9 research outputs found

    LARANGAN PERKAWINAN DALAM ADAT MASYARAKAT PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM”(Studi Kasus di Desa Kemantren dan Desa Wado, Kecamatan Kedungtuban, Kabupaten Blora)

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    ABSTRACT SITI ZAENATUL MAR‟AH, NIM: 122.121.037“LARANGAN PERKAWINAN DALAM ADAT MASYARAKAT PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM”(Studi Kasus di Desa Kemantren dan Desa Wado, Kecamatan Kedungtuban, Kabupaten Blora) One of the phenomena that occur in Indonesia is the prohibition of marriage in the indigenous communities. Marriage customary society is a marriage performed by a man who is married to a woman (village Kemantren and village Wado), the prohibition of marriage between the village, in the village of Kemantren and village Wado but already there in ancient times is prohibited so that no one may violate regulations that already exist in the ancient times.The steps and methods used to obtain the data in qualitative research is field research. Field research is used to gather information that is done through in-depth interviews to a number of respondents from some number of people, along with field observations to observe firsthand the lives of offenders who violate the prohibition of marriage in the indigenous community and also dekumentasi to know the profile of the village of Kemantren and village Wado. While the approach used is a normative approach-Anthropology. The results obtained from this study is that the factors that cause people still trust the Prohibition of Marriage between village and village Wado Kemantren are factors myths and traditions that are still in trust until now. While the reasons for which they remained dare to ban marriages within the indigenous community because it only considered a myth. based on the perspective of Islamic law ban perkawina in indigenous communities are not in accordance with Islamic law, since the prohibition of marriage in the indigenous communities are not included in those forbidden to marry in accordance with the letter an-Nisa 'verse 22 and 23