35 research outputs found

    «Song heritage of the village Little Bilozerka of Vasylivsky district» as an element of intangible cultural heritage of Zaporizhzhya region

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    In May 2017, a new element was added to the oblast indicative list of elements of the intangible cultural heritage of Zaporizhzhya region – «Song heritage of the village of Mala Bilozerka of Vasylivsky district»

    Method for determining the characteristics of a gas-steam chp with a steam turbo drive of a compressor

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    A new type of maneuverable combined-cycle plant with a steam-turbine drive of a low-pressure compressor is considered. The analysis of its technological processes in the generation of electric and thermal energy in heating and non-heating periods of the year is carried out. It is shown that in heating conditions, the burning of additional fuel in the afterburner between the stages of the evaporator of the utilizer boiler provides an increase in its steam production, maneuverability, thermal and electric power of the CCGT-CHP plant. The influence of the chemical composition and thermophysical properties of natural gas on obtaining the required excess air in the combustion chamber of a combined cycle gas turbine is considered. A mathematical model of technological processes is developed. The influence of deep utilization of the heat of the flue gases of the utilizer boiler on increasing the efficiency and improving the environmental characteristics of the gas-steam plant of a thermal power plant was recorded. © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of biotransformation capacity of transplastomic plants and hairy roots of Nicotiana tabacum expressing human cytochrome P450 2D6

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    Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs) are important tools for regio- and stereoselective oxidation of target molecules or engineering of metabolic pathways. Functional heterologous expression of eukaryotic CYPs is often problematic due to their dependency on the specific redox partner and the necessity of correct association with the membranes for displaying enzymatic activity. Plant hosts offer advantages of accessibility of reducing partners and a choice of membranes to insert heterologous CYPs. For the evaluation of plant systems for efficient CYP expression, we established transplastomic plants and hairy root cultures of Nicotiana tabacum carrying the gene encoding human CYP2D6 with broad substrate specificity. The levels of CYP2D6 transcript accumulation and enzymatic activity were estimated and compared with the data of CYP2D6 transient expression in N. benthamiana. The relative level of CYP2D6 transcripts in transplastomic plants was 2-3 orders of magnitude higher of that observed after constitutive or transient expression from the nucleus. CYP2D6 expressed in chloroplasts converted exogenous synthetic substrate loratadine without the need for co-expression of the cognate CYP reductase. The loratadine conversion rate in transplastomic plants was comparable to that in N. benthamiana plants transiently expressing a chloroplast targeted CYP2D6 from the nucleus, but was lower than the value reported for transiently expressed CYP2D6 with the native endoplasmic reticulum signal-anchor sequence. Hairy roots showed the lowest substrate conversion rate, but demonstrated the ability to release the product into the culture medium. The obtained results illustrate the potential of plant-based expression systems for exploiting the enzymatic activities of eukaryotic CYPs with broad substrate specificities

    Influence of ratio of silicon complex and coagulant on silicon dioxide physicochemical characteristics

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    It is known that the physicochemical characteristics of amorphous SiO2 are influenced by the raw material, process temperature, pH of the reaction medium, the ratio of reagents, the addition of coagulant, and modes of washing and drying. Previously, a waste-free technology for the production of biogenic silicon dioxide was described. However, there was a question of the ability to control the grain size of the final product. Therefore, the aim of our work was to study the effect of the ratio of mass concentrations of silicon-containing solution and coagulant (5:100; 5:500; 5:1000) on the physicochemical properties of the final product. The obtained samples of silicon dioxide were studied by various physicochemical methods. XRD pattern of the obtained silica showed that the 2-theta region between 5° and 80° at long collection times indicates no crystalline peaks. The FT-IR spectrum of the whole silica samples shows typical functional groups corresponding to pure silicon dioxide at 1074, 982, 800, and 457 cm?1. There are two distinct mass loss steps in thermograms (TGA). It was established that obtained samples had a specific surface area of 86.8, 318.3, and 310.2 m2/g and pore size of 3.3, 13.8, and 9.2 nm depending on coagulant concentration (100, 500, and 1000), respectively. The atomic force microscope method established that the 3D image clearly shows the pointed vertices of SiO2 tetrahedral for the whole gels and some powders depending on the ratio of silicon-containing solution and coagulant (5:100; 5:500; 5:1000). © 2023, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology

    Creation of glyphosate-resistant Brassica napus L. plants expressing DesC desaturase of cyanobacterium Synechococcus vulcanus

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    Aim. Creation of glyphosate-resistant canola plants expressing bifunctional hybrid desC::licBM3 gene. In the hybrid gene the sequence of DesC desaturase of cyanobacterium S. vulcanus without plastid targeting was fused with the sequence of thermostable lichenase reporter LicBM3 gene. Methods. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, PCR, quantitative and qualitative determination of lichenase activity, genetic analysis. Results. Transgenic canola plants, carring the enolpyruvat shikimat phosphate syntase gene (epsps), conferring on plants resistance to phosphonomethyl glycine herbicides (Roundup), as well as the desC::licBM3 gene, were selected. The presence of transgenes was confimed by multiplex PCR. The epsps gene expression in canola was shown at the transcription level, during in vitro growth and after greenhouse herbicide treatment. Activity of the licBM3 gene product as a part of hybrid protein allowed quantitative and qualitative estimation of the desaturase gene expression. Inheritance of heterologous genes and their expression in the first generation were investigated. Conclusions. Transgenic canola plants were obtained, the presence of trangenes in plant genome was proved and expression of the target genes was detected

    Risk Management System in Banks: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects

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    Монографія підготовлена за результатами проведеного комплексного дослідження щодо розвитку теоретико-методологічних положень системи ризик-менеджменту в банках. У монографії визначено економічну сутність, функції та завдання системи ризик-менеджменту в банках на сучасному етапі розвитку банківського бізнесу. Охарактеризовано міжнародні стандарти організації ризик-менеджменту. Визначено сучасні підходи до управління банківськими ризиками на засадах забезпечення сталого розвитку. Проаналізовано нові види банківських ризиків, існування яких пов’язані з дестабілізаційними процесами на фінансовому ринку та визначено основні напрями удосконалення системи ризик-менеджменту в банках України. Розраховано на працівників банківських та фінансових установ, науковців, аспірантів, студентів вищих навчальних закладів та всіх, кого цікавлять проблеми розвитку банків, методи та інструменти, які вони використовують для запобігання та нівелювання ризиків, пов’язаних з їх професійною діяльністю.Монография подготовлена по результатам проведенного комплексного исследования по развитию теоретико-методологических положений системы риск-менеджмента в банках. В монографии определена экономическая сущность, функции и задачи системы риск-менеджмента в банках на современном этапе развития банковского бизнеса. Охарактеризованы международные стандарты организации риск-менеджмента. Определены современные подходы к управлению банковскими рисками на основе обеспечения устойчивого развития. Проанализированы новые виды банковских рисков, существование которых связаны с дестабилизирующим процессами на финансовом рынке и определены основные направления совершенствования системы риск-менеджмента в банках Украины. Рассчитан на работников банковских и финансовых учреждений, научных работников, аспирантов, студентов высших учебных заведений и всех, кого интересуют проблемы развития банков, методы и инструменты, которые они используют для предупреждения и нивелирования рисков, связанных с их профессиональной деятельностью