155 research outputs found

    Inverse scattering procedures for the reconstruction of one-dimensional permittivity range profile

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    In the present work we have presented a reliable and efficient algorithm for the data inversion, which is based on a fully nonlinear data model in conjunction with an optimization technique. The reconstruction of the permittivity range profile has been tested both on synthetic and real data to validate the electromagnetic code as well as to assess the accuracy and efficiency of the reconstruction procedure. We have studied the resolution of the algorithm and its robustness to the noise, demonstrating the ability of our procedure to be able to recognize the presence of high discontinuities even independently from the discretization fixed by the user. As a part of the ongoing improvement of the presented method, we have addressed the implementation of a new optimization algorithm, namely the particle swarm optimization, which has been customized and enhanced for our purposes. Finally, a detailed description of a fast and efficient procedure to evaluate the green’s function for a multilayered medium has been given. This is the groundwork useful for the next step toward a more reliable and versatile forward solver to be implemented in the inversion procedure

    Having a family doctor is associated with some better patient-reported outcomes of primary care consultations

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    <b>Background</b> Hong Kong (HK) has pluralistic primary care that is provided by a variety of doctors. The aim of our study was to assess patient-reported outcomes of primary care consultations in HK and whether having a family doctor (FD) made any difference.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> We interviewed by telephone 3148 subjects from 5174 contacted households (response rate 60.8%) randomly selected from the general population of HK about the experience of their last primary care consultations in September 2007 and April 2008. We compared the patient-reported outcomes (PRO) and patient-centered process of care in those with a FD, those with other types of regular primary care doctors (ORD) and those without any regular primary care doctor (NRD). PRO included patient enablement, global improvement in health, overall satisfaction, and likelihood of recommending their doctors to family and friends. Patient-centered process of care indicators was explanations about the illness, and address of patient’s concerns.<p></p> <b>Results</b> One thousand one hundred fifty, 746, and 1157 reported to have FD, ORD, and NRD, respectively. Over 80% of those with FD consulted their usual primary care doctors in the last consultation compared with 27% of those with NRD. Compared with subjects having ORD or NRD, subjects with FD reported being more enabled after the consultation and were more likely to recommend their doctors to family and friends. Subjects with FD and ORD were more likely than those having NRD to report a global improvement in health and satisfaction. FD group was more likely than the other two groups to report receiving an explanation on the diagnosis, nature, and expected course of the illness, and having their concerns addressed. Patient enablement was associated with explanation of diagnosis, nature, and expected course of illness, and address of patient’s concerns.<p></p> <b>Conclusion</b> People with a regular FD were more likely to feel being enabled and to experience patient-centered care in consultations

    A Digital Inclusive Society Study - Understanding the Social Impacts of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Usage in China

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    This paper discusses the role of self-efficacy to computer novices through a longitudinal study. The researchers conducted this study by collaborating with three non-government organizations (NGOs) for which funding was received from one government unit and a large local charitable organization. A new model was developed to examine the influence of Internet self-efficacy and outcome expectations on usage intention and perceived user competence. Behavioral modeling training courses were offered to matured adults aged 50 and above in two separate studies over a year. Questionnaires and cognitive knowledge assessments were distributed. In general, the findings in the two studies validated the impacts and antecedents of Internet self-efficacy and outcome expectations on usage intention. Limitations and implications of this study are provided following the sections on research model and hypotheses, design and discussion on findings

    Education in IT Security: A Case Study in Banking Industry

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    The banking industry has been changing incessantlyand facing new combination of risks. Data protection andcorporate security is now one of the major issues in bankingindustry. As the rapid changing on technologies from time totime, the industry should be aware on new technologies in orderto protect information assets and prevent fraud activities. Thispaper begins with literature study of information security issuesand followed by focused-group interviews with five participantswithin the industry and survey analysis of “The global state ofInformation Security survey 2013” which published byPriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC). Trends and questions werediscussed as well as possible solution. The study suggests that ITsecurity education should be made to different level of staffs suchas executives, professional and general staffs. Besides, thebanking industry should increase company-wide securityawareness and the importance of corporate security which keepthe information and physical assets secure and in a proper way

    Effects of bandwidth limitations on the localized state distribution calculated from transient photoconductivity data

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    The possible effects of experimental bandwidth limitation on the accuracy of the energy distribution of the density of localized states (DOS) calculated from transient photoconductivity data by the Fourier transform method is examined. An argument concerning the size of missing contributions to the numerical Fourier integrals is developed. It is shown that the degree of distortion is not necessarily large even for relatively small experimental bandwidths. The density of states calculated from transient photodecay measurements in amorphous arsenic triselenide is validated by comparing with modulated photocurrent data. It is pointed out that DOS distributions calculated from transient photoconductivity data at a high photoexcitation density are valid under certain conditions. This argument is used to probe the conduction band tail in undoped a-Si:H to energies shallower than 0.1 eV below the mobility edge. It is concluded that there is a deviation in the DOS from exponential at about 0.15 eV below the mobility edge

    The combined role of MRI prostate and prostate health index in improving detection of significant prostate cancer in a screening population of Chinese men

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    Using prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for prostate cancer (PCa) screening led to overinvestigation and overdiagnosis of indolent PCa. We aimed to investigate the value of prostate health index (PHI) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prostate in an Asian PCa screening program. Men aged 50-75 years were prospectively recruited from a community-based PSA screening program. Men with PSA 4.0-10.0 ng ml -1 had PHI result analyzed. MRI prostate was offered to men with PSA 4.0-50.0 ng ml -1. A systematic prostate biopsy was offered to men with PSA 4.0-9.9 ng ml -1 and PHI ≥35, or PSA 10.0-50.0 ng ml -1. Additional targeted prostate biopsy was offered if they had PI-RADS score ≥3. Clinically significant PCa (csPCa) was defined as the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) grade group (GG) ≥2 or ISUP GG 1 with involvement of ≥30% of total systematic cores. In total, 12.8% (196/1536) men had PSA ≥4.0 ng ml -1. Among 194 men with PSA 4.0-50.0 ng ml -1, 187 (96.4%) received MRI prostate. Among them, 28.3% (53/187) had PI-RADS ≥3 lesions. Moreover, 7.0% (107/1536) men were indicated for biopsy and 94.4% (101/107) men received biopsy. Among the men received biopsy, PCa, ISUP GG ≥2 PCa, and csPCa was diagnosed in 42 (41.6%), 24 (23.8%), and 34 (33.7%) men, respectively. Compared with PSA/PHI pathway in men with PSA 4.0-50.0 ng ml -1, additional MRI increased diagnoses of PCa, ISUP GG ≥2 PCa, and csPCa by 21.2% (from 33 to 40), 22.2% (from 18 to 22), and 18.5% (from 27 to 32), respectively. The benefit of additional MRI was only observed in PSA 4.0-10.0 ng ml -1, and the number of MRI needed to diagnose one additional ISUP GG ≥2 PCa was 20 in PHI ≥35 and 94 in PHI &lt;35. Among them, 45.4% (89/196) men with PSA ≥4.0 ng ml -1 avoided unnecessary biopsy with the use of PHI and MRI. A screening algorithm with PSA, PHI, and MRI could effectively diagnose csPCa while reducing unnecessary biopsies. The benefit of MRI prostate was mainly observed in PSA 4.0-9.9 ng ml -1 and PHI ≥35 group. PHI was an important risk stratification step for PCa screening.</p