (VCRMC) managed Custom Hiring Centers for farm implements and generated a revenue of Rs 8 lakhs. Work on evolving a framework for climate resilient villages (CRVs) and quantifying resilience was initiated during the year. Capacity development program for scientists from all participating KVKs was undertaken. About 36 KVKs were monitored by Zonal Monitoring Committees to suggest improvements in technology demonstrations. About 722 courses in different thematic areas of climate resilience were taken up for awareness and capacity building of participating farmers. Video documentation to capture the climate resilient interventions in action was initiated for widespread dissemination of project achievements. Performing KVKs in each Zone and farmers in all the NICRA villages were recognized and awarded. Village level carbon balance studies were completed for Gujarat and Rajasthan. An orientation workshop was organized for 21 new KVKs joining the Technology Demonstration Component in the XII Plan. An ICAR-DAC interface workshop on NICRANMSA was organized in which 27 proven climate resilient practices and technologies were identified for up-scaling.Not Availabl