56 research outputs found

    Negative Capability from the viewpoint of the Person-Centered Approach : What is happening in non-directive therapists

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    本論文では、"Negative Capability"について、Person-Centered Approachの観点から検討を行った。非指示的なアプローチであるPCAにおいて、セラピストには“曖昧さを保ち続けられること”が必要であると考えられる。この“曖昧さを保ち続けられること”について、近年、精神医療や心理療法の分野で"Negative Capability"という概念が注目されている。本論文では、PCAにおけるThのあり方とNegative Capabilityの共通点と相違点を検討し、非指示的であるThの自己のあり方について考察を行った。そして、非指示的なThはクライアントから受け取った言葉をThのコンフィグレーションと共鳴させ、Th全体としてより大きな体系から言葉を紡ぎ出すという自己一致のあり様を示した。また、Negative Capabilityを発揮するには、Clの実現傾向を信じる必要があるというPCA独自の観点を示唆した。This paper aims to examine \u27negative capability\u27 from the viewpoint of the person-centered approach (PCA). Since PCA is a non-directive approach in nature, PCA therapists need to hold ambiguity. In recent years, the concept of \u27negative capability\u27 has attracted attention in the fields of psychiatry and psychotherapy with regards to its characteristics of \u27holding anxiety\u27. The authors considered similarities and differences between the attitudes of the PCA therapist and negative capability, and discussed the manner of self as non-directive therapists. We then described the state of congruence of a non-directive therapist who resonates the words received from the client into their configurations to create words from the large body of the whole person. Furthermore, we suggested that PCA has a unique perspective of believing in the client\u27s actualizing tendency so that the client can enhance \u27negative capabilities\u27

    Efficient Transient Expression for Functional Analysis in Fruit Using the Tsukuba System Vector

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    Evaluating the function of genes expressed in fruit tissues of fruit tree species using a genetic transformation approach is a long process because the trees are generally recalcitrant to genetic transformation and cannot bear fruit during their long juvenile phases. Transient gene expression in fruit enables the functional analysis of genes associated with fruit traits, which may accelerate the study of fruit physiology. Here, by using the recently developed “Tsukuba system”, we successfully established an efficient transient expression system in harvested fruit tissues. The “Tsukuba system” utilizes a combination of the geminiviral replication system and a double terminator, which ensures sufficient levels of transgene expression. We used blueberry fruit as a model to characterize the applicability of this system for transient expression in fruit tissue. The pTKB3-EGFP vector was introduced by agroinfiltration into the fruit tissues of several blueberry cultivars. We found that transient GFP fluorescence in fruit peaked 4–6 days after agroinfiltration. Agrobacterium suspensions were easily injected into soft, mature fruit, and GFP was strongly expressed; however, hard, immature fruit were not penetrable by Agrobacterium suspensions, and GFP was rarely detected. We then tested the applicability of the developed system to other fruit tree species: six families, 17 species, and 26 cultivars. GFP fluorescence was detected in all species, except for Japanese apricot. In blueberry, bilberry, sweet cherry, apricot, and satsuma mandarin, GFP was highly expressed and observed in a large proportion of the flesh. In kiwifruit, hardy kiwifruits, persimmon, peach, apple, European pear, and grape, GFP fluorescence was limited to certain parts of the fruits. Finally, transient VcMYBA1 overexpression in blueberry was tested as a model for gene functional analysis in fruit. Transient VcMYBA1 overexpression induced red pigmentation in the flesh, suggesting that VcMYBA1 expression caused anthocyanin accumulation. This study provides a technical basis for the rapid evaluation of genes expressed in fruit, which will be useful for gene function evaluation studies in fruit crops with long juvenile phases

    Application of compound-specific 14C dating to IODP Exp.318 U1357A core

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月27日(火) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    A Consideration on the Necessary Capabilities in the Modern Age that Requires Diversity : Possibility of Negative Capability to Adapt to Ambiguous Situations

