206 research outputs found

    Synaptic Dysfunction in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Associated with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities

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    The discovery of the genetic causes of syndromic autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities has greatly informed our understanding of the molecular pathways critical for normal synaptic function. The top-down approaches using human phenotypes and genetics helped identify causative genes and uncovered the broad spectrum of neuropsychiatric features that can result from various mutations in the same gene. Importantly, the human studies unveiled the exquisite sensitivity of cognitive function to precise levels of many diverse proteins. Bottom-up approaches applying molecular, biochemical, and neurophysiological studies to genetic models of these disorders revealed unsuspected pathogenic mechanisms and identified potential therapeutic targets. Moreover, studies in model organisms showed that symptoms of these devastating disorders can be reversed, which brings hope that affected individuals might benefit from interventions even after symptoms set in. Scientists predict that insights gained from studying these rare syndromic disorders will have an impact on the more common nonsyndromic autism and mild cognitive deficits

    Loss of MeCP2 in Parvalbumin-and Somatostatin-Expressing Neurons in Mice Leads to Distinct Rett Syndrome-like Phenotypes

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    SummaryInhibitory neurons are critical for proper brain function, and their dysfunction is implicated in several disorders, including autism, schizophrenia, and Rett syndrome. These neurons are heterogeneous, and it is unclear which subtypes contribute to specific neurological phenotypes. We deleted Mecp2, the mouse homolog of the gene that causes Rett syndrome, from the two most populous subtypes, parvalbumin-positive (PV+) and somatostatin-positive (SOM+) neurons. Loss of MeCP2 partially impairs the affected neuron, allowing us to assess the function of each subtype without profound disruption ofĀ neuronal circuitry. We found that mice lacking MeCP2 in either PV+ or SOM+ neurons have distinct, non-overlapping neurological features: mice lacking MeCP2 in PV+ neurons developed motor, sensory, memory, and social deficits, whereas those lacking MeCP2 in SOM+ neurons exhibited seizures and stereotypies. Our findings indicate that PV+ and SOM+ neurons contribute complementary aspects of the Rett phenotype and may have modular roles in regulating specific behaviors

    Identification of a novel phosphorylation site in ataxin-1

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    AbstractSpinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease resulting from an expanded CAG repeat in the SCA1 gene that leads to an expanded polyglutamine tract in the gene product. Previous studies have demonstrated that serine at site 776 is phosphorylated [E.S. Emiamian, M.D. Kaytor, L.A. Duvick, T. Zu, S.K. Tousey, H.Y. Zoghbi, H.B. Clark, H.T. Orr, Serine 776 of ataxin-1 is critical for polyglutamine-induced disease in SCA1 transgenic mice, Neuron 38 (2003) 375-387.]. Studies of ataxin-1 S776 and serine mutated to an alanine, A776, have also shown differential proteinā€“protein interactions and reduced neurodegeneration [H.K. Chen, P. Fernandez-Funez, S.F. Acevedo, Y.C. Lam, M.D. Kaytor, M.H. Fernandez, A. Aitken, E.M. Skoulakis, H.T. Orr, J. Botas, H.Y. Zoghbi, Interaction of Akt_phosphorylated ataxin-1 with 14-3-3 mediates neurodegeneration in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1.]. However, mutation of the site serine 776 to an alanine did not abolish all phosphorylation of the protein ataxin-1, suggesting the presence of additional phosphorylation sites [E.S. Emiamian, M.D. Kaytor, L.A. Duvick, T. Zu, S.K. Tousey, H.Y. Zoghbi, H.B. Clark, H.T. Orr, Serine 776 of ataxin-1 is critical for polyglutamine-induced disease in SCA1 transgenic mice, Neuron 38 (2003) 375-387.]. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and mutational analysis demonstrated a novel phosphorylation site at serine 239 of ataxin-1

    Proprioceptor Pathway Development Is Dependent on MATH1

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    AbstractThe proprioceptive system provides continuous positional information on the limbs and body to the thalamus, cortex, pontine nucleus, and cerebellum. We showed previously that the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Math1 is essential for the development of certain components of the proprioceptive pathway, including inner-ear hair cells, cerebellar granule neurons, and the pontine nuclei. Here, we demonstrate that Math1 null embryos lack the D1 interneurons and that these interneurons give rise to a subset of proprioceptor interneurons and the spinocerebellar and cuneocerebellar tracts. We also identify three downstream genes of Math1 (Lh2A, Lh2B, and Barhl1) and establish that Math1 governs the development of multiple components of the proprioceptive pathway

    Math1 Is Essential for the Development of Hindbrain Neurons Critical for Perinatal Breathing

