683 research outputs found

    Interactions in high-mobility 2D electron and hole systems

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    Electron-electron interactions mediated by impurities are studied in several high-mobility two-dimensional (electron and hole) systems where the parameter kBTτ/k_BT\tau /\hbar changes from 0.1 to 10 (τ\tau is the momentum relaxation time). This range corresponds to the \textit{intermediate} and \textit {ballistic} regimes where only a few impurities are involved in electron-electron interactions. The interaction correction to the Drude conductivity is detected in the temperature dependence of the resistance and in the magnetoresistance in parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields. The effects are analysed in terms of the recent theories of electron interactions developed for the ballistic regime. It is shown that the character of the fluctuation potential (short-range or long-range) is an important factor in the manifestation of electron-electron interactions in high-mobility 2D systems.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures; to appear in proceedings of conference "Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics", Granada, Spain, 6-11 September, 200

    In-plane Magnetoconductivity of Si-MOSFET's: A Quantitative Comparison between Theory and Experiment

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    For densities above n=1.6×1011n=1.6 \times 10^{11} cm2^{-2} in the strongly interacting system of electrons in two-dimensional silicon inversion layers, excellent agreement between experiment and the theory of Zala, Narozhny and Aleiner is obtained for the response of the conductivity to a magnetic field applied parallel to the plane of the electrons. However, the Fermi liquid parameter F0σ(n)F_0^\sigma(n) and the valley splitting ΔV(n)\Delta_V(n) obtained from fits to the magnetoconductivity, although providing qualitatively correct behavior (including sign), do not yield quantitative agreement with the temperature dependence of the conductivity in zero magnetic field. Our results suggest the existence of additional scattering processes not included in the theory in its present form

    Linear in-plane magnetoconductance and spin susceptibility of a 2D electron gas on a vicinal silicon surface

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    In this work we have studied the parallel magnetoresistance of a 2DEG near a vicinal silicon surface. An unusual, linear magnetoconductance is observed in the fields up to B=15B = 15 T, which we explain by the effect of spin olarization on impurity scattering. This linear magnetoresistance shows strong anomalies near the boundaries of the minigap in the electron spectrum of the vicinal system.Comment: (accepted to Phys. Rev. B

    Anomalous state of a 2DEG in vicinal Si MOSFET in high magnetic fields

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    We report the observation of an anomalous state of a 2D electron gas near a vicinal surface of a silicon MOSFET in high magnetic fields. It is characterised by unusual behaviour of the conductivities σxx\sigma_{xx} and σxy\sigma_{xy}, which can be described as a collapse of the Zeeman spin splitting accompanied by a large peak in σxx\sigma_{xx} and an anomalous peak in σxy \sigma_{xy}. It occurs at densities corresponding to the position of the Fermi level above the onset of the superlattice mini-gap inherent to the vicinal system. The range of fields and densities where this effect exists has been determined, and it has been shown that it is suppressed by parallel magnetic fields

    Fermi-liquid behaviour of the low-density 2D hole gas in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure at large values of r_s

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    We examine the validity of the Fermi-liquid description of the dilute 2D hole gas in the crossover from 'metallic'-to-'insulating' behaviour of R(T).It has been established that, at r_s as large as 29, negative magnetoresistance does exist and is well described by weak localisation. The dephasing time extracted from the magnetoresistance is dominated by the T^2 -term due to Landau scattering in the clean limit. The effect of hole-hole interactions, however, is suppressed when compared with the theory for small r_s.Comment: 4 pages ReVTeX, 4 ps figure

    Hole-hole interaction effect in the conductance of the two-dimensional hole gas in the ballistic regime

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    On a high-mobility two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) in a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructure we study the interaction correction to the Drude conductivity in the ballistic regime, k(B)Ttau/(h) over bar >1. It is shown that the "metallic" behavior of the resistivity (drho/dT>0) of the low-density 2DHG is caused by the hole-hole interaction effect in this regime. We find that the temperature dependence of the conductivity and the parallel-field magnetoresistance are in agreement with this description, and determine the Fermi-liquid interaction constant F-0(sigma) which controls the sign of drho/dT

    The metallic resistance of a dilute two-dimensional hole gas in a GaAs quantum well: two-phase separation at finite temperature?

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    We have studied the magnetotransport properties of a high mobility two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) system in a 10nm GaAs quantum well (QW) with densities in range of 0.7-1.6*10^10 cm^-2 on the metallic side of the zero-field 'metal-insulator transition' (MIT). In a parallel field well above B_c that suppresses the metallic conductivity, the 2DHG exhibits a conductivity g(T)~0.3(e^2/h)lnT reminiscent of weak localization. The experiments are consistent with the coexistence of two phases in our system: a metallic phase and a weakly insulating Fermi liquid phase having a percolation threshold close to B_c

    On the Electron-Electron Interactions in Two Dimensions

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    In this paper, we analyze several experiments that address the effects of electron-electron interactions in 2D electron (hole) systems in the regime of low carrier density. The interaction effects result in renormalization of the effective spin susceptibility, effective mass, and g*-factor. We found a good agreement among the data obtained for different 2D electron systems by several experimental teams using different measuring techniques. We conclude that the renormalization is not strongly affected by the material or sample-dependent parameters such as the potential well width, disorder (the carrier mobility), and the bare (band) mass. We demonstrate that the apparent disagreement between the reported results on various 2D electron systems originates mainly from different interpretations of similar "raw" data. Several important issues should be taken into account in the data processing, among them the dependences of the effective mass and spin susceptibility on the in-plane field, and the temperature dependence of the Dingle temperature. The remaining disagreement between the data for various 2D electron systems, on one hand, and the 2D hole system in GaAs, on the other hand, may indicate more complex character of electron-electron interactions in the latter system.Comment: Added refs; corrected typos. 19 pages, 7 figures. To be published in: Chapter 19, Proceedings of the EURESCO conference "Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics ", Granada, 200

    Metallicity and its low temperature behavior in dilute 2D carrier systems

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    We theoretically consider the temperature and density dependent transport properties of semiconductor-based 2D carrier systems within the RPA-Boltzmann transport theory, taking into account realistic screened charged impurity scattering in the semiconductor. We derive a leading behavior in the transport property, which is exact in the strict 2D approximation and provides a zeroth order explanation for the strength of metallicity in various 2D carrier systems. By carefully comparing the calculated full nonlinear temperature dependence of electronic resistivity at low temperatures with the corresponding asymptotic analytic form obtained in the T/TF0T/T_F \to 0 limit, both within the RPA screened charged impurity scattering theory, we critically discuss the applicability of the linear temperature dependent correction to the low temperature resistivity in 2D semiconductor structures. We find quite generally that for charged ionized impurity scattering screened by the electronic dielectric function (within RPA or its suitable generalizations including local field corrections), the resistivity obeys the asymptotic linear form only in the extreme low temperature limit of T/TF0.05T/T_F \le 0.05. We point out the experimental implications of our findings and discuss in the context of the screening theory the relative strengths of metallicity in different 2D systems.Comment: We have substantially revised this paper by adding new materials and figures including a detailed comparison to a recent experimen