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    現代は利便性や効率の追求が高い優先度を持つ社会から、多様性が必要とされ、曖昧さを抱える社会へと変化してきている。我々はこのパラダイムシフトに適応していくために必要となる態度や能力としてnegative capability(ネガティブケイパビリティ)に注目する。Negative capabilityは詩人のKeats, J.によって提唱された概念であり、芸術、心理臨床、宗教、教育など様々な領域でその概念が用いられている。本論ではnegative capabilityの概念を概観し、曖昧さや待つという行為との関連を検討した。negative capabilityは曖昧さへの受容や、外見からは判断できないが、葛藤を踏み堪える過程、無私の状態、不確実性との関係の成熟の心的過程が生じている可能性について指摘した。また、多様性と曖昧さを抱える現在の社会にnegative capabilityの概念を拡張させるために、negative capabilityを「事柄や状況に対し、答えの見えなさ、相反する考えや感情、あるいは同時多発的に生じる複数の思考や感情を、有機体的な自己へ貯蔵し熟成させることができる力」と定義した。不安定で不確実、複雑、曖昧な社会で答えのない問いを立て、それを問い続けるためには、negative capabilityを発揮することが重要になると考えられる。今後はnegative capabilityを身に付ける方法の検討や評価スケールの作成が望まれる。Present day societies are moving towards prioritising diversity and ambiguity over convenience and efficiency. The authors point to the importance of \u27negative capabilities\u27 as attitudes and abilities necessary to adapt to this paradigm shift. \u27Negative capability\u27 is a concept proposed by the poet John Keats, and is used in various fields such as art, psychology, religion and education. In this paper, we overviewed the concept of \u27negative capability\u27 and examined its relationship to ambiguity and to the act of \u27waiting\u27. We highlighted the possibility that \u27negative capability\u27 implies the acceptance of ambiguity, the process of tolerating conflict, the state of no-self, and the psychological process of maturation in light of uncertainties. Further, in order to extend the concept of negative capability in today\u27s society with diversity and ambiguity, we defined \u27negative capability\u27 as the ability to store and be mature about various factors by recalling events and situations such as invisible answers, conflicting thoughts/multiple thoughts and feelings that occur at the same time. We concluded that it will be important for individuals to enhance negative capability to be able to raise difficult questions about issues in a society that are volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. In the future, one needs to consider how negative capability can be enhanced as well as the development of a scale to evaluate the degree to which one has negative capabilities

    Functional and expressional analyses of apple FLC-like in relation to dormancy progress and flower bud development.

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    We previously identified the FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC)-like gene, a MADS-box transcription factor gene that belongs to Arabidopsis thaliana L. FLC clade, in apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.), and its expression in dormant flower buds is positively correlated with cumulative cold exposure. To elucidate the role of the MdFLC-like in the dormancy process and flower development, we first characterized the phenotypes of MdFLC-like overexpressing lines with the Arabidopsis Columbia-0 background. The overexpression of MdFLC-like significantly delayed the bolting date and reduced the plant size, but it did not significantly affect the number of rosette leaves or flower organ formation. Thus, MdFLC-like may affect vegetative growth and development rather than flowering when expressed in Arabidopsis, which is not like Arabidopsis FLC that affects development of flowering. We compared seasonal expression patterns of MdFLC-like in low-chill ‘Anna’ and high-chill ‘Fuji’ and ‘Tsugaru’ apples collected from trees grown in a cold winter region in temperate zone and found an earlier upregulation in ‘Anna’ compared with ‘Fuji’ and ‘Tsugaru’. Expression patterns were also compared in relation to developmental changes in the flower primordia during the chilling accumulation period. Overall, MdFLC-like was progressively upregulated during flower primordia differentiation and development in autumn to early winter and reached a maximum expression level at around the same time as the genotype-dependent chilling requirements were fulfilled in high-chill cultivars. Thus, we hypothesize MdFLC-like may be upregulated in response to cold exposure and flower primordia development during the progress of endodormancy. Our study also suggests MdFLC-like may have a growth-inhibiting function during the end of endodormancy and ecodormancy when the temperature is low and unfavorable for rapid bud outgrowth

    Successful Treatment of Staphylococcus schleiferi Infection after Aortic Arch Repair: In Situ Aortic Arch Replacement and Domino Reconstruction of the Debranching Graft using Autologous Iliac Artery

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    A 62-year-old Japanese male presented with graft infection by Staphylococcus schleiferi 50 days after debranching of the left subclavian artery and frozen elephant trunk repair for the entry closure of a Stanford type B aortic dissection. The graft was removed, and the patient was successfully treated using in situ reconstruction of the arch with omental flap coverage, removal of the debranching graft, autologous iliac artery grafting, and longterm antibiotics. Domino reconstruction of the infected debranching graft using autologous external iliac artery and a Dacron graft can thus be a good option in similar cases

    A Study of PLC Signal Influence on VDSL System by Induction between Indoor Power Line and Telecommunication Line

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    Due to the progress of information technology in recent years, power line communication (PLC) can be considered as a solution for configuring an indoor communication system. However, the influence on other systems caused by PLC signal induction has not yet been investigated. This paper presents a study on that influence. The induction voltage to a telecommunication line was analyzed by using an 8-port network. The calculation results nearly agree with the measurements. The investigation using a very high bit rate digital subscriber line (VDSL) modem indicates that the VDSL communication may not be degraded under normal conditions for the system using the experiment.2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC\u2704/Sendai), June 1-4, 2004, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japa

    Nutritional sources of meio- and macrofauna at hydrothermal vents and adjacent areas: Natural-abundance radiocarbon and stable isotope analyses

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nomaki, H., Uejima, Y., Ogawa, N. O., Yamane, M., Watanabe, H. K., Senokuchi, R., Bernhard, J. M., Kitahashi, T., Miyairi, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Ohkouchi, N., & Shimanaga, M. Nutritional sources of meio- and macrofauna at hydrothermal vents and adjacent areas: Natural-abundance radiocarbon and stable isotope analyses. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 622, (2019): 49-65, doi:10.3354/meps13053.Deep-sea hydrothermal vents host unique marine ecosystems that rely on organic matter produced by chemoautotrophic microbes together with phytodetritus. Although meiofauna can be abundant at such vents, the small size of meiofauna limits studies on nutritional sources. Here we investigated dietary sources of meio- and macrofauna at hydrothermal vent fields in the western North Pacific using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C, δ15N) and natural-abundance radiocarbon (Δ14C). Bacterial mats and Paralvinella spp. (polychaetes) collected from hydrothermal vent chimneys were enriched in 13C (up to -10‰) and depleted in 14C (-700 to -580‰). The δ13C and Δ14C values of dirivultid copepods, endemic to hydrothermal vent chimneys, were -11‰ and -661‰, respectively, and were similar to the values in the bacterial mats and Paralvinella spp. but distinct from those of nearby non-vent sediments (δ13C: ~-24‰) and water-column plankton (Δ14C: ~40‰). In contrast, δ13C values of nematodes from vent chimneys were similar to those of non-vent sites (ca. -25‰). Results suggest that dirivultids relied on vent chimney bacterial mats as their nutritional source, whereas vent nematodes did not obtain significant nutrient amounts from the chemolithoautotrophic microbes. The Δ14C values of Neoverruca intermedia (vent barnacle) suggest they gain nutrition from chemoautotrophic microbes, but the source of inorganic carbon was diluted with bottom water much more than those of the Paralvinella habitat, reflecting Neoverruca’s more distant distribution from active venting. The combination of stable and radioisotope analyses on hydrothermal vent organisms provides valuable information on their nutritional sources and, hence, their adaptive ecology to chemosynthesis-based ecosystems.We are grateful to the crews and scientists of the R/V ‘Natsushima’ and the ROV ‘Hyper-Dolphin’ of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) during the NT12-10, NT13-09 and NT14-06 cruises, and the R/V ‘Kaimei’ and the KM-ROV of JAMSTEC during the KM-ROV training cruise. We thank Yuki Iwadate for her help on sample preparations and 2 anonymous reviewers and the editor, who provided helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (Scientific Research C 26440246 to M.S.), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Invitational fellowships for research in Japan, S14032 to J.M.B.), the WHOI Robert W. Morse Chair for Excellence in Oceanography, and The Investment in Science Fund at WHOI