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    SummaryMice lacking the proneural transcription factor Math1 (Atoh1) lack multiple neurons of the proprioceptive and arousal systems and die shortly after birth from an apparent inability to initiate respiration. We sought to determine whether Math1 was necessary for the development of hindbrain nuclei involved in respiratory rhythm generation, such as the parafacial respiratory group/retrotrapezoid nucleus (pFRG/RTN), defects in which are associated with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS). We generated a Math1-GFP fusion allele to trace the development of Math1-expressing pFRG/RTN and paratrigeminal neurons and found that loss of Math1 did indeed disrupt their migration and differentiation. We also identified Math1-dependent neurons and their projections near the pre-Bƶtzinger complex,Ā a structure critical for respiratory rhythmogenesis, and found that glutamatergic modulation reestablished a rhythm in the absence of Math1. This study identifies Math1-dependent neurons that are critical for perinatal breathing that may link proprioception and arousal with respiration

    Atoh1-dependent rhombic lip neurons are required for temporal delay between independent respiratory oscillators in embryonic mice

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    All motor behaviors require precise temporal coordination of different muscle groups. Breathing, for example, involves the sequential activation of numerous muscles hypothesized to be driven by a primary respiratory oscillator, the preBƶtzinger Complex, and at least one other as-yet unidentified rhythmogenic population. We tested the roles of Atoh1-, Phox2b-, and Dbx1-derived neurons (three groups that have known roles in respiration) in the generation and coordination of respiratory output. We found that Dbx1-derived neurons are necessary for all respiratory behaviors, whereas independent but coupled respiratory rhythms persist from at least three different motor pools after eliminating or silencing Phox2b- or Atoh1-expressing hindbrain neurons. Without Atoh1 neurons, however, the motor pools become temporally disorganized and coupling between independent respiratory oscillators decreases. We propose Atoh1 neurons tune the sequential activation of independent oscillators essential for the fine control of different muscles during breathing. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02265.00

    dAtaxin-2 Mediates Expanded Ataxin-1-Induced Neurodegeneration in a Drosophila Model of SCA1

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    Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a genetically heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders sharing atrophy of the cerebellum as a common feature. SCA1 and SCA2 are two ataxias caused by expansion of polyglutamine tracts in Ataxin-1 (ATXN1) and Ataxin-2 (ATXN2), respectively, two proteins that are otherwise unrelated. Here, we use a Drosophila model of SCA1 to unveil molecular mechanisms linking Ataxin-1 with Ataxin-2 during SCA1 pathogenesis. We show that wild-type Drosophila Ataxin-2 (dAtx2) is a major genetic modifier of human expanded Ataxin-1 (Ataxin-1[82Q]) toxicity. Increased dAtx2 levels enhance, and more importantly, decreased dAtx2 levels suppress Ataxin-1[82Q]-induced neurodegeneration, thereby ruling out a pathogenic mechanism by depletion of dAtx2. Although Ataxin-2 is normally cytoplasmic and Ataxin-1 nuclear, we show that both dAtx2 and hAtaxin-2 physically interact with Ataxin-1. Furthermore, we show that expanded Ataxin-1 induces intranuclear accumulation of dAtx2/hAtaxin-2 in both Drosophila and SCA1 postmortem neurons. These observations suggest that nuclear accumulation of Ataxin-2 contributes to expanded Ataxin-1-induced toxicity. We tested this hypothesis engineering dAtx2 transgenes with nuclear localization signal (NLS) and nuclear export signal (NES). We find that NLS-dAtx2, but not NES-dAtx2, mimics the neurodegenerative phenotypes caused by Ataxin-1[82Q], including repression of the proneural factor Senseless. Altogether, these findings reveal a previously unknown functional link between neurodegenerative disorders with common clinical features but different etiology

    Development and utilization of a somatic cell hybrid mapping panel to assign NotI linking probes to the long arm of human chromosome 6

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    A somatic cell hybrid mapping panel that defines seven regions of the long arm and one region of the short arm of human chromosome 6 has been developed. Utilizing this panel, 17 NotI boundary clones from a NotI linking library were regionally assigned to the long arm of chromosome 6. The majority of these clones (11) were found to localize within band regions 6q24-q27. The nonuniform distribution of NotI sites may indicate a cluster of HTF islands and likely represents a coincidence of coding sequences in this region of chromosome 6. Cross-hybridization of these linking clones to DNA from other species (zoo blots) provides further evidence for transcribed sequences in 7 of the NotI clones. These NotI clones were also used to identify corresponding NotI fragments using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, facilitating further physical mapping of this region. Finally, regional assignment of five polymorphic probes to the long arm of chromosome 6 is also presented. These hybrids and probes should facilitate the construction of a physical and genetic linkage map to assist in the identification of disease loci along chromosome 6.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30194/1/0000582.pd
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