8,612 research outputs found

    Photon-assisted electron transmission resonance through a quantum well with spin-orbit coupling

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    Using the effective-mass approximation and Floquet theory, we study the electron transmission over a quantum well in semiconductor heterostructures with Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling and an applied oscillation field. It is demonstrated by the numerical evaluations that Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling eliminates the spin degeneracy and leads to the splitting of asymmetric Fano-type resonance peaks in the conductivity. In turn, the splitting of Fano-type resonance induces the spin- polarization-dependent electron-current. The location and line shape of Fano-type resonance can be controlled by adjusting the oscillation frequency and the amplitude of external field as well. These interesting features may be a very useful basis for devising tunable spin filters.Comment: 10pages,4figure

    Dynamical Properties of Multi-Armed Global Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    Explicit formulas for the rotation frequency and the long-wavenumber diffusion coefficients of global spirals with mm arms in Rayleigh-Benard convection are obtained. Global spirals and parallel rolls share exactly the same Eckhaus, zigzag and skewed-varicose instability boundaries. Global spirals seem not to have a characteristic frequency ωm\omega_m or a typical size RmR_m, but their product ωmRm\omega_m R_m is a constant under given experimental conditions. The ratio Ri/RjR_i/R_j of the radii of any two dislocations (RiR_i, RjR_j) inside a multi-armed spiral is also predicted to be constant. Some of these results have been tested by our numerical work.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E as Rapid Communication

    Physical mechanism of superluminal traversal time: interference between multiple finite wave packets

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    The mechanism of superluminal traversal time through a potential well or potential barrier is investigated from the viewpoint of interference between multiple finite wave packets, due to the multiple reflections inside the well or barrier. In the case of potential-well traveling that is classically allowed, each of the successively transmitted constituents is delayed by a subluminal time. When the thickness of the well is much smaller in comparision with a characteristic length of the incident wave packet, the reshaped wave packet in transmission maintains the profile of the incident wave packet. In the case of potential-barrier tunneling that is classically forbidden, though each of the successively transmitted constituents is delayed by a time that is independent of the barrier thickness, the interference between multiple transmitted constituents explains the barrier-thickness dependence of the traversal time for thin barriers and its barrier-thickness independence for thick barriers. This manifests the nature of Hartman effect.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Some comments and suggestions are appreciate

    Spin transfer in a ferromagnet-quantum dot and tunnel barrier coupled Aharonov-Bohm ring system with Rashba spin-orbit interactions

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    The spin transfer effect in ferromagnet-quantum dot (insulator)-ferromagnet Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring system with Rashba spin-orbit (SO) interactions is investigated by means of Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function method. It is found that both the magnitude and direction of the spin transfer torque (STT) acting on the right ferromagnet electrode can be effectively controlled by changing the magnetic flux threading the AB ring or the gate voltage on the quantum dot. The STT can be greatly augmented by matching a proper magnetic flux and an SO interaction at a cost of low electrical current. The STT, electrical current, and spin current are uncovered to oscillate with the magnetic flux. The present results are expected to be useful for information storage in nanospintronics.Comment: 17pages, 7figure

    Cavity optomechanical coupling assisted by an atomic gas

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    We theoretically study a cavity filled with atoms, which provides the optical-mechanical interaction between the modified cavity photonic field and a movable mirror at one end. We show that the cavity field ``dresses'' these atoms, producing two types of polaritons, effectively enhancing the radiation pressure of the cavity field upon the end mirror, as well as establishing an additional squeezing mode of the end mirror. This squeezing produces an adiabatic entanglement, which is absent in usual vacuum cavities, between the oscillating mirror and the rest of the system. We analyze the entanglement and quantify it using the Loschmidt echo and fidelity